
It is said that the eyes are “the windows of our soul”. Beautiful and bright eyes not only show a good health but also make you look very attractive(有吸引力). However, to have healthy eyes you have to look after them properly. Your eyes need taking good care of.
Be careful with your diet. First, eat food that is good for your eyes. They are fresh fruits and vegetables as fish, eggs, and milk. Besides, a regular amount of vitamins A and B2 should also be taken.
A good sleep is a must. It relaxes your eyes and gives them enough rest. Sleep not only helps repair the tired body. Usually, you must sleep for at least seven to eight hours every day. Loss of sleep can give you dark circles under the eye.
You must exercise your eyes every day. Blink(眨眼) yours eyes at regular periods, which makes the eyeballs full of water and gives them a good wash.
We use our eyes in many wrong ways. Fox example, if a small thing goes into our eye we start rubbing it, which is wrong. Rubbing can hurt your eyes. Don’t read or write in poor or bright sunlight. Always use sunglasses as sunlight can cause eye tiredness. Light should not shine directly in your eyes. Too much reading, writing, watching TV or working on the computer can also cause eye tiredness.
Remember to always take care of God’s most beautiful gift to you. Your life will be very colorless without your eyes.

【小题1】  to keep your eyes healthy
◇Eating food good for your eyes,   【小题3】  as fresh fruits, vegetables and food high in protein(蛋白质).
◇Taking a proper amount of Vitamins A and B2 regularly.
◇Having a good sleep is   【小题4】 .
◇Reducing loss of   【小题5】 .
Eye   【小题6】
◇Having your eyes exercised every day.
◇Blinking your eyes at regular periods.
Eye using
◇It’s   【小题7】  to rub your eye when something goes in.
◇Read or write in soft sunlight.
◇Light should never shine in your eyes in a   【小题8】  way.
◇Take a   【小题9】  after reading, writing, watching TV or working on the computer.
It’s very important to   【小题10】  your eyes.


【小题1】本文主要讲述如何保护我们的眼睛的健康。因此标题可以归纳为How to keep our eyes healthy,故答案为How。
【小题2】根据后面Eating food good for your eyes, __________ as  fresh fruits , vegetables and food high in protein(蛋白质)可知此处提到的是饮食,故答案为diet。
【小题3】句意:吃一些对于眼睛有益的食物,例如:新鲜的水果,蔬菜和高蛋白质的食物。Such as译为“例如”,因此答案为such。
【小题4】根据文章第三段第一句话A regular and sound sleep is a must.“有规律的熟睡时必要的。”此处要填一个形容词,故填necessary“必要的”。
【小题5】文章第三段最后一句话Loss of sleep can give you dark circles under the eyes.“睡眠不足会使你有黑眼圈。”因此要减少睡眠不足的情况,故答案为sleep。
【小题6】根据后面的介绍Having your eyes exercised every day.“每天都要锻炼我们的眼睛。”可以总结为eye exercise“眼部锻炼”。
【小题7】根据文章最后一段第二句话For example, if a small thing goes into our eye, we start rubbing(揉) it, which is wrong.“例如,如果有晓得东西进入眼睛,我们就会揉眼睛,这是错误的做法。”可知当有东西进入眼睛时揉眼睛是错误的,故答案为wrong。
【小题8】根据文章最后一段倒数第二行Light should not shine directly in your eyes.“光不能直射我们的眼睛。”此处应该填上形容词,因此答案为direct。
【小题9】文章最后一句Too much reading, writing, watching TV or working on the computer can also cause eye tiredness.“阅读,写作,看电视或者在电脑前工作太久都会使我们的眼睛疲劳。”可知在长久阅读、写作、看电视之后应该休息下,放松眼睛。故答案为rest。


Simon is a middle school student. He is studying in Grade 7. He usually        at 7:00 o’clock in the morning. But today he gets up at 6:30         helps his grandparents clean their room. After that he goes to buy a big      because it is his grandpa’s birthday. His     is going to be 68 years old.
Simon     two CDs about Beijing Opera(京剧) for his grandpa. He is      his grandpa would like them very much       his grandpa enjoys listening to Beijing Opera.
It takes Simon five          to finish all these things. When he gets home, it’s already        , his mother is making noodles with grandma. They are       and talking about something happily. His grandpa is drinking tea and listening to Beijing Opera.
Simon says, “       to you, grandpa.” Then he cuts the big cake and         grandpa a big piece. Grandpa is very happy and         it.
In the evening, Simon watches TV        his grandparents together after the family let off         . He is a little tired but very happy, because he can make his grandparents happy.

A.goes to schoolB.gets upC.watches TVD.goes to bed
A.flowerB.cardC.cake D.book
A.seesB.listens toC.watchesD.buys
【小题11】A. Good morning    B. Good afternoon  Happy New Year   D. Happy birthday

There are over 800 boarding(寄宿) schools in the UK with students from home and foreign countries. The earliest boarding schools were set up for white, rich boys only. Now both boys and girls can go to boarding schools from the age of 7 to 18.
What to do
In the UK, boarding schools have three terms in a school year, with about 13 weeks in each term. (A)他们在一起学习和生活。They can’t go outside if they are not allowed to. Besides the usual classrooms and labs, the boarding schools have lots of other facilities(设施) for their students, including music rooms, boats, swimming pools, cinemas and theatres. (B)Most boarding schools have a “light out” time. So when it’s time to go to bed, all the lights in the bedrooms are turned off.
What to wear
Nearly all students at boarding schools wear a school uniform. Boys usually wear a shirt and a tie, and girls wear a white blouse, sometimes also a tie and a skirt. As students get older, the rules become less strict.
In the UK, boarding schools provide students with delicious food. They can choose a full English breakfast or simply bread. They can also choose a meal with no meat and another meal at lunch and dinner. And there is always self-service for salad, other side dishes and a dessert (甜点). Students can also make themselves something to eat or drink at any time in a kitchen.
Who could go to boarding schools in the past?
As students get older, the rules about wearing school uniforms become stricter.

