
【题目】配对阅读。左栏是学生遇到的问题,右栏是7个建议。请将问题与有针对性的建议配对, 并将答案的字母编号填写在答题卡上。

6. My American friends invite(邀请) me to their dinner party. I don’t know what to bring.

7. One of my American friends invites me to dinner at eight tonight. Should I arrive earlier?

8. I’m going to a dinner party held by Americans, but I don’t know how to use the forks

(叉子) and knives.

9. I’m going to an American friend’ s party. I’m not sure what to dress. Should I dress formally(正式)?

10. An American family invite me to their home for dinner. How can I let the family know that I’m thankful for their kindness after dinner?

A. Never accept(接受) an invitation unless you really plan to go. You may refuse(拒绝) politely.

B. Just watch the other people, and follow them. If you still have no idea of what to do, ask the person next to you.

C. If you accept a dinner invitation of your friend, tell him or her what you like and don’t like to eat.

D . You should arrive on time. Don’t get there early. If you’re going to be more than fifteen minutes late, you should call and tell them.

E. Flowers are always nice, or you may bring a bottle of wine (酒) if you know that your friends drink it.

F. Everyday dress is Ok for most visits to an American’s home.

G. You should thank them for the meal and for their kindness. It’s also a good idea to send a thank you card the day after.

















A. Goldie does not care about beauty or clothes

B. She learned to make a machine with the blocks(积木)

C. Yet girls appear far less interested in STEM subjects

D. They should also provide a good education

E. The four areas together are known as STEM

Not enough American students want to be engineers, mathematicians, or scientists. The US government wants to change that. The government will spend three billion dollars on the education of young Americans in science, technology, engineering, and math. (66) ____________.

Many jobs in the STEM fields will open in the coming years. The purpose of the government’s investment(投资)is to increase the number of Americans who can take those jobs. (67) _____________ than boys. Only 25 percent of STEM students are girls.

Camsie McAdams is at the US Education Department. She says girls simply do not feel welcomed in STEM subjects.

Debbie Sterling is an engineer. She invented a toy for girls. The name of the toy is “Goldie Blox”. To interest girls, Sterling created the character “Goldie”. (68) _____________. Goldie tells stories, solves difficult problems and builds new worlds.

Mia is a seven-year-old girl who likes science. In her room, she has no fashion dolls. Instead, she received a set of Goldie Blox from her grandmother. (69) _____________.

Experts say parents should do more