
In Britain you may often hear "Drop in any time" or "Come to see me soon", but you can't really do that.  People just say those things to make you feel welcome.  It is better to telephone before visiting someone at home.  If you receive a written invitation to an event that says "RSVP", you should reply to let the person who sent the invitation know whether or not you plan to go.
You should never accept an invitation unless you really plan to go.  You may refuse by saying "Thank you for inviting me, but I will not be able to come. " If, after accepting, you are unable to go, be sure to tell those who are expecting you as soon as possible that you will not be there.  Although it is not necessarily expected that you give a gift to your host, it is considered polite to do so, especially if you have been invited for a meal.  Flowers, chocolate, or a small gift are all appropriate.  A thank-you note or telephone call after the visit is also considered polite and is an appropriate way to express your appreciation for the invitation.
小题1:What can you do when a British friend says " Drop in any time”?
A. Visit him or her at any time.
B. Say no time to him or her seriously.
C. Telephone him or her before visiting.
D. Visit him or her soon.
小题2:What does the word "RSVP" probably mean in Chinese ?
小题3:What should you do if your British friend sends you an invitation but you do not want to go ?
A. Do not give him or her answer.
B. Tell another friend to go instead of you.
C. Tell him or her that you can't be there for some reason.
D. Tell him or her that you don't want to go there.
小题4:Which of the following is considered impolite in Britain?
A. Buy small presents when invited.
B. Refuse the invitation without telling anyone.
C. Write a thank-you note after a visit.
D. Give a telephone call after a visit.
小题5:Where would you probably see this passage?
A. In an invitation.B. In a guidebook.
C. On a poster.D. In a newspaper.


小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“In Britain you may often hear "Drop in any time" or "Come to see me soon", but you can't really do that.  People just say those things to make you feel welcome.  It is better to telephone before visiting someone at home.”理解可知。
小题2:词义理解推断题,根据文中语句“you should reply to let the person who sent the invitation know whether or not you plan to go.”理解可知。
小题3:细节理解题,根据文中语句“be sure to tell those who are expecting you as soon as possible that you will not be there.”理解可知。
小题4:细节理解题,根据文中语句“be sure to tell those who are expecting you as soon as possible that you will not be there.”理解可知。
Classes resumed (恢复) Thursday for the students of a school in Newtown, Conn, where a gunman last month killed 20 children and 6 adults in the second-largest school shooting in U.S. history.
With their school still being treated as a crime scene, more than 400 students of Sandy Hook Primary School attended classes in neighbouring Monroe.
Returning students, teachers and administrators were met by a large police presence outside their new school. Several officers guarded the entrance and checked IDs of parents dropping off children.
Law-enforcement officers guarding the new school called it “the safest school in America.”
Students found the same chairs and desks, when possible. Their classroom walls were painted the same colours and hung with the same pictures. Other details, such as the location of bookshelves and cubby holes, were replicated (复制) as much as possible.
The school district said parents who wanted to be close to their children were welcome to visit and stay in classrooms or an auditorium.
Newtown superintendent Janet Robinson said officials would do their best to make the students feel at ease.
“We will be doing a normal day.” She said.
小题1:The students of Sandy Hook Elementary School resumed classes in a new school in Monroe because       .
A.their school fell down because of a natural disaster
B.the government needs to use the land of their school
C.their school is too small to hold more than 400 students
D.a shooting crime happened in their school and it was still treated as a crime scene
小题2:Why do the law-enforcement officers call the new school “the safest school in America?
A. There are few policemen outside the new school.
B. The school has the newest classrooms and buildings.
C. Any adult who is near the new school needn’t be checked his ID.
D. There are some officers who guarded the entrance of the new school.
小题3:A lot of things in the new school were replicated as much as possible except       .
A.chairs and desks
B.classroom walls
C.the location of the fans and air conditioners
D.the location of bookshelves and cubby holes
小题4:“… to make the students feel at ease.” The phrase “feel at ease” most likely means       .
A.feel at homeB.feel fresh and curious
C.feel happy and luckyD.feel safe and relaxed
小题5:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.The students have resumed classes in a new school.
B.A shooting crime happened in an American primary school.
C.The officials will do their best to make the students feel at ease.
D.The school children’s parents are not allowed to stay with their children in school.

