
—  Does your son like carrots? — ________.

A.Yes, she does                          B.Yes, he is

C.No, he doesn’t                        D.No, she doesn’t





试题分析:试题分析:英语疑问句的回答要保持人称和时态一致,根据上文Does your son,主语为单数第三人称男性,故人称代词用he,选C。


点评:英语中以yes或no开头回答的问句叫一般疑问句,其回答有比较固定的格式。一般为:肯定回答:Yes, +主语(通常是代词)+助动词;否定回答:No, +主语(通常是代词)+ 助动词 not.(的缩写形式).注意助动词和人称代词人称与数上同问句保持一致。当be动词是am时,am与not不缩写.另外有些助动词的否定回答比较特殊,如:must的否定回答不能用mustn’t,需要特指记住。



It keeps your insides from falling out. It helps you warm up when you are cold, and it can cool you off when you are hot. It lets you feel things by touch.
What is this? Your skin(皮肤), of course! What does you skin ask for return for all the wonderful things it does? Just a little care!  So let’s learn how to take care of our skin.
Like the heart and stomach, your skin is an organ (器官).In fact, it is the largest organ in your body.Unless there’s a problem, you may not think about your skin very much.But skin has an important job to do.
Your skin is protecting you.Your skin keeps you from getting sick.When you take care of your skin, you are helping your skin do its job.Taking care of your skin today will help you have no problems in the future.
Clean skin is happy skin! One simple way to take care of your skin is to keep it clean.Keeping your hands clean is very important.When washing your hands, use warm water.Wet your hands, and then use soap.You should wash your hands carefully everywhere.
You’ll also want to use warm water, but not too hot, when you take a bath.Use soap to clean your body.Don’t forget under your arms and behind your ears! Your face needs attention, too.It’s a good idea to wash your face once or twice a day with warm water.
【小题1】We can infer( 推断出 )from Paragraph 3 that __

A.people don’t often care much about their skinB.skin is an organ
C.there would be nothing wrong with your skinD.skin is not important at all
【小题2】Which of the following best describes your clean skin?
A.A kind of job to keep you from getting sick.B.An important and largest organ.
C.Something like your heart and stomach.D.Healthy and happy skin.
【小题3】Why does the writer think we should try to take care of our skin today?
A.To help us warm up when we are cold.B.In order to keep our insides from falling out.
C.In order to help us have no problems in the future.D.To let us feel things by touch.
【小题4】What does this passage mainly talk about?
A.Taking care of your skin.B.Your skin.
C.An important organ.D.Keeping yourself from getting ill

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