
     Xiao Bao performed on Asia Uncut, one of Asia's largest English-language talk shows, in
Shanghai on January 28, 2010.
     Xiao Bao was born prematurely (早产) and weighed just a little more than 1 kg at birth.
Doctors suggested that his mom should play music for him and encourage him to do more exercise.
When Xiao Bao was about one year old, his mom found he liked moving his body to music, even
to the songs of mobile phones. When Xiao Bao was two years old, his mom took him to the Baby
, a TV program in Hebei Province where they lived. Xiao Bao performed quite well. The
choreographer (舞蹈教练) advised his mom to take him to take dancing courses (课程). So,
the mom quit her job and took Xiao Bao to a dancing class in Beijing. Xiao Bao learned street
dance there. He later took part in the program "6+1" on July 19, 2009 and became a star.
     "I took him to the dancing school and shows," his mom said. "When you see him dancing, you
will find how happy he is.
     "But Xiao Bao's mom knows that he now isn't living a normal life as a child. "Every day, there
are many adults telling him how smart he is. He has no friends of his own age." She is taking Xiao
Bao to a kindergarten (幼儿园) soon and the dancing courses will go on, because they make him
really happy.
1. When did Xiao Bao begin to show his interest in music?       
A. When he was born.            
B. When he was one year old.      
C. When he was two years old.    
D. When he was four years old. 
2. Where does Xiao Bao come from? 
A. Shanghai.      
B. Beijing.        
C. Hebei.        
D. Tianjin.
3. What does the underlined word "quit" mean in English?  
A. looked for      
B. depended on    
C. picked up    
D. gave up
4. Xiao Bao's mom is sending him to a kindergarten to _____.     
A. learn street dance            
B. show off his shows to other kids
C. make him have a normal life as a child
D. stop him from communicating with adults  
5. What can we learn from this passage? 
A. Xiao Bao has a great interest in dancing.      
B. Xiao Bao's mom will stop his dancing courses.
C. Xiao Bao started to learn dancing at the age of one.      
D. Xiao Bao became famous after performing on Asia Uncut.
     What is your favorite cartoon? It may be difficult for you to decide. But for the pianist Lang Lang,
Tom and Jerry                       .
     When Lang was two years old, he saw Tom playing the piano. This was his first time to enjoy
Western music and this experience encouraged him to learn to play the piano. His talent for music has
taken him from Shenyang to the world.
     Lang became a good piano student at the age of three. Ever since, the boy has been doing better and
better. In 1997, the 15-year-old boy studied at a famous American music college.
     Lang's performances are energetic. He is wellknown for making facial (面部的) expressions and
moving around while playing the piano. The road to success has never been easy. Lang's father stopped
his job to look after him, while his mother stayed in Shenyang to make money. But Lang thinks himself
lucky and believes he should give something back. He has helped the children in poor areas a lot.
1. 从文中找出与下句意义相近的句子。
    When Lang was three years old, he became a good piano student.
2. 根据上下文,将第一段最后一句补充完整。
    But for pianist Lang Lang, Tom and Jerry                                                                     .
3. 将文中画线句子翻译成汉语。
4. 根据短文内容,回答下面问题。
    How does Lang Lang feel about his success?
5. 根据短文内容,给其拟制一个标题。
     Have you ever heard of a girl of 15, who set up a company of her own? Wendy Wong is the girl. She
started the business two years ago. She has already    1    several successful computer games. They are
so    2    that over half a million games are sold every year. Now all of her family work in her business,
and she is    3    at school.
     She gets up early in the morning, and then talks with her family about the    4    over breakfast. Every
day during weekdays, she goes to school in her own car with a    5  , for she is not old enough.
     She enjoys her school, but some of the work is too easy for her to feel    6   . She usually gets "A"
grades in all her    7   . So the other students often ask her for    8   . She finished her homework in half
an hour after her driver takes her home. After dinner, she goes to her office and    9    working on her
computer writing games until 2 a.m.
     She does not usually need so much   10     as other children.
