
Five Waiters and Ten Waitresses:
—Aged under 22.
—At least high school graduates.
Good-looking men at least 1.72 metres tall and women at least 1.65 metres tall.
—Paid 1.600-2,200 dollars per month.
One Secretary:
—Aged under 30.
—Females only.
—Good at writing and skilled at computer.
—Paid 2,000-3,000 dollars per month.
If you are interested, call 465-4768.
Fax: 6954828
Aged between 25 and 40.
—With an experience of at least two years.
With a degree and an accountant certificate(证书).
—Paid 3,000-4,000 dollars monthly.
—With a practical knowledge of computer.
Computer Salesclerk:
—Aged 25 or less.
—Basic education of 12 years or more. Good at computer.
Paid 1,800-2,200 dollars monthly.
Tel: 447-4398
Fax: 3485269
小题1:If you don’t know how to use a computer, you can work as________.
A.a secretaryB.a waiter or waitress
C.an accountantD.a salesclerk
小题2:If you want to get a job in the Fairmont Hotel, you should be________.
A.a womanB.a university graduate
C.shorter than 1.65 metresD.younger than 30 years old
小题3:If you work as an accountant, how much can you get at most monthly?
A.$ 1, 800.B.$ 2,200.C.$ 3, 000.D.$ 4, 000.
小题4:If you want to be an accountant, you have to satisfy(满足) the following conditions except___________.
A.being a womanB.knowing how to use a computer well
C.an experience of at least 2 yearsD.having an accountant certificate
小题5:Sukan is 24 years old. He can get the job as_______.
A.a secretaryB.a waiter
C.an accountantD.a computer salesclerk


小题1:One Secretary:...skilled at computer.
Accountant(会计):....With a practical knowledge of computer.
Computer Salesclerk:....Good at computer.
小题2:Five Waiters and Ten Waitresses:可知男女都可以。可排除A.
At least high school graduates.服务员至少高中毕业,可排除B.
Good-looking men at least 1.72 metres tall and women at least 1.65 metres tall.
小题3:Paid 3,000-4,000 dollars monthly.可知道最多能到4000.
—With an experience of at least two years. 对应选项C。
With a degree and an accountant certificate(证书). 对应选项D。
—Paid 3,000-4,000 dollars monthly.
—With a practical knowledge of computer.      对应选项B。
小题5:Five Waiters and Ten Waitresses:  Aged under 22.     22岁以下。排除
One Secretary:           Aged under 30.Females only.     30岁以下要女,排除。
Accountant(会计):       Aged between 25 and 40.     25到30岁之间,排除。
Computer Salesclerk:      Aged 25 or less.          25对以下,因此选这。
Once there was a poor woman. She lived by herself in a little house in a village. She didn’t have much money_ 36_ she was very kind and happy.
One day a young man named Smith came to her door. He was a little thin and tall. He was very _37_ and asked the old woman for help.
The old woman said,“Come in and have dinner with me, but I only have _38_.” They had dinner together. After dinner, the old woman told Smith to _39_ some potatoes with him. He _40_ her and then left.
Ten years later, Smith came back to the old woman’s door again and _41_ her a bag of money. She was very _42_.
Smith said, “Ten years ago you gave me some potatoes. I _43_ some potato plants . From those plants, I grew some more plants. Now I am a _44_ farmer because I have enough money to live, but I never_45_ how kind you are to me.”
小题1:A. so              B. or              C. but
小题2:A. full             B. hungry          C. tired
小题3:A. potatoes         B. meat            C. apples
小题4:A. take            B. buy             C. plant
小题5:A. thanked         B. helped           C. loved
小题6:A. threw           B. asked            C. gave
小题7:A. interested       B. sad              C. surprised
小题8:A. ate             B. grew             C. found
小题9:A. busy            B. happy            C. rich
小题10:A talked           B. forget             C. wrote
Last month when I was taking part in a US college interview, I was asked, “ what makes you special ? ” In fact I had answered questions likes this many times since I decided to go to college in the US .college paid special attention to different achievement . For example, a person who is very good at math can go to a famous college but also can be a good football player .
This experience made me think again that I must try to find where my own interests might lead me . To be honest, it was not easy . However, I never felt sorry to choose this way because it helped me understand myself . If I took the College Entrance Examination,as we call it gaokao in China, it could never possibly do .
When I entered high school, I took gaokao seriously because it seemed to me a great way to show how good at my lessons . However,as I grew older, I realized gaokao did make me work hard at my lessons, but the pressure also pushed many other activities out of my life, like guitar―playing . Although I had no time for it, I will still get to it in the future .
No doubt, gaokao provides a way of choosing those who are successful in their studies . But it is really important for all of us to rethink what “ talent ” really is today . This is because we now live in a world in which all of our other human qualities ( 品质)are needed for success, not just the high grade .
Ken Robinson once said, “ the society depends on different kinds of talents . ”  However, gaokao pays too attention  to a person’s grades but little to his other qualities. And it is these qualities that makes life colorful and fun .
As high school students, we can not change the present situation of eduction, but we are always free to think outside of the box . Although good school grade is still useful, I hope one day we will see our education also welcomes the amazing possibilities in different people .
小题1:The US College pay special attention to ________.
A.students’family background .
B.the different achievement
C.students’ideas about way of life .
D.the school a student is from .
小题2:When at high school, the writer ________.
A.had a lot of activities .
B.did not work hard at her lessons .
C.did well in gaokao
D.had no time to play the guitar .
小题3:From the passage, we know that the writer may ________.
A.go to college in America .
B.give up the US college interview .
C.become a good football player in the US.
D.change the present situation of eduction .
小题4:Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?
A. My school life abroad.             B. Different exams in the US.
C My view on gaokao           D. The importance of school grades
Food or friends? Lip salve (润唇膏) or iPod? What is the most important thing in the US teenagers’ lives today? Let’s take a look.
Some find that they can’t do without people.
“My biggest need is my friends. Without them, I wouldn’t do much,” said Adrian Fernandez, a 14-year-old boy.
With others, food always comes first.
“I do not think that I could live without chili con carne (辣子肉丁). I eat it every day. And if I didn’t have it, it’s all I would think about,” said Max Wu, an 8th-grade boy.
Sometimes, the things teenagers can’t do without are strange.
Take 14-year-old girl Hannah Sacchini for example. “I cannot live without lip salve, especially in winter,” said Hannah Sacchini. “I go mad if my lips get dry.”
Of course, today everybody uses mobile phones and computers. Some teens can’t live without these high-tech (高科技的) things.
Justin Beck, a 15-year-old boy, feels like this: “I would not be able to live without my iPod. I use it for so many different things. I always have it with me,” he said.
So, now we know the things US kids really must have. What about you and your classmates? What can’t you live without?
根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。 (10分)
小题1:To Adrian Fernandez,     is the most important.
A.a friendB.lip salveC.a computer D.chili con carne
小题2:How often does Max Wu eat chili con carne?
A.Once a week.B.Every day.
C.Twice a day.D.Three times a week.
小题3:Hannah Sacchini will become     if her lips get dry.
小题4:We can learn that Justin Beck     takes his iPod to school.
A.neverB.sometimesC.alwaysD.hardly ever
小题5:The passage mainly tells us    .
A.what things the US kids really must have
B.what the US teenagers do every day at school
C.what the most important food in the US teenagers’ lives is
D.how the US teenagers’ lives are every day at school

