In the past you could draw anything you wanted on a computer screen and then printed it out on a piece of paper—a flat piece of paper. But imagine being able to print something that is three-dimensional— 3D. Would you like to design an object, such as a cup or a toy, and then “print” it out? Well, there is the technology to help you do this—to produce even a whole house!

3D printers might be the size of a suitcase, or even a small room, depending on the object they are made to produce. You make a 3D design on your computer and send it to the printer. Inside the machine, the object you have designed is made as one object.

So how is this being used? In medicine, 3D printing is often used to make heath. The dential takes a 3D image, something like a photo of the real tooth and a new one is printed in that exact shape. Then you might also want to print a mobile phone cover or a special pair of shoes.

Scientists are taking this even further. They have made a bicycle that just needs a chain and two lyres (轮胎). Car pans (壳) have been made for a while and now they are even making a body of a whole car!

But imagine how printing a whole house might help people build houses. A Chinese company has made houses using a giant 3D printer. They use a mixture that includes concrete (混凝土) and recycled building waste. This is a good thing as it helps the environment. They believe that their method of printing houses is cheaper, faster, less dusty and less noisy than the ordinary(普通的) way that houses are built.

It seems that 3D printing technology will change our world, and China is leading the way.

1.The size of a 3D printer might be ______ according to the object they design.

A.changeable B.always small C.seldom big D.the same

2.In medicine, 3D printing is often used to print ______ in the exact shapes.

A.dentists B.teeth phone covers

3.Scientists are taking this even further. Here “this” probably means ______.

A.a pair of shoes B.a whole car C.a new bicycle D.the printing

4.The passage is mainly about ______.

A.the introduction to 3D technology B.the advantages of 3D technology

C.the history of 3D technology D.the influence of 3D technology

Your parents might have told you that you'd go blind from reading in the dark, but you could make up for it by eating a lot of carrots.This is just one of the wrong ideas you may have heard of.Here are scientific explanations for three mistakes people often make about our eyes

Can eating carrots improve your eyesight(视力)?

Carrots are rich in Vitamin A, which is essential for our eyes.Vitamin A helps people to see in low light conditions.However, eating more carrots doesn’t help you see better.A certain number of carrots will help, but a large number of carrots will not make you get rid of(摆脱) your glasses.

If your parents have bad eyesight, will you have bad eyesight, too?

Myopia(近视) can be inherited(经遗传得到) from parents.A study found that if both parents have myopia, there is a 33 to 60 percent chance that the child has.For children who have one parent with myopia, the chance is 23 to 40 percent, and it is down to 6 to 15 percent for kids with non-myopia parents.So no matter how bad your parents’ eyesight is, you will have a chance of having good eyesight.

Is it true that people who are color-blind can't see colors?

Color blindness doesn’t mean that someone can’t see colors at all.It means that some has difficulty seeing differences in certain colors, usually green and red or blue and yellow.Color blindness is usually a condition caused by not having cone cells(视锥细胞) or having the cells that don't work.There are different levels of color blindness. Some people cannot tell the differences between colors when light isn’t bright, while others have difficulty in any light.

1.Which of the following is the right idea about eating carrots?

A.Eating carrots doesn't help people see better.

B.People need to eat as many carrots as possible.

C.A certain number of carrots are enough for eyes.

D.Only people who have bad eyesight need to eat carrots.

2.The underlined word “essential” in the passage means “__________”in Chinese.

A.难以获取的 B.稍有影响的 C.极其罕见的 D.必不可少的

3.What can we learn according to the passage?

A.Children may inherit myopia from their parents.

B.Kids with non-myopia parents won't have myopia.

C.A kid has a 50% chance of having myopia if his or her father has myopia.

D.Kids with short-sighted parents won't have good eyesight.

4.What can we know about color blindness from the passage?

A.Having no cone well may cause color blindness.

B.People who are color-blind cannot see colors at all.

C.Those who can't tell green from red are not really color-blind.

D.Most people who are color-blind can only see black and white.

5.What's the best title for the passage?

A.Advice on staying away form myopia.

B.Reasons for bad eyesight and color blindness.

C.Explanations for some wrong ideas about eyes.

D.Medical information about improving your eyesight.

How do you pay your bills? ①Are you a fan of shopping online? If your answer is yes, maybe you know mobile payment.

Mobile payment is a kind of payment through mobile phones. ②We can use a mobile phone to pay for lots of services and goods. Compared with those traditional means, mobile payment is faster and more convenient because it can be used at any given time or place. It saves us much time and energy.

With the fast development of mobile payment, shopping by mobile phones has been the main choice for spending money in China. According to a recent report, payment through mobile phones made up 54 percent of all online shopping over Alipay in the first 10 months of the year. It is especially popular in the western part of our country, such as Tibet, Shaanxi and Ningxia.

Meanwhile, we can’t neglect(忽视)the fact that it must be operated with a smart mobile phone and a network. And it is only recently that the technology to support such systems has become widely available, such as the popularity of the network and the smart mobile phones which makes mobile payment possible. What’s more, as the online fraud(欺诈)happens so often, we also should pay attention to its possible risks, such as the account security(账号安全)and other unexpected problems.



A mobile phone can _________ _________ to pay for lots of services and goods.

3.Why is mobile payment so popular?




5.What makes it possible to pay through mobile phones?


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