


小题2: often, newspaper

小题3:they, now

小题4:pay, for

小题5:teach, ten years

小题1:They are happy to see each other.\I’m happy to see you.
小题2:The man often reads newspapers.
小题3:They are swimming now.
小题4:You should pay 90 yuan for the ticket.\I paid 90 yuan for the ticket.
小题5:She has taught English for ten years.

阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情 态动词或助动词)。
That cold February afternoon, I was walking back to my home-stay, feeling a bit sad. I had studied English at the language school for 3 months. Now it 小题1:________ (be) all over. The time for me to say goodbye to my hostess(女房东) was coming.
“How was your day, Kim?” My hostess 小题2:________ (greet) me as I opened the door. “Not too bad.” I answered.
She 小题3:________ (prepare) supper for me in the kitchen. “I am coming to help you.” I said to her — she had some trouble小题4:________ (walk) because she had her foot hurt the other day.
“No help 小题5:________ (need) now. Just 小题6:________ (have) a rest. Supper is soon ready.” I helped her 小题7:________ (take) the dishes to the dining room and set the knife and fork on the table.
“Well, Kim, this is the last supper together. It has been nice to have you in my family. You have been so kind and helpful.”
“Miss Foster,” I said with tears in my eyes. “Thank you so much for looking after me so well. I 小题8:________ (not forget) what you have done for me. “It’s nice of you to say so. I think we can talk on the phone or chat on the Internet if we 小题9:________ (miss)each other. Well, It’s a pity I can’t see you off at the airport. But I 小题10:________ (call) a taxi for you already. It will come to pick you up at 7 o’clock tomorrow morning. The taxi will be paid by the school. So enjoy a good dinner and have a good sleep. You’ll see your family when you get up tomorrow.”
Recently, the relationship between the two countries got worse because of the Diaoyu Islands.
The Japanese government signed a contract(合同) on Sep 11 with the Kurihara family. It was to pay the so-called “private(私人的) owner” 2.05 billion yen (166 million yuan) to “buy” part of China’s Diaoyu Islands.
Anti-Japan(反日) feeling grew strongly among Chinese people. Many people walked into the streets and shouted out “Diaoyu Islands are China’s.” Some have decided not to buy Japanese products any more. “I am boycotting(抵制) Japanese goods as a show of support. I’ll work hard to make the country much stronger,” Liu Xiushan, 33, a lawyer in Beijing said to China Daily.
However, some didn’t show their anger in the right way. They broke cars and stores of Japanese brands. Some used rude words. These actions are bad for our position and image. Some actions were against law.
Li Jingjun, a 17-year-old high school student in Guangzhou, was shocked by what he learned from TV and the Internet. He joined protects(抗议) in his city on September 15. But he acted differently. He called for rational (理智的) actions.
“We have every right to say the Diaoyu Islands belong to us, but we should watch our behaviour. Bad manners can harm our dignity(尊严) and sense of justice(正义感)” ,said Li Jingjun.
The event
The Japanese   小题1:   signed a contract to “buy” part of China’s Diaoyu Islands.
The  小题2:
The relationship between the two countries   小题3:  worse.
Anti-Japan feeling grew strongly   小题4:  Chinese people, many people walked into streets,    小题5:  “Diaoyu Islands are China’s.”
Some people have   小题6:  to buy Japanese products.
Some people did something against the law like   小题7:  cars and stores of Japanese brands..
The conclusion
 小题8:  we have every right to say the Diaoyu Islands belong to us, we should under the law and watch   小题9: we do. What’s more, we should make our country小题10: .

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