Tips for Living in China
When you are invited to a dinner, you don’t have to eat everything .First, try a little of every dish by putting some on your plate or in rice bowl. You don’t have to eat it, but as a foreign guest (客人),you are supposed to be served first. If you don’t try anything, your host will be embarrassed(尴尬)---and will put it on your plate for you .
When you go to open-air markets or personal stores, you need to bargain with the shop assistants. Remember to build a friendly relationship(关系)first. You are creating a relationship with the businessman ,not a price war. Think of it this way :Shouting ,arguing ,and pointing are not good. Smiling ,being friendly, offering to buy more for a better price is. And don’t be afraid to ask,” Can you offer me a better price?”
Don’t point with them at other people’s faces ,and by all means don’t stick them upright in your rice bowl----that is how the Chinese honor (纪念)the dead at graves. You should put them beside the plate.
Chinese smile for more reasons than Americans .A smile can mean the person is embarrassed, trying to be helpful ,curious, happy or friendly .In the middle of an argument ,smiling means that the speaker doesn’t want this to become personal. When all else fails ,smile in China. It shows you have no ill intention (意图)and can work wonders in getting better service.根据表格内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案。(10分)
【小题1】When you are invited to a dinner,__________.

A.you need to eat all the dishes
B.you may take one dish to put it on your own plate
C.you should try to eat the dish on your plate
D.you may go out if you don’t like to eat the dishes
【小题2】What’s the Chinese meaning of the word “bargaining”?
A.讨价还价 B.聊天 C.争论 D.交谈
【小题3】If you want to buy something in a proper price, you should _____    .
A.shout to the shop assistant
B.argue with the shop assistant
C.talk with the shop assistant with a smile
D.fight with the shop assistant
【小题4】 Which sentence is right?
A.You may point with the chopsticks at people’s faces when you are talking .
B.When you finished eating the food ,you may lick the chopsticks.
C.If you are full ,you may stick the chopsticks upright.
D.When you finished eating the dinner, you may put the chopsticks next to the plate.
【小题5】 When you are in the middle of an argument , smiling means ________.
A.laughing at the other people
B.this is the best attitude to the other people
C.the speaker doesn’t want this to become personal
D.we must beat the other people

Many teenagers feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends. They believe that their families don't know them as well as their friends do. In large families, it is quite often for brothers and sisters to fight each other and then they can only go to their friends for some ideas. It is very important and necessary for teenagers to have one good friend or a group of friends.
Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time talking among themselves on the phone. This communication with friends is very important in children's growing up, because friends can discuss something difficult to say to their family members.
However, parents often try to choose friends for their children. Some parents may even stop their children form meeting their good friends. Have you ever thought of the following questions?
Who choose your friends? Do you choose your friends or your friends choose you? Have you got a good friend your parents don't like? Your answers are welcome.
【小题1】Many teenagers think that their _____ can know them better than their parents do.

A.friends B.teachers
C.sisters and brothers D.classmates
【小题2】When teenagers are not with their friends, the usual way of communication is to ________.
A.go to their friends
B.talk with their parents
C.have a discussion with their family
D.talk with their friends on the phone
【小题3】 What is important in children’s growing up?
A.Parents’ love. B.The communication with friends.
C.Education in school. D.We don’t know.
【小题4】The main idea of this passage is that ________.
A.Teenagers need good friends
B.Friends can give good advice
C.Parents often choose friends for their children
D.Good friends can communicate with each other

Look at your classmates around you. You all wear the same uniform and similar sneakers. Do you want to stand out among them? A fashionable and useful backpack can be a great idea!
Backpacks are lightweight and easy to carry.
They are great tools for students. They help you to stay organized. You can keep school things, books and personal items like cell phones and keys neatly (整洁地). With a unique backpack, you can also stand out among your classmates.
Tourists also love backpacks. With convenient backpacks, backpackers can move freely from one place to another. Meanwhile, they can also free their hands to do other things like taking photos.
But in the very beginning backpacks were not what we see today.
It is thought that US hiker Dick Kelty invented the first modern backpack in 1951. He used nylon (尼龙) and aluminum tubing (铝制管型材料) to make backpacks lightweight. Then he added shoulder straps (带子) and waist straps to transfer(转移) much of the weight to the hips (臀部).
Today, backpacks come in different styles.
Rolling (滚动的) backpacks have wheels on the bottom. Users can pull them along the ground if they are too heavy to carry on their shoulders.
And with more people bringing laptops to school and work, backpacks also offer space for lightweight electronics.
【小题1】 Backpacks are useful for tourists because_____.

A.they have wheels on the bottom
B.it frees tourists’ hands to do other things
C.tourists can feel fashionable
D.they make tourists feel special
【小题2】The underlined word “unique” in the passage probably means “       ”.
A.普通的 B.独特的
C.有用的 D.便利的
【小题3】 The first modern backpack was thought to be invented by _____.
A.a famous inventor B.an Englishman
C.a hiker D.a student
【小题4】 In order to make the backpack light, _____ is used.
A.cotton B.nylon
C.cloth D.paper
【小题5】 The passage mainly talks about _____.
A.a famous TV drama
B.different functions (功能) of backpacks
C.the history of backpacks
D.who wears backpacks

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