For me, Facebook is about staying in touch with friends, whether that means writing on someone’s ‘wall’or sending them a private message. It’s a useful website for finding long-lost friends, arranging parties and sharing photos. But that’s not all: Facebook is now being used by all kinds of people for all kinds of reasons!

Do you want to play computer games? Log on to Facebook. There are now thousands of entertaining games and puzzles to help you pass the time. Do you want to find cafés, cinemas and bowling alleys in your area? Log on to Facebook pages that you can join and ‘like’, which makes it very easy to search for fun things to do near you. I think it’s brilliant to have all the information that you want on just one website!

People are now joining Facebook to make professional connections too, either with people who do the same kind of work, or with businesses that are looking for new people to work for them.

It’s a pretty good idea since so many people use Facebook these days, especially young people! Even students log on to Facebook to look for summer or part-time jobs.

And that’s not all! Now there are hundreds of pages about sports teams, TV programmes and pop stars to look at on Facebook. However, I believe the main reason most young people use Facebook is because it’s so easy to let the world know what you think about different things or people, whether it’s about a new film at the cinema or whether you prefer Rihanna with long or short hair. You can even write comments directly on other people’s Facebook pages including some stars’ pages. But you have to be careful because giving your opinion online can be dangerous.

We mustn’t forget that Facebook is meant to be fun and shouldn’t be used for saying bad things about people around us. I recently read a news article about a student who had to leave school because she made rude and unfair comments about a teacher on her Facebook wall. Several other school students have been in trouble for similar comments and opinions. In fact, it really annoys me when I see somebody has written nasty things about another person!

It’s true that Facebook is becoming more and more part of our daily lives for many different reasons, and it can be really helpful as well as being a lot of fun. But, as with all websites, we must be careful about how we use it.

1.What does the writer think of the Facebook?

A.It is easy for finding a long-lost friend

B.It is dangerous for giving one’s opinion

C.It is mainly used for business reasons these days.

D.It is useful for finding entertainment information.

2.Why does the writer think young people like Facebook so much?

A.It’s a good place to read TV programmes reviews.

B.They can have conversations about their interests.

C.It’s the best place to find information about sports.

D.They like having the chance to give their opinions.

3.The underlined word “nasty” in Paragraph 6 probably means “________”.

A.critical B.private C.unpleasant D.impolite

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A.The use of Facebook B.The information on Facebook

C.The reasons of using Facebook D.The suggestions for using Facebook

Most of us in China are used to paying for almost everything with our phones. But for foreign visitors who aren’t familiar with this method, it may seem strange.

Lim May, a girl who comes from Singapore studies in Shanghai, said once she was waiting in line to buy breakfast in Shanghai and saw other customers show their phones and take the food without giving over any cash or using bank cards. Soon after, she realized that the customers were using WeChat Pay(微信支付). She was even more surprised to find that this kind of payment has spread to almost every part of Chinese people’s daily life now.

Lim pointed out that Singapore falls behind in mobile payments. “When visitors from China find that they have to use cash here, they ask, ‘How can Singapore be so backward?’ ” Lim said.

The popularity of mobile payments in China has made several foreign companies to accept them. Many countries now accept mobile payment services for Chinese tourists, with WeChat Pay covered in 13 foreign countries and areas and Alipay(支付宝) over 200.

While mobile payments are now a normal part of life in China, it’s not so common in other countries even in the US. It’s reported that in 2016, Chinese mobile payments were nearly 50 times greater than those in the US last year.

This may be partly because Western mobile payment services need businesses to install(安装) expensive equipment(设备)before customers can use them. While in China, all it takes is a QR code(二维码) and a smart phone.

1.According to Lim’s experience, which of the following you may probably see when buying things in China now?

A.People use cash to buy things at a shop without waiting in line.

B.People usually use bank cards to pay for breakfast in Shanghai.

C.People often go shopping with their smart phones instead of cash.

D.People don’t take any cash with them when they go shopping.

2.What does the underlined word “backward” mean in the passage?

A.麻烦的 B.落后的 C.不同的 D.搞笑的

3.According to the passage, we can learn that __________.

A.most Chinese people have been used to paying without cash now

B.WeChat Pay has developed faster than Alipay in foreign countries

C.people now can only use mobile payments in big cities of China’s hard for Chinese businesses to offer mobile payment services

4.What’s the best title for this passage?

A.China leads world in mobile payment B.The development of mobile payment

C.Advantages of using mobile payment D.How to use mobile payment in China

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