
     John (1)l_______ chocolate very much, but his mother never (2)g_______ him any. (3)B_______ she
thinks it's bad for his teeth. But John has a very kind grandfather. The old man loves him very much.
(4)S_______ he buys some chocolate for John. Then his mother will let John eat the chocolate to make the
old man happy. One evening (5)b_______ John's birthday, he is saying his prayers (祈祷) in his
(6)b_______, "Please, god," he shouts, "give me a (7)b_______ box of chocolate for my birthday."
     His mother hears his words and comes (8)i_______ the room. "Why are you shouting?" She asks,
"God can hear you when you talk quietly." "I know, but my grandfather is in the (9)n_______ room, he
can't." John (10)a_______.
1. loves (likes)   2. gives   3. Because   4. So (Sometimes)  5. before 
6. bedroom   7. big   8. into   9. next   10. answers


Many books have been written about “the art of giving”. But what about the art of r  1  ? Sometimes, receiving a gift can be difficult, especially when someone buys you a gift you don’t want!

“I remember when I was about twelve years old, my parents b  2  me a purple purse,” laughs Guo Xiaojing. “It really made me feel embarrassed(尴尬), because I thought the purse was really ugly!Still, I pretended (假装)that I liked it b  3  I knew it would make my parents happy!”

Han Ling agrees. “That sounds like my grandparents!A few years ago, my grandparents gave me an orange sweater f  4  my birthday. I used to wear it every time I visited them, but when I left their house, I took it off! Of course, this made me feel g  5  . It was a very nice thought, but my grandparents have different taste from me! I think it’s hard to buy clothes or other personal things for people.”

To make things easier, some people would rather just give money. In some cultures, h  6   , receiving money can make people uncomfortable. “When someone gives me money, it j   7    makes me think they’re being lazy,” says John Wilson. “In England, we have a saying: It’s the thought that counts. When s   8   gives me money, I feel they don’t think at all. I prefer to receive a gift that has some thought behind it. I don’t mind if it’s something I don’t need. If someone has thought about a g   9   for me, it always makes me happy.”

Different people have very different thoughts on this subject! So maybe the art of receiving is e 10   more difficult than the art of giving! What do you think?


     A Bag of Kindness "Boys and girls, tomorrow I want you to bring a cup of macaroni (通心粉) for our
craft class, OK?" These (1)w______  from my teacher rang in my mind all evening. I was afraid of the next
because I knew we had no macaroni at home. Living in an alcoholic (嗜酒的) family, we never had too
much of anything (2)e______ beer bottles.
     I went home after school. Where could I find macaroni? I knew that the local bottle shop gave ten cents
for a beer bottle, so I decided to sell some bottles to get money for macaroni.
     I started to (3)c______ the bottles. After selling those bottles, I earned eighty cents. Although I did my
(4)b______, I still had no macaroni for my craft class. "Weren't you (5)l______when I asked you to bring it,
John?" my teacher asked. I went red in the face. I didn't know what to say and other children started laughing.
Then a little girl, Rosalyn, who sat beside me turned to me and said,"You can have some of (6)m______."She
offered a bag of macaroni to me. The (7)k______ in her eyes made me cry and I ran out of the room.
     I (8)n ______ took her macaroni or thanked her for her bag of kindness. However, I often think about
Rosalyn and the way she turned to save me that day. I used to spend a great deal of my life complaining and
keep kind people like Rosalyn (9)a______. After that class, I (10)c______. I am grateful to all the people like
Rosalyn that made this world a better place to live in.

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