
Growing up is not always easy. When we face difficulties, a spirit of depending on _     is more useful than crying for help. That’s what Hong Zhanhui’s story of growing from boy to man       family hardship tells us.
Hong was born in 1982 in a poor family in Xihua County(县), Henan Province. When he was only 11, his father became badly ill and one day he came back with an unwanted baby      . A year later, Hong’s mother        home. She no longer wanted to live such a poor life and face her sick husband. So everything hard fell onto the young boy’s       : to take care of his father and the younger sister Chenchen, and to go on to study.
Although his life was hard, Hong didn’t go away from his father and sister. He took several part-time jobs to         his family. He climbed tall trees to get birds’ eggs for his sister. He walked 2 hours at weekends to the market to       different things to sell around his school. A few years later, he studied at a college. To take care of Chenchen, he worked hard to         a room near his college for her, and sent her to school.
After Hong’s story went        , he became a hero in people’s eyes. But Hong ___ ___ offers from others. He said he felt encouraged by kind offers, but he could depend on his own work.
Through his hard life, he has grown up from boy to man.
A.out of B.intoC.withoutD.with

试题解析:本文大意:成长并不总是很容易。当我们面对困难,依靠自己的精神比哭喊着求救更有用。那是洪占会告诉我们的从有着家庭困难的男孩成为男人的成长故事。当他十一岁的时候,他爸爸病的很厉害,一天带回来一个被抛弃的女婴。一年后,他的妈妈离开了家。她再也不想过这样的穷日子,面对她的生病的丈夫 。所以每件事都落在小男孩的肩膀上:照顾爸爸和小妹妹晨晨,继续上学。他在周末步行两个小时到市场买不同的东西在学校周围卖。 上大学后,为了照顾晨晨,他努力工作为她在学校附近租了一间房子,去她上学。当洪占会的故事公布于众后,他在公众眼中成为了一个英雄。但他拒绝了别人的帮助。他说他感觉到好心帮助的鼓励,但他能依靠自己的工作,
小题1:考查代词。句意:当我们面对困难,依靠自己的精神比哭喊着求救更有用。parents父母, friends朋友,yourself你自己, God上帝。crying for help.哭喊着求救,包括向父母、朋友和上帝求救,可知答案选C
小题2:考查介词和语境。句意:那是洪占会告诉我们的从有着家庭困难的男孩成为男人的成长故事。 out of 出来, into进入,without没有,with带有。根据语境可知是有着家庭困难的,故答案选D
小题3:考查名词。句意:当他十一岁的时候,他爸爸病的很厉害,一天带回来一个被抛弃的女婴。dog狗,cat猫,girl女孩,boy男孩。根据 the younger sister Chenchen小妹妹晨晨,可知答案选C
小题4:考查动词。句意:一年后,他的妈妈离开了家。left离开,arrived到达,went去,came来。根据She no longer wanted to live such a poor life and face her sick husband.她再也不想过这样的穷日子,面对她的生病的丈夫 ,可知答案选A.
小题5:考查名词。句意:所以每件事都落在小男孩的肩膀上:照顾爸爸和小妹妹晨晨,继续上学。 back后背, shoulders肩膀,head头, body身体。生活重担落在某人的肩上,习惯说法,可知答案选B
小题6:考查动词。句意:他打几份兼职挣钱养家。 help帮助, save节约, protect保护,feed抚养。feed family养家,可知答案选D
小题7:考查动词。句意:他在周末步行两个小时到市场买不同的东西在学校周围卖。 make制造,buy买,produce 产生,collect收集。根据 sell卖,可知是先买再卖挣钱,故答案选B
小题8:考查动词。句意:为了照顾晨晨,他努力工作为她在学校附近租了一间房子,去她上学。 build建造,borrow   借,rent   租, share分享。他打工挣钱只能是租房子,可知答案选C
小题9:考查形容词。句意:当洪占会的故事公布于众后,他在公众眼中成为了一个英雄。public公共的,clear清楚的, by由、被,far远的。go public把秘密公开,固定短语,可知答案选A
小题10:考查动词。句意:但他拒绝了别人的帮助。accepted接受, asked问,received接受,refused拒绝。根据 but he could depend on his own work.但他能依靠自己的工作,可知答案选D.
Do you know star anise? It has a Chinese name “bajiao”(八角). You can find this spice(调味料) in almost all Chinese kitchens. Suddenly people around the world need the small fruit from which the spice is made, because of bird flu(禽流感).

