Last summer, Mark became a middle school student. He took an English test in the first month. Mark was a good student and he worked hard. He finished the questions easily until he read the last one: ¡°Everyone sees our school¡¯s cleaner every day. What¡¯s her first name?¡± Of course, this question is a little special. Mark saw the woman some times. She was tall and her hair was dark. But Mark didn¡¯t talk with her and didn¡¯t know her first name. The test was over. Then one student asked the teacher, ¡°Is the last question very important in this test?¡± ¡°Yes,¡± said the teacher. ¡°In our life, we meet many hard-working people. They are important. You should care about them. You should smile at them or say ¡®hello¡¯ to them.¡± Mark never forgot that question. He also learned that woman¡¯s first name. It was Kathy.
СÌâ1:What test did Mark have in his first month in the middle school?
СÌâ2: What did Mark know about his school¡¯s cleaner?
A£®She was a little special.
B£®She was tall with dark hair.
C£®She often talked with the students.
D£®Mark knew her first name.
СÌâ3:What did Mark¡¯s teacher think of the last question?
A£®It was fun.B£®It was interesting.
C£®It was boring.D£®It was important.
СÌâ4:What does the sentence ¡°You should smile at them or say ¡®hello¡¯ to them.¡± mean?
СÌâ5:What¡¯s the title£¨±êÌ⣩of the passage?
A£®A Special Question
B£®A Hard-working Cleaner
C£®A Good Teacher
D£®A Clever Student


СÌâ1:¸ù¾ÝHe took an English test in the first month.¿É֪ѡC¡£
СÌâ2:¸ù¾ÝShe was tall and her hair was dark.¿É֪ѡB¡£
СÌâ3:¸ù¾Ý¡°Is the last question very important in this test?¡± ¡°Yes,¡± said the teacher. ¿É֪ѡD¡£
According to a new Ministry of Education survey, students¡¯ safety has become a big problem. Nearly 50 percent of students say they are worried about robbery(ÇÀ½Ù) on the way to and from school. Now in many big cities in China, some schools have taught an unusual lesson: self-protection(×ÔÎÒ±£»¤) . Students like this lesson as there are no exams or boring classes. And they can learn how to save lives and know how to stop danger before it really happens.
Chen Haoyu, a teacher at Beijing No.25 Middle School and a self-protection expert(ר¼Ò)£¬gives young students advice on how to deal with danger.
If you are robbed£¨ÇÀ½Ù£©, keep calm. If you can¡¯t cry for help or run away, give the robber your money. Try to remember what the robber looks like and tell the police.
If you are in a traffic accident and a car hurts you, you should take down the car number. If it is a bicycle, try to contact  your parents before you let the rider go. This is because you don¡¯t know how seriously you are hurt.
If it is raining hard and there is lightning(ÉÁµç), don¡¯t stay in high places and keep away from trees.
When there is a fire, get away as fast as you can. Put wet things on your body and try to find an exit(³ö¿Ú). Do not take the lift!
If someone is drowning(ÄçË®) but you can¡¯t swim, don¡¯t get into the water. Cry out for help.
Remember that danger is never as far away as you think. Take care of yourself at all times!
СÌâ1:Why do students like the self-protection lesson?
A£®Because there is advice on exams.
B£®Because they can learn how to protect themselves.
C£®Because they like self-protection experts.
D£®Because they are free to do anything during the lesson.
СÌâ2:The underlined word ¡°contact¡± means_______.
A£®end upB£®think ofC£®search forD£®get in touch with
СÌâ3:If your house is on fire, you must_______.
A£®put dry things on your body
B£®run quickly and take the lift
C£®run away and find an exit as quickly as you can
D£®take everything you have and then run away
СÌâ4:If you see a child fall into the river but you can¡¯t swim, you_______.
