
Unusual girl
     Have you ever heard of a girl of 15, who has set up a company (公司) of her own? Wendy Wong is
the girl. She started the business two years ago. She has already _1_ several successful (成功的)
computer games. They are so _2_ that over half a million games are sold every year. Now all of her
family work in her business, and she is _3_ at school.
     She gets up early in the morning, and then has a talk with her family about the _4_ over breakfast.
Every day during weekdays, she goes to school in her own car with a _5_, for she is not old enough.
     She enjoys her school, but some of the work is too easy for her to feel _6_. She usually gets "A"
grades in all her _7_, so the other students often ask her for _8_.
     She finishes her homework in half an hour after her driver takes her home. After dinner, she goes to
her office and _9_ working on her computer, writing games until 2 a.m.. She does not usually need so
much _10_ as other children.
(     )1. A. worked    
(     )2. A. afraid    
(     )3. A. still      
(     )4. A. lessons    
(     )5. A. doctor    
(     )6. A. interested
(     )7. A. games      
(     )8. A. money      
(     )9. A. goes on    
(     )10. A. food      
B. played      
B. popular      
B. hardly      
B. friends      
B. teacher      
B. interesting  
B. businesses  
B. help        
B. finds out    
B. sleep        
C. written      
C. expensive    
C. often        
C. exams        
C. driver        
C. uninterested  
C. friends      
C. grades        
C. stops        
C. fruit        
D. bought        
D. surprised    
D. sometimes    
D. business      
D. visitor      
D. uninteresting
D. subjects      
D. results      
D. hurries      
D. pleasure      
1-5 CBADC   6-10 ADBAB


Ann: Hey, Rose! Let’s  1   a movie.

Rose: Hm, I don’t know…

Ann: Well… let’s go to see The Edge. It’s  2   thriller.

Rose: Un, well, I  3   like thrillers. I don’t want to go, but  4   .

Ann: Ok. Where’s James?  5   he want to go?

Rose: I don’t  6   .

Ann: Hi, James.  7   you want to go to a movie? It’s The Edge.

James: Is  8   a comedy? I like comedies  9   action movies.

Ann:  10   , it’s thriller.

James: No, thank you. Let’s go to an action movie.

1.A. go to              B. go on       C. to go to      D. to go

2.A. a                  B. an          C. the           D. to go

3.A. not                B. don’t      C. doesn’t      D. am not

4.A. thanks             B. thanks you  C. thank your    D. thank

5.A. Is                 B. Are         C. Does          D. Those

6.A. no                 B. not         C. now           D. know

7.A. Is                 B. Are         C. Do            D. Does

8.A. it                 B. its         C. it’s         D. it is

9.A. but                B. or          C. and           D. for

10.A. Not               B. Doesn’t    C. No            D. Don’t


     The population problem may be the     1    , one of the world today.  The world'spopulation    2  
growing    3   .  Two   34  years ago, there were only 250 million people   5   the earth. Four hundred
years ago,    6    number was     7   500 million.  But at the beginning of the     8    century, the world's
population was about 1,700 million.  In 1970, this number was 3,600 million.  In 1990, the number was
five billion.  A   9   report says   10   the world population will   11   six billion by the end of the 20th
century.  This is just ten    12   after it   13   five billion.  People say that   14   the year 2011,   15   may
be seven billion.
(     )1. A. great            
(     )2. A. is              
(     )3. A. faster and faster
(     )4. A. thousand        
(     )5. A. in              
(     )6. A.a                
(     )7. A. nearly          
(     )8. A. twenty          
(     )9. A. USA              
(     )10. A. what            
(     )11. A. pass            
(     )12. A. weeks            
(     )13. A. get              
(     )14. A. .by              
(     )15. A. this            
B.  greater    
B. are        
B.  fast and fast
B.  thousands  
B. an          
B.  twelve    
B. UN          
B. it          
C.  greatest            
C. be                  
C.  fastest and fastes  
C.  thousand of        
C.   at                
C. the                  
C.  twentieth          
C. PRC                                           
C. one                  
     The population problem may be the __1__ one of the world today. The world's population is growing
 __2__ . Two thousand years ago, there were only 250 million people __3__ the earth. Four hundred
 years ago, the number was __4__ 500 million. But at the beginning of the __5__ century, the world's
 population was about l, 700 million.  In 1970, this number was 3,600 million. In 1990, the number was
 five billion. A __6__ report says that the world population will __7__ six billion by the end of the 20th
 century. This is just ten __8__ after it __9__ five billion. People say that by the year 2010, __10__ may
 be seven billion.
(    ) 1.  A. great                
(    ) 2.  A. faster and faster    
(    ) 3.  A. in                    
(    ) 4.  A. hardly                
(    ) 5.  A. twenty                
(    ) 6.  A. USA                  
(    ) 7.  A. past                  
(    ) 8.  A. weeks                
(    ) 9.  A. get                  
(    ) 10. A. this                  
   B. greater          
   B. fast and falt    
   B. on              
   B. more            
   B. twelve          
   B. UN              
   B. pass            
   B. months          
   B. gets            
   B. its              
C. greatest            
C. fastest and fastest
C. at                  
C. almost              
C. twentieth          
C. PRC                
C. passed              
C. seasons            
C. reached            
C. one                
D. greating            
D. faster and fast    
D. for                
D. over                
D. twelfth            
D. PLA                
D. passes              
D. years              
D. reach              
D. it                  

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