
How many kinds of music do you know ? There is classical music,   36  music, country music, rap (说唱音乐) and so on. I think every type of music has its own   37  . For example, I think country music is so beautiful and rap is very cool. My favorite kind of music is pop music   38  it is very interesting and exciting. It can make me feel very   39  .
Now I want to tell you   40  about my favorite singer and music group. My favorite singer is Jolin. Her Chinese name is Cai Yilin. She has a very beautiful       41  and her songs very wonderful. I love her song Say Love You, The Smell of Lemon Grass and Pirates best. What do you   42   these songs ? I hope Jolin has a good time every day.  
43  my favorite music group ? That is S.H.E. Their songs are so cool that I have never   44   a chance to watch their performances.
45  to music is also good for me. It can make me feel relaxed and less lonely when I stay at home alone.
小题1:A. thrilling                B. pop                   C. sweet
小题2:A. features                B. players                C. interests
小题3:A. although               B. so                     C. because
小题4:A. happy                 B. sad                    C. afraid
小题5:A. something              B. anything                C. everything
小题6:A. sound                  B. noise                   C. voice
小题7:A. hear of                B. think of                 C. care about
小题8:A. What if                B. What about               C. Why not
小题9:A. missed                 B. forgotten                C. found
小题10:A. Speaking               B. Replying                C. Listening


小题1:本句的含义为音乐的种类有古典音乐,流行音乐,乡村音乐和说唱音乐等等,pop music表示流行音乐的含义,故本题选B。
小题7:本句的含义为你如何看待这些歌曲呢?what……think of……?表示对某事物的看法进行提问,故本题选B。
小题8:本句的含义为我最喜欢的音乐组合如何呢?what about对事物情况提问,翻译为……呢?故本题选B。
Today we’ll talk about the history of blue jeans. For many people, blue jeans stand for (代表) American culture.
The history of blue jeans usually began with a man named Levi Strauss. He did not invent jeans. But he is the first person to produce and sell them in large numbers. Levi Strauss was born in Germany. In 1847, he and his family moved to the United States. He opened a small store and sold jeans. These pants were especially useful for miners (矿工) in California. They needed strong clothing. Levi Strauss worked with Jacob Davis, who had invented a step for making rivets (铆钉) for jeans. They helped make the blue jeans stronger.
In 1873, Strauss and Davis received a patent (专利) to own this invention. Nineteenth century workers would probably be surprised to know that their pants would one day become fashions. Today, jeans are worn by people of all ages. Jeans come in many colors other than blue and in many styles and prices. Fashion designers even create very costly jeans.
Writer James published a book called Jeans: A Cultural History of an American Icon (偶像). In the book, he says jeans serve as a sign for two American values, creativity and rebellion (叛逆).
小题1: Why did Jacob use rivets for jeans?
A.Because they made the blue jeans stronger.
B.Because they had a history.
C.Because they are fashionable.
D.Because they were dear.
小题2:Which of the following is WRONG about blue jeans?
A.Miners like to wear strong clothing.
B.Jeans have only one color — blue.
C.James wrote a book about jeans.
D.Levi Strauss is the first person to produce jeans in large numbers.
小题3:The two American values are rebellion and _____________.
小题4:What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Jeans are popular.
B.Jeans become fashions.
C.The history of blue jeans.
D.Levi Strauss was a German.
My problem is my parents. They never stop going on about how I should keep my room tidy, keep my hair tidy and wear smart clothes. They even make me do the washing-up after dinner every night! None of my friends have got such terrible parents. What should I do?
My best friend has suddenly turned her back on me and I don’t know why! Last week we phoned each other every day and e-mailed too, and over the weekend we went shopping together and she was fine. But at school on Monday morning she didn’t look at me or speak to me. I don’t know what I’ve done. She now spends all her time with another group of friends.
I have a really bad habit of chewing(嚼)the ends of my hair. I try to stop, but I can’t! My mom is starting to get really angry about it. Have you got any ideas?
Hi _________,
Why should your parents do all the washing-up? You should help around the house—it’s only fair. I don’t think you should change your looks though. Young people should look like young people.
Wearing your hair pulled back in a ponytail(马尾辫)will help keep it out of your mouth. When you feel like chewing something, try bubble gum(泡泡糖). Give yourself time and you should be able to break this habit. The first few days are usually the hardest. Good luck!
③Hi ________,
Don’t worry about it so much! Phone your friend up as usual and she won’t be able to refuse you. I am sure you will get along well with each other. Everything will be fine.
小题1:根据所读内容将Helen, Jane, Gina 三个名字分别填入相应的横线上。(共3分,每空1分)
①________________________ ②________________________ ③________________________
小题2:The three girls wrote to ask for ________________________. (1分)
小题3:The underlined words “turned her back on me” means “________________________” in Chinese.(2分)
小题4:It is clear that Helen is not ________________________ with her parents.(2分)
小题5:According to the advice, Jane should ________________________ her friend as usual.(2分)

