
2020年1月24日是中国的传统节日——春节,但受新型冠状病毒肺炎的影响,今年全国上下都笼罩在疫情的阴影下,过着一个非比寻常的春节,请以“An Unexpected Spring Festival”为题,记录你度过的这个特殊春节。

提示词汇:novel coronavirus pneumonia新型冠状病毒肺炎 outbreak爆发 medical observation at home居家医学观察 mask口罩

要求:1. 语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁,词数不少于60个;

2. 文中不得使用你的真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计;

3. 书面表达必须写在答题卡上,如在本卷上作答,一律不得分。

An Unexpected Spring Festival



I was inspired by a video of a young Pakistani man. He celebrated his 22nd birthday with 22 random acts of kindness. I mentioned to my daughter Tamara that I'd like to copy the young man's idea for my upcoming 55th birthday in December. She agreed and so we decided to make it happen the next day.

We wore clumsy reindeer antlers (鹿角) to make people smile, placed cheerful stickers on the shirts of children, cleaned up a park, and passed out delicious Mexican hot chocolate to those in the park-many of whom appeared homeless.

At the end of the day, we passed out carnation flowers (康乃馨) in a retirement home after their dinner. At first, I found myself questioning my motivation and how it would be received. It turned out that the local Unity Church had a large group there at the same time singing to the people living in the home.

At first, I was surprised how almost every man enjoyed receiving a flower, not only from Tamara, but also from such an old man as me. Then, I found myself giving the women longer caring hugs. One commented that she had not been hugged like that for years. Then my heart was permanently touched when another woman told me that she had not been hugged like that by a man for five decades!

I didn't count the number of kind acts we did that day, and neither do I count that birthday as one of the good ones. Without doubt, I KNOW it was my best!

1.How did the author decide to celebrate his birthday?

A.To go abroad for sightseeing.

B.To perform some kind acts for others.

C.To make some chocolate himself.

D.To record a piece of video about his life.

2.What's the author's concern at the retirement home?

A.The old females there wouldn't like carnation flowers.

B.His daughter wouldn't be willing to hug the old men there.

C.People there might feel tired after the church singing.

D.People there might reject the kindness from him and Tamara.

3.Which of the following can best describe the author?

A.Caring and thoughtful. B.Curious and generous.

C.Modest and friendly. D.Polite and careful.

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