(     )1. A. worked  
(     )2. A. afraid  
(     )3. A. still  
(     )4. A. lessons
(     )5. A. doctor  
(     )6. A. interested
(     )7. A. subjects
(     )8. A. money  
(     )9. A. goes on
(     )10. A. food  
B. played      
B. popula      
B. hardly      
B. friends    
B. teacher    
B. interesting
B. family    
B. help      
B. finds out  
B. sleep      
C. written    
C. expensive  
C. often      
C. exams      
C. driver    
C. uninterested
C. friends    
C. grades    
C. stops      
C. fruit      
D. bought        
D. surprised    
D. sometimes    
D. business      
D. visitor      
D. uninteresting
D. home          
D. results      
D. hurries      
D. pleasure      
Unusual girl
     Have you ever heard of a girl of 15, who has set up a company (公司) of her own? Wendy Wong is
the girl. She started the business two years ago. She has already _1_ several successful (成功的)
computer games. They are so _2_ that over half a million games are sold every year. Now all of her
family work in her business, and she is _3_ at school.
     She gets up early in the morning, and then has a talk with her family about the _4_ over breakfast.
Every day during weekdays, she goes to school in her own car with a _5_, for she is not old enough.
     She enjoys her school, but some of the work is too easy for her to feel _6_. She usually gets "A"
grades in all her _7_, so the other students often ask her for _8_.
     She finishes her homework in half an hour after her driver takes her home. After dinner, she goes to
her office and _9_ working on her computer, writing games until 2 a.m.. She does not usually need so
much _10_ as other children.
(     )1. A. worked    
(     )2. A. afraid    
(     )3. A. still      
(     )4. A. lessons    
(     )5. A. doctor    
(     )6. A. interested
(     )7. A. games      
(     )8. A. money      
(     )9. A. goes on    
(     )10. A. food      
B. played      
B. popular      
B. hardly      
B. friends      
B. teacher      
B. interesting  
B. businesses  
B. help        
B. finds out    
B. sleep        
C. written      
C. expensive    
C. often        
C. exams        
C. driver        
C. uninterested  
C. friends      
C. grades        
C. stops        
C. fruit        
D. bought        
D. surprised    
D. sometimes    
D. business      
D. visitor      
D. uninteresting
D. subjects      
D. results      
D. hurries      
D. pleasure      
     A 16-YEAR-OLD is usually a high school student. However, Zhang Xinyang, 16, has just entered
 Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (北京航空航天大学) as the youngest PhD (博士生)
  student in China.
     Zhang is from Liaoning. His father found his son had a better memory than other children when Zhang
  was only 3. The little boy remembered more than 1,000 Chinese characters (汉字) in just three months.
     Many students consider studying to be boring and hard, but Zhang enjoys it. His favorite subject is
 math. It's also what he does best.
     When Zhang was 10, he became the youngest college student in China after joining Tianjin Engineering
  College. In less than three years, Zhang finished all four years of schoolwork and his final thesis (毕业论
 文). At 12, Zhang passed the exam for a master's course at the Beijing University of Technology (北京工
     At the time, people said that Zhang must have spent all his time studying and never got a chance to play.
  But Zhang has many interests besides his studies.? He loves almost all kinds of sports, especially soccer
 and basketball.
     Although Zhang is a star student, professor Zhou Meng, his doctoral supervisor (博士生导师), will not
  treat him any differently. "He has a strong learning ability, but I'll ask him to do everything other students
     When he talks about the future, Zhang says he wants to enter a post-doctoral (博士后的) research
 station. "I hope to do some great things in math," he said.
     注解:  experience 经历     undergraduate student 本科生 
               graduate student 研究生     doctoral student 博士生 
1. What does Zhang Xinyang think about studying?
    A. It's boring.    
    B. It's hard.  
    C. It's enjoyable.    
    D. It's tiring.
2. Which of the following about Zhang Xinyang is NOT true?
    A. He could remember things quickly when he was a little boy.
    B. He is good at studying and his favorite subject is math.
    C. He spent all his time studying before going to college.
    D. He has many interests, like soccer and basketball
3. The correct order of the following events is _____.
a. Zhang remembered 1,000 Chinese characters in just three months.
b. Zhang entered Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
c. Zhang passed the exam for a master's course.
d. Zhang became the youngest college student in China.
    A. bacd      
    B. abcd      
    C. adcb      
    D. adbc
4. The passage is mainly about _____.
    A. what Zhang likes to do in his free time
    B. Zhang's experiences growing up
    C. why Zhang became the youngest PhD student
    D. what Zhang wants to do in the future

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