Dear Mom,
I’m sorry that I can’t go back home for Mother’s Day next week.  On that day, I’ll have to go to an important meeting for my boss, who helps me a lot with my work and life here.  But I’ll find time to see you at home soon.
Mom, thank you for everything you’ve done for Tim and me.  After Dad died ten years ago, you had to work in a supermarket in the daytime and in a restaurant at night.  But you always gave us two your love and care.  Though you don’t have to work now, I still remember your coming home and feeling tired many evenings.
Tim is going to finish his studies next month.  He said he would move back from school and look for a job neat home.  I’m glad you won’t live by yourself anymore.  Let’s plan to take a trip in the near future.  It’s been years since the three of us took a trip together.
Happy Mother’s Day.  I love you, Mom.
                                  Best wishes,
小题1:What can we learn about John’s mother?
A.She lives by herself now.
B.She still works day and night.
C.She will make a plan to save money.
D.She used to be too busy to care for her children.
小题2:What do we know from the letter?
A.John has two brothers.
B.John is unhappy with his boss.
C.John has to work on Mother’s Day.
D.Tim will leave home for his job soon.
小题3:Which is said in the letter?
A.John’s father died at work.
B.Tim will look for a teaching job.
C.John bought a gift for his mother.
D.John hopes to take a trip with his family.
Many people believe that 3G mobile phones will be used in almost all everyday activities. It____that we won’t go shopping because most things will be available(可得到的) on the Internet. There will be no more____ because all texts will be available in electronic libraries. The Internet will be used to plan holidays, rent films and_____ food. Most telephone calls will be ____ by 3G mobile phones as well.
Some people are ____ about the new development. Others, however, don’t think that 3G mobile phones will replace the old __   of shopping and communicating.
Let’s look at books, for example. Some people believe that one day we won’t read books made of paper. ____, we’ll read books by using 3G mobile phones. These mobile phones will store the contents(内容)of many different books at the same time. We won’t need to turn lots of pages and paper will be ____. Is the Internet shopping as fun as traditional shopping? Many people say it’s not. It’s __   _ to go into shops and look at things. It’s also___   that most people will want to read books on their 3G mobile phones. Maybe 3G mobile phones won’t change these two habits.
A.is thinkingB.has thoughtC.is thoughtD.to think
We have no idea about       men first began to use salt. But we do know that it had been used in many different ways _____ the history.
For example, in many history books it is ____ that people who lived three thousand years ago ____salted fish. Thousands of years ago in Egypt(埃及), salt ____ keep the dead. It can keep the dead bodies ____ decay.(腐烂)
In the eighteenth century, a person who stole salt was ____ to have broken the ____. if a person was caught stealing salt, he would be thrown into ____. Books also record that in England about ten thousand people were put into prison during that century ____ stealing salt! In the year 1553, if a man took ____ than his share of salt, he would be thought to have broken the law and would be ____ punished(惩罚).
Salt was very ____ on the dinner table of a king. It was always put ____ the king when he sat down to eat. Then important visitors sat near the salt _____ less important visitors were given seats farther away from it.
A.whenB.whereC.what D.which
A.say B.reported C.recorded D.reading
A.eat B.ateC.eatingD.have eaten
A.used toB.was used toC.was used D.used
A.off B.from C.onD.out
A.thinkB.consider C.thoughtfulD.thought
A.law B.glassC.computerD.time
A.poolB.hill C.prisonD.river
A.becauseB.because ofC.byD.as
A.moreB.less C.fewer D.most
A.in the front ofB.behindC.in front ofD.before
Everyone would like to be remembered. A few people even try to do something that no one else in history has ever tried to do. These people sometimes have their names recorded(记录)in the Guinness Book of Records.
Often it takes a group of people to do something unusual. One such team paddled(用桨划)a bathtub(浴缸)145 kilometers for 24 hours. This group had 13 members. They paddled their bathtub on a river near Ashford, Great Britain on May 28 and 29. 1983. A month later, a racing team of hospital bed pushers in Avon, Great Britain, pushed a hospital bed 16 kilometers in just 50 minutes! However, the distance(距离)record for hospital bed pushing is still held by the men of Bruntsfield Bedding Center. This team from Edinburgh pushed a hospital bed 5,203 kilometers in 1979. It took the team 35 days to cover the distance.
Another group of record makers held the highest dinner party in the world. Nine people from Sydney,Australia, climbed Mountain Huascaran on June 28, 1989. The climbers carried a dinner table. chairs, and a meal up the mountain. When they reached the top, they all put on warm suits for dinner.
People all over the world are trying hard to do something unusual to make a record. It should be understood, however, that now not all the records will be kept in the Guinness Book of Records.
小题1: According to the passage, what record was made near Ashford in May, 1983?
A.A record for paddling a bathtub.
B.A record for climbing a mountain.
C.A record for pushing a hospital bed
D.A record for swimming across a river.
小题2:The word cover in the passage means _______.
A.startB.go throughC.keepD.know
小题3:What was unusual about the highest dinner party held by the nine people in the passage?
A.The people who held the dinner party all came from Sydney.
B.Only nine people held the highest dinner party.
C.They had a meal on the mountain.
D.They carried a dinner table and chairs up the mountain to hold the dinner party.
小题4:Which of the following shows the right order(顺序)of what happened in the passage?
a. A group of 13 members paddled a bathtub on a river near Ashford.
b. A team from Edinburgh made a distance record for hospital bed pushing.
c. A group of nine people from Sydney had a dinner party on the top of Mountain Huascaran.
d. A racing team pushed a hospital bed 16 kilometers in just 50 minutes in Avon.
小题5: Which of the following is mentioned(提及)in the passage?
A.Hospital bed pushing was a popular sport in Edinburgh.
B.People living in Ashford usually used a bathtub to carry things.
C.Two different records for hospital bed pushing were given.
D.Hospital bed pushing was held twice a year in Avon, Great Britain.

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