Can plants eat people? Probably not, but there are many plants that eat meat. Some of them are big, and they can eat small animals. One famous meat-eating plant is the Venus flytrap(捕蝇草).
The Venus flytrap is a very strange plant. It grows in dry parts of the United States. Its leaves are like the pages of a book. They can open and close very quickly. Inside the leaves, there are three small hairs. If a fly(苍蝇) touches one of the hairs, the leaf closes quickly. The fly cannot get out. In about half an hour, the leaf presses the fly until it is dead. Then, the plant covers the fly. Slowly, the plant eats the fly.
Why do plants do it? Most plants get what they need from the sun, the air and the ground. In some places, the ground is very poor. It doesn’t have all these important things, especially nitrogen(氮). Animal meat has a lot of nitrogen, so some plants eat meat to get what they need. Let’s hope that some of the bigger plants don’t get the same idea!
小题1:The Venus flytrap is a kind of      .
小题2:The Venus flytrap grows in      .
A.most parts of the worldB.some parts of Africa
C.dry parts of the United States D.wet parts of England
小题3:From the passage, we learn that     .
A.all plants can eat peopleB.all plants can eat animals
C.some plants can eat peopleD.many plants can eat animals
小题4:The underlined word “presses” probably means       in Chinese.
小题5:Why do some plants eat animal meat? Because     .
A.plants are dangerous to animals
B.animals are dangerous to plants
C.plants want to get what they need from animal meat
D.Plants want to protect themselves against animals
Asia is home to more than half of the world's population and three of the four most crowded countries are in Asia. China, India, and Indonesia alone have more than 2.5 billion people.
Until recently, most Asian nations fell behind the western countries in many fields. Government reform(改革), however, has led to important progress in each of these Asian countries. Across the area, education systems have been improved and economies(经济) have been growing. Most Asian countries now have a system of compulsory(义务的) education. Many countries have recently allowed private universities to be built, which was not allowed before. There are more chances for students to go to university now.
However, in Asia, there are still not enough chances for students to get higher education and many people prefer to go abroad for further study. As a result, India, China, South Korea, Japan and other Asian countries send thousands of students to study in the United States and Europe each year.
Part of the people in Asian countries can speak English, and English has become the most important language for business across the area. The percentage(百分比) is the largest in Japan, Singapore, the Philippines, SriLanka and South Korea. Many people in China, India and Malaysia can also speak English. Some countries have made English part of the primary and secondary education program. In some countries, children begin to study English even at the age of 4 or 5.
小题1:The population of Asia is about__________         .
A.2.5 billionB.half of the world's population
C.1.3 billionD.6 billion
小题2:Most Asian countries __________ the western countries in many fields.
A.are better thanB.are more powerful than
C.get greater progress than.D.are not as good as
小题3:In the past, __________ was not allowed in many Asian countries.
A.speaking EnglishB.moving to other countries
C.building private universitiesD.building middle schools
小题4:Why do so many students in Asia go to study in the USA and Europe?
A.Because they are rich.
B.Because there are not enough chances for students to get higher education in Asia.
C.Because they don't want to work hard.
D.Because they can speak English very well.
小题5:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.There're more than 2.5 billion people in China, India and Indonesia.
B.The economies in Asian countries are becoming worse.
C.Education in Asia has had great changes.
D.In some Asian countries, English has become very important for business
We all have our own ways of sharing our life experiences with others.
Photographers use cameras,artists use brushes, musicians use songs and writers use stories.
Spencer Johnson's story Who Moved My Cheese? shows changes exist in(存在于)our life.  Life changes and so we do. We must change ourselves to face the changing environment, or we will fail.
Just look at the cycle(循环)of the seasons. Trees bud(发芽)in spring and in summer their leaves turn green. In autumn, their leaves start to fall onto the ground. When winter arrives, there are no leaves on trees. Next spring the cycle begins again. Since we know there are cycles in nature, we can prepare for them. We know it is colder in winter and hotter in summer, so we can dress properly.

Since we accept the cycles of nature,we should also accept the changes in our life.
We can prepare ourselves for changes by becoming more flexible(灵活的). We can regard the changes in our life as chances. As we keep changing ourselves, we can keep up with the changes in our life.
小题1:What do writers use to share their life experiences?
小题2:Who Moved My Cheese? tells us that ______.
A.changes exist in our life
B.we should move other’s things
C.we should use books to share our life experiences
D.there are difficulties in our life
小题3:The cycle of the seasons means ______.
A.we should wear warm clothes in winter
B.we should accept the changes in our life
C.we should prepare for the weather
D.leaves turn yellow in autumn
小题4:If you fail a test, what should you think according to the passage?
A.I have no chance to pass the test.
B.Exams are hard for me.
C.I have bad luck.
D.It's good for me because I know there are more to learn
小题5:What's the main idea of this passage?
A.Weather changes in different seasons.
B. Who Moved My Cheese? is a good book.
C.We should change ourselves when life changes.
D.We should not lose heart when we meet with difficulties.

What’s your favorite English letter ? Many of you may say Q. Why ? Because so many of you chat with your friends on QQ .
What do you like about QQ? What do you talk about ? The CCTV reporter ,Miss Wang interviews three kids . Let’s listen to what they say .
When do you chat on QQ ? What do you talk about ?
Lin Yuhan , Xi’an : On weekends . We talk about homework and chat with each other .
Tang Yuting ,Shanghai : On weekends and when I don’t have much homework .We exchange test answers and chat .
Yang Yuhang , Dalian : Our class goes online together at 4—6pm on weekends , We complain about homework ,chat and talk about computer games .
What do you put on your QQ blog (博客 )?
Lin : I put good articles. I have found online on my blog . I also write articles myself . They are about funny things that have happened in my class .
Tang : I put pictures on my blog . Not my own photos , but pictures from my favorite Japanese cartoons like Tennis Prince and Conan .
Yang: I put DV films on my blog . I shoot  ( 拍摄 )them during sports meetings and school parties .The most popular one is about a dancing teacher .It is so funny that everyone watches it .
How do you like QQ?
Lin : It’s a good place for us to make a record of our lives of both good times and sad times .
Tang : My friends and I may not have time to chat at school .But we can do it on QQ. It’s very helpful to our friendships .
Yang : If you chat with your friends on the telephone ,your parents sometimes listen in on your convercation . There is no such problem with QQ . You can relax and talk freely .
小题1:How many kids are interviewed about QQ?
小题2:What does Yang Yuhang talk about QQ on weekends ?
① homework       ② chat     ③ test answers  ④computer games
小题3:What does Lin Yuhan put on her QQblog ?
A.Some pictures .B.Good articles .
C. DV films .D.Japanese cartoons .
小题4:Which one is TRUE according to this article ?
A.Lin says QQ is very helpful to their friendships .
B.Yang says he can chat freely with many friends and relax on QQ .
C.Tang says QQ is a good space for them to make a record of their lives .
D.Tang says he chats on QQ on weekdays though he has lots of homework .

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