Bird flu has made tens of millions of birds die and killed at least 60 people in Asia. Scientists say if flu changes to spread from person to person, it could kill millions!
A medicine called Tamiflu(达菲) is supposed to fight bird flu in humans. Roche, a Swiss company, developed it. But Roche says it hasn’t enough raw material(原料) to make lots of Tamiflu. The material is the Chinese spice star anise.
About 90% of the world’s star anise is produced in South China. The fruit is harvested(丰收) between March and May. Besides spice, people also use it as medicine.
People afraid of bird flu have begun to buy star anise and cook chicken and other meat with it more. But so far, no scientists say the spice could give protection(保护). Some scientists say that eating the fruit itself won’t help against bird flu.
小题1:Most world’s star anise is produced in          .
A.SwissB.AfricaC.AsiaD.South China
小题2:According to the passage, the underlined word “supposed” probably means          .
小题3:Star anise is harvested           .
A.for one monthB.for half a year
C.for almost three monthsD.All year round
小题4:What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.The introduction of star anise.
B.The influence of bird flu.
C.The introduction of Tamiflu.
D.Star anise is used to make medicine to help fight bird flu.
小题5:Which one is NOT right according to the passage?
A.Star anise is a kind of spice.
B.Most star anise is produced in China.
C.Bird flu is dangerous for people.
D.Scientists say spice can help against bird flu.
Albert was an ordinary worker in an oil company in America. His workmates gave a nickname (绰号)“Four dollars a bucket of oil” below his name whenever and wherever he wrote down his name. As time went by, people forgot his real name. Later, when Rockefeller, the board chairman(董事长)of the oil company heard of it, he was very surprised, so he invited Albert to his office.
“Some people give you a nickname. Why aren’t you angry?” asked Rockefeller with some puzzlement in his eyes.
“Mr. Rockefeller, I like this nickname very much, because it is our company’s advertisement. When someone calls me ‘Four dollars a bucket’, I think it’s free advertisement for our company. It’s not necessary for me to get angry. Don’t you think so, Mr. Rockefeller?”
“What a wonderful man!” Rockfeller said excitedly when hearing Albert’s words. “Young man, work harder, you must be successful in the future! I believe in you!”
Five years later, Albert became the second board chairman after Rockefeller. Later Albert said in one of his reports, “I don’t think we should feel upset when we have no way to do the world—shaking things.” We should treat everything actively because maybe our future success will begin from a small thing!”
小题1:Albert was ___________in the oil company at the beginning.
A.a workerB.an assistant
C.a managerD.the second board chairman
小题2:Albert wasn’t angry about his nickname because ____________.
A.he liked to have a nickname
B.it could make his workmates happy
C.he could become famous
D.it was a free advertisement for his company
小题3:What is the main idea of this passage?
A.Rockefeller asked young people to work harder.
B.It’s very important to do small things well.
C.You can’t get angry when someone calls your nickname.
D.You should make more advertisements for your company.
小题4:What did Rockefeller mean when he said “the world-shaking things”?
A.The big thingsB.The interesting things
C.The small thingsD.The frightening things
小题5:What would be the best title for this passage?
A.I Believe in YouB.Albert and Rockefeller
C.Four Dollars a BucketD.The Second Board Chairman
Mrs. Smith often felt lonely when her husband went to work. The room was small and she always spent only half an hour tidying it. She couldn’t get up early in the morning, so Mr. Smith had to cook breakfast himself. She usually had some bread and milk for lunch and only cooked supper for herself and her husband. They had no TV.  Mr.  Smith always went to bed at nine.
It was a winter morning. The sun was shining and it was warmer outside than it was in the room. The woman sat on the step of a shop, looking at the busy traffic. At that moment, a man with a map in his hand was coming towards her.
“Excuse me, madam.” said the man.”Could you tell me how to get to the nearest hospital, please?”
Mrs. Smith looked at him up and down. “He seems a farmer.” the woman said to herself. “Let me laugh at him.”
Then she turned to him and said, “Lie down in the middle of the street, and you’ll soon be sent to a hospital.”
“Please set an example to me, then.” said the man.
She had to tell him the way and then she said, “I think you must be in a city for the first time. It’s much more beautiful than the field. Is that right?”
“Yes, madam,” said the farmer with a smile. “But I think it is built on the field!” 
小题1:Mrs. Smith spent much time tidying the room.
小题2:Mr Smith always went to bed at 9 because he had to cook breakfast the next morning.
小题3:Mrs. Smith met a man with a map on a winter morning.
小题4:The woman was glad to help the man.
小题5:The farmer answered the woman cleverly.
In this early day of the United States of America, it wasn’t easy ____ from one town or city to _____. There were no trains. Of course, and the roads were very poor. If a man wanted to go from one place to another, he often _____ a horse. And because the roads were bad, he sometimes got very dirty.
One day a man came into a hotel in a little country town. His clothes were very dirty, and he looked very tried. “ Do you have a room here _____ me?” he asked. The hotel man at the desk thought, “ I don’t want this man ____ here. He’s too dirty for my hotel.” “ I’m sorry.” He said. “ We don’t have any ___ rooms. There’s a small hotel down the street. You can ask there.”
Soon an important-looking man having fine clothes came into the hotel. “ I’ve come to see Mr. Jefferson,” he said. “ Mr. Jefferson?” “ Yes, Vice-president(副总统) Jefferson. We planned to meet here.” The hotel man was ____ “ A man _____ dirty clothes was just here. I thought he was a farmer, and sent him to another hotel a few minutes ago.” The hotel man _____ the Vice-president’s room in the other hotel.
“ Oh, Mr. Jefferson,” he said, “ I’m very sorry I thought you were a farmer. We have a room at our hotel. Please come back.”
“ No.” said Mr. Jefferson, “ If there’s no room for a farmer, there’s no room for the Vice president, _____.”
A.getB.gotC.to getD.getting
A.otherB.the otherC.anotherD.the another
A.must to rideB.have to rideC.had to rideD.has to ride
A.stayB.to stayC.stayedD.staying
A.manyB.muchC.a lotD.more
A.hurryB.hurriedC.hurried toD.in hurry

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