Scientists study the world and learn about things using a process called the scientific method(方法). By asking important questions and   16  the answers, it is possible to make amazing discoveries! Sometimes a scientist is   17  to answer his own questions, but if he has taken good notes another scientist may come along later who is able to use new knowledge to answer it.
When you use the scientific method to   18  an experiment, you start by making observations(观察) about something that  19  you. Based on your observations, you make a hypothesis. This is using  20  you know to make a smart guess about what you think could happen. Then you are ready to begin your experiment. All   21  your experiment you take down notes, which are   22   experiment date(资料). You are constantly making observations during this time. You may make discoveries that cause you to improve your experiment as you go.   23  , you conclude your experiment and begin to look over your notes to decide what it all means. Based on what you have learned, you make a final statement about   24  your hypothesis was correct or not. You have to have reasons and evidence to support what you are saying.
Using the scientific method can be difficult, but rewarding. Because all the steps are organized in a process, the   25  are more valid(可信的). When you provide observations as evidence to support what you are saying, your ideas are more likely to be accepted.
A.waiting forB.searching forC.worrying aboutD.complaining about
Driving in China
I have been driving cars since I reached the pedals(踏板). In Canada you   1  16 to get a driver’s license. I   2  myself to be a very good driver.
I visited China 20 years ago. I with my wife was in Shanghai to give a paper at a conference. We  3  the number of bicycles on the roads and the few cars. In Canada almost each family has one car, but it was  4  that most Chinese depended on bicycles.
I   5  Shanghai and to other Chinese cities many times since then and have watched the fast changes on the roads. There are far fewer bicycles now but   6  cars. The roads are crowded, the government has been forced to limit the number of days some cars can   7  and the traffic jams are almost constant (经常的). So are the accidents. On a recent visit I saw four or five
  8  within a two-week period.
To get a driver’s license in Canada, you must drive, with an examiner, on real roads and in real traffic. However, in China you learn on a closed course,   9  real traffic, get a license and only then are able to drive under real roads.
Driving in Canada and driving in China   10  two different experiences. In Canada there are traffic jams but they aren’t so bad. We have more traffic lights; we obey them and drivers are usually
  11 , allowing other cars to cut in front of them knowing it won’t make much difference. In China, if you stop   12  another car cut in front of you will probably be there for a long time because once one car gets in, dozens of   13  will follow.
I would rather   14  the bus than drive my car in downtown Shanghai and Beijing. Because it’s  15  and stronger than most things that might run into it.
A.must beB.may beC.can beD.could be
A.were fond ofB.were angry withC.were satisfied withD.were amazed at
A.have been toB.have been inC.have gone toD.have come to
A.be drivenB.driveC.allowD.be allowed
A.wantingB.lettingC.to letD.to want
A.takingB.to takeC.tookD.take

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