
After college entrance examination, what the students most expect is the acceptance letters. During July 2019, Tsinghua University received much attention since the"3D acceptance letter" was shown on the Internet. The latest acceptance letters are made by teachers and students of Tsinghua University and will be sent to students soon.

In this year, the most special feature of Tsinghua's acceptance letter is a 3D "two school gates". The two school gates are made of more than30 pieces of paper parts and hundreds of splicing structures. In fact, it is a wonderful work of art. When the acceptance letter is opened. 3D's"two school gates"will appear on the paper. With the letter comes a message of hopes which says: "When you go through the two school gates in August, a new world will spread slowly in front of you, and a new life will wait for you to explore and create.

The two school gates" of Tsinghua University is a landmark building of Tsinghua niversity. They were built in 1909 and saw the 100- year histroy of Tsinghua University. Tsinghua said that the 3D "two school gates"on the acceptance letter not only holds weight of history, but also means a new time of youth and future.

Word Bank

entrance examination入学考试 acceptance letter录取通知书

splicing structure拼插结构 explore开发 landmark 地标


1.Who made the 3D acceptance letters?

A.Students and teachers of Tsinghua University. B.The headmaster of Tsinghua University.

C.Workers of Tsinghua University. D.The professors of Tsinghua University.

2.What does the underlined word "feature"mean in Chinese?

A.能力 B.特色 C.装饰 D.创造

3.What comes together with the letter when you open it?

A.A gift from the university. B.Some words from your classmates.

C.A message of hopes. D.Some wonderful works of art.

4.When were the "two school gates" of Tsinghua University built?

A.In 1809. B.In 1919. C.In 1909. D.In 2019.

5.The passage is mainly about_____

A.the 3D acceptance letters of Tsinghua University. B.the history of Tsinghua University.

C.the “two school gates “ of Tsinghua University D.the specialty of Tsinghua University


阅读下列短文, 根据短文信息完成文后表格, 每空一词。

A report in a newspaper says that school accidents, such as food poisoning(食物中毒), fires, electricity and traffic, kill more primary and middle school students than any other things. So we must learn how to protect ourselves better. Here are some tips for keeping safety in mind every day.

When we're on our way home or to school . Wait for the green traffic light, and look left and right before we cross the road. We'd better wear bright-color clothes, so the drivers can see us easily. Don't believe the people we don't know in the street.

When we're in the school activity . When students around us begin to push each other, it's necessary for us to stand still and try to hold onto something, or stay in a corner until the crowd leaves. If we fall down in a moving crowd, use our hands to cover the head. Lean to one side, curl up(蜷缩)our body and bend(使弯曲)the legs.

When we meet a fire. Stay calm. Leave the classroom quickly with the help of the teachers. Smoke can be more dangerous than fire, so we should use a piece of wet cloth to cover our mouth and nose. What will we do if the clothes burn? Remember not to run! Drop and fall to the ground.

Then roll! It will make the fire go out.

When we eat . Wash fruits carefully before eating them. Check the expiration dates(保质期)on the packages of the snacks, and if it looks or smells bad, don't eat it.

Topic: Keep Safety in Mind every day


It's reported that school accidents kill more students than anything 1..

Safety 2.

On the way

Wait for the green light, look 3. sides before we cross the road.

Wear bright colours so that the drivers can see us easily.

Don't believe 4. people in the street.

At school

Stand still and try to hold onto something, or stay in a 5.

until the crowd leaves.

Cover our head with hands, leaning to one side, curing up our body and bending our legs.

In a fire

Stay calm. Follow the 6. and leave quickly.

Cover our mouth and nose with a piece of 7. cloth.

Drop to the ground and roll over and over put out the fire.

While 8.

Wash fruits carefully before we eat them.

Check the expiration dates. Don't eat the 9. food.


To teach the students how to keep away from 10..

Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)

There was once a boy who was afraid of the dark. He thought that his bedroom was filled up with monsters when it was dark. But there came a time when he was too old to be allowed to keep sleeping with the light on .

That first night he was filled with fear, his mind full of monsters. Therefore, he went over to his wardrobe to get a torch. But when he opened the wardrobe door, he saw a monster, face to face, and he let out the loudest scream in the world.

The monster took a step backwards, grabbed his colourful hair, stared at the boy with his single red eye, and …started crying! The monster cried for so long that the boy’s shock and fear disappeared. He calmed the monster as much as he could, and started talking to him, asking him why he was crying, and what he was doing there.

The monster told him he lived in the wardrobe, but almost never went out, because he was afraid of the boy. When the boy asked him why, the monster told him the boy’s face seemed to him the most horrible thing he’d ever seen with eyes, ears and a nose. The boy felt the similar way about the monster with a huge head full of mouths and hair.

The two of them talked so much that they became quite friendly , and they came to know that both of them had been afraid of the thing :the unknown . To lose their fear, all they had to do was to get to know each other. Together they travelled around the world, seeing lions, tigers, crocodiles and dragons. It was the first time either of them had seen such creatures, but they made the effort to get to know them. In the end, they ___________and __________.

And, although his parents weren’t too happy, because they thought he was too old to still believe in monsters, the truth of it was that all kinds of creatures visited the boy’s bedroom each night. And , instead of fearing them, he had learned to get to know them and be friends with them.

1.What was the boy afraid of when he was sleeping at night?

2.Why did the boy go to the wardrobe that night?

3.How did the monster in the wardrobe feel at first when he saw the boy?

4.What did the monster look like?

5.How did the boy and the monster get to know each other? List at least two things they did.

6.What can be filled in the blanks in paragraph 5?

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