A£®should cry out for helpB£®can jump into the river and save him
C£®can do nothingD£®should telephone the doctor
Mr. Read was born in a small village with high mountains all around it£®He has few fields and he can¡¯t get enough food for his family£®He¡¯s often worried about it£®So he works harder and harder and tries his best to get more money£®
One afternoon£¬Mr. Read went out to look for some grass for his cows£®It was very hot and he had to have a swim£®Suddenly he saw a big tortoise(ÎÚ¹ê) in the water£®He swam there and caught it£®The next morning he went to the town to sell it in the market£®When he was walking in the street£®a car hit him down and he was hurt£®He was sent to hospital at once£®The doctors looked him over and had an operation off him£®Two weeks later he felt much better£®The doctors were satisfied with the operation and said£®¡°You¡¯ll be fully recovered in a week£®We¡¯re sure you can write when you leave hospital£®¡±
¡°It¡¯s really a miracle(Ææ¼£)!¡±  shouted Mr. Read£¬¡°I could neither read nor write before!¡±
СÌâ1:Mr. Read¡¯s ___________ was hurt in the traffic accident
A£®headB£®1egC£®right handD£®foot
СÌâ2:Which is true according to the article?
A£®Mr. Read has a few fields£®
B£®One afternoon£¬he went out for some rice
C£®That day he caught a rabbit
D£®Mr. Read can¡¯t read or write at all£®
СÌâ3:How was the operation?
A£®Very successful£®B£®Not very good£®
C£®Rather bad£®D£®Terrible£®
СÌâ4:In Chinese the  phrase ¡°be fully recovered ¡± means _______£®
СÌâ5:What the doctor said meant that __________£®
A£®he did a very successful operation
B£®the farmer was lucky enough to write after the operation
C£®the accident helped the farmer to write
D£®he taught the farmer to write while he was staying in hospital
Once there was a little boy. He got angry easily. His father gave him some nails (¶¤×Ó)and told him: ¡°When you get angry, put a nail into the wall.¡±
On the first day, the boy put 37 nails into the wall. The next day, he put in fewer nails. A few days later, he found it much easier not to get angry.
After a while, the boy was happy every day.
Then, his father asked him to take out a nail each day if he didn¡¯t get angry. After some time, all the nails were gone.
Then the father took the boy to the wall and said: ¡°Well done, son. But, look, the wall is full of holes. It will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar(ÉË°Ì) in people¡¯s hearts£¨ÐÄ£©. No matter how many times you say sorry, the scars will always be there.¡±
It¡¯s not nice to leave scars in people¡¯s hearts. So please hold back your anger. Think before you say angry things to friends and family.
СÌâ1:The little boy_______________.
A. liked nails     B.got angry easily      C. had scars
СÌâ2:When the boy got angry, his father asked him to ____.
A. take a vacation
B. take walks
C. put a nail into the wall
СÌâ3:The father wanted his son __________.
A. to be kind and polite
B. to be angry
C. to be strong
СÌâ4:The words ¡°hold back¡±probably means____ in Chinese.
A. ±§×¡       B. ±¬·¢     C. ¿ØÖÆ
СÌâ5:From the passage, we know____.
A. It is good to get angry easily.
B. Nobody liked the boy
C. The father had a good way to teach his son.
Breakfast is very important. It is one of the most important(×îÖØÒªµÄ) Ð¡Ìâ1: of the day. To keep healthy, everyone should Ð¡Ìâ2:  a good breakfast.СÌâ3:  the right food is necessary for good health. We may have eggs, bread, milk  Ð¡Ìâ4: breakfast.
Many students go to school without breakfast Ð¡Ìâ5: they get up late or their parents don¡¯t cook for them. It¡¯s  Ð¡Ìâ6: for their health.
 Ð¡Ìâ7:2 breakfast children may not grow fast and may not study and play very well at school. They may Ð¡Ìâ8: . And when they¡¯re ill, they will Ð¡Ìâ9: a long time in recovering (»Ö¸´).
I think everyone should have some good   Ð¡Ìâ10: habits. It is necessary.
СÌâ11:A. meal               B. meals             C. dinner
СÌâ12:A.to have             B. have              C. has
СÌâ13:A.Eating              B. Eats              C. Eat
СÌâ14:A.in                  B. on               C. for
СÌâ15:A.because             B. so                C. but
СÌâ16:A.good               B .bad               C. better
СÌâ17:A.Without             B. With             C. Not have
СÌâ18:A.ill                  B .are ill            C .be ill
СÌâ19:A.spend              B. take              C .make
СÌâ20:A.health               B .healthy            C. bad

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