
1. Why can't Jenny go with Don?
[     ]
A. She has to talk with Professor Smith.
B. She has to finish a paper.
C. She has to take a math test.
2. What does Don want to do for Jenny?
[     ]
A. Teach her how to write a paper.
B. Help her with her math.
C. Go to the library with her.
3. According to the conversation, what kind of weather is usual for May?
[     ]
A. Cold.
B. Very hot
C. Cooler than the weather on that day.
4. Where does this conversation take place?
[     ]
A. Beijing
B. The northeast
C.Neither Beijing nor the northeast.
5. When do lessons start every morning?
[     ]
A. 9:30.
B. 10:00.
C. 12:30.
6. How soon will they take their exam?
[     ]
A. In two days.
B. In two weeks.
C. In three weeks.
7. What was wrong with the Spanish student?
[     ]
A. He was badly hurt in a car accident.
B. He was hurt a little in an accident.
C. He left school.
1-5: B B C A A     6-7: B B
A. A teacher.
B. A student.
C. A bookseller.
7. When will they use the computers?
[     ]
A. On Tuesdays.
B. On Wednesdays.
C. On Thursdays.