

  Firstly, what were dinosaurs?

  Dinosaurs lived on Earth a long time age; some dinosaurs were huge and had long tails-they were bigger than a whole family of elephants. Others were very small-they were about the size of a chicken. Not all dinosaurs ate meat. Some just ate plants. Not all of them were dangerous. Some were harmless.

  When did they live on earth?

  Dinosaurs lived on Earth for about 135 million years. Man has lived here for only 35,000 years About 65 million years ago, however, all the dinosaurs died in a very short period of time. Nobody knows why it happened suddenly.

  How do we know about dinosaurs?

  Scientists study dinosaur bones and eggs to get information. They discover how dinosaurs lived, what they looked like, where they lived and what they ate. Scientists now believe that dinosaurs were very colorful animals.

  Were they clever animals?

  In the past, scientists thought that dinosaurs were slow and stupid. We now know that many dinosaurs were fast and powerful. Some were not only fast, but clever too. They used the long claws on their feet to kill their food. Other dinosaurs were probably very stupid. One very large dinosaur had a brain the size of a peanut!

  Do you think they could ever live on Earth again?

  In the Hollywood film Jurassic Park, a scientist brings dinosaurs back to life from an old egg. Scientists in China recently found some dinosaur eggs similar to the one in the film. Could they bring dinosaurs back to life? It is unlikely, but in science, anything seems possible!


  Dinosaurs used to live on Earth a long time ago. Some of them were 1 and others were very small. Some of them ate 2 and others ate plants. So not all of them are 3 .

  They lived on Earth for about 4 million years. Nowadays scientists study dinosaur 5 and eggs to get 6 . Scientists used to think dinosaurs were 7 and 8 . But now we know that many of them were 9 and 10 .



  Dinosaurs used to live on Earth a long time ago. Some of them were huge and others were very small. Some of them ate meat and others ate plants. So not all of them are dangerous.

  They lived on Earth for about 135 million years. Nowadays scientists study dinosaur bones and eggs to get information. Scientists used to think dinosaurs were slow and stupid. But now we know that many of them were fast and powerful.



  One of the world's greatest storytellers, Hans Christian Andersen was born on April 2nd, 1805, in Denmark.He was the son of a poor shoemaker.After his father's death he traveled to Copenhagen to try out for the theater.He hoped to become an actor, but his real talent was for writing and he first became known for his poetry.He also wrote plays, novels and travel books, but while many of these are now almost unknown outside Denmark, his fairy tales are famous around the world.

  His first collection of fairy tales, Tales Told for Children, was published in 1835 and included such favorites as The Tinderbox and The Princess and the Pea.His most famous fairy tales, however, are The Little Mermaid, The Ugly Duckling and The Snow Queen.There probably isn't a child in the world who hasn't read at least one of these, or had it read to him.

  Shortly before his death, in August 1875, he was asked what music he would like to be played at his funeral.“It should be in time with little steps,”he said,“because most of the people at my funeral will be children.”

  There is a statue(雕像)of the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen Harbor.It was put there because the Danish are very proud of their most famous writer.


What is the main idea of this passage?

[  ]


Hans Christian Andersen wrote several travel books.


Hans Christian Andersen was born in Denmark.


Hans Christian Andersen was famous for his writing.


Hans Christian Andersen died in August 1875.


What did Andersen want to be at first?

[  ]


An actor.


A shoemaker.


A writer.


A bookseller.


What was the title of his first collection of fairy tales?

[  ]


The Tinderbox


The Princess and the Pea


Tales Told for Children


The Little Mermaid


Which fairy tales are his most famous ones?

[  ]


The Princess and the Pea, The Little Mermaid and The Tinderbox


The Snow Queen, The Ugly Duckling and The Tinderbox


The Ugly Duckling, The Little Mermaid and The Snow Queen


The Ugly Duckling, The Snow Queen and The Princess and the Pea


Who did Andersen think would come to his funeral?

[  ]


Mostly adults.


A few children.


Mostly children.


Only children.


What kind of statue stands in Copenhagen Harbor?

[  ]


A statue of the Little Mermaid.


A statue of a famous writer.


A statue of the Snow Queen.


A statue of Hans Christian Andersen.


  There are many colours in nature.But do you know if a colour has weight?I think you'll say“no”.But I am afraid you are wrong.If you don't believe, you may do a small experiment.

  First, put two objects with the same weight into two boxes.Then cover the box.Third, wrap(包)one box with a red piece of paper, the other with a white piece of paper.OK.Now hold the boxes before your hand one by one.It is certain that you will think the red one is a little heavier.

  Why do you think so?A scientist found that colours, different, different, have, in, man's, mind, weight.① So he did many tests and at last he got the result.That is to say, every colour has its own weight in our mind and their order is the same.The h ________ colour is red, then blue, green, orange, yellow and white.

  A scientist told us that colours also have s ________.Can you smell the colour?Of course not.Then why did the scientist say so?That is because every colour stands for(代表)a kind of light with a certain wave-length(波长).It reaches our brain through sense organs(感觉器官).

  According to this discovery, scientists say that people accept(接受)the colours they like, and refuse the colours they hate.So your body and mind will be h ________ by using the colours you like.Or you'll be nervous or get ill.For example, if you stay in a room with red windows, wallpapers and furniture for two hours, you'll feel you have been there for four hours.But if the room is blue, you'll feel you have been there for only one hour.Another example, if a person walks out of a red room and into a blue room, his temperature will fall.That means our body temperature will change with different colours⑤.



2.完成短文中所缺的单词:②h ________; ③s ________; ④h ________



□Stay in a room with red wallpapers and furniture, and you'll feel the time is slow.

□If a person walks out of a blue room and into a red room his temperature will fall.

□Not all colours stand for a kind of light with a certain wave-length.

  What is blood? Blood is a thick, red fluid which carries oxygen, water and
food to all parts of the body. It keeps the body at the right temperature (温度) and
protects it from disease.
  If you lose a lot of blood, you need new blood. You can receive new blood
from other people. This is called a blood transfusion (输送).
  People can donate (捐献) blood at a Red Cross Blood Bank. People who
give blood are called blood donors (捐献者). Some people sell their blood but
many others donate it.
  Donating blood doesn’t hurt you and it doesn’t take long. First a nurse take a
drop of blood from your finger and tests it. She does this to make sure that your
blood is healthy. Then you lie down on a bed and another nurse checks your
blood pressure (血压). After that the nurse puts a needle into a vein in your arm.
The needle is attached to a tube. The blood flows through the tube into a plastic
bag. After about 10 minutes, when the bag is full, the nurse takes the needle out of
your arm. You stay on the bed and rest for a few minutes. Finally you go into
another room and have something to eat.
  For a healthy person, donating blood is not harmful or painful. But the
blood he or she donates may save someone's life.
1. Where can people go to donate blood?
2. Why does the nurse first take a drop of blood from the finger?
3. What do you do after the nurse takes the needle out of your arm?
4. Do you think you need something to drink after donating blood?
5. Is donating blood harmful for healthy people according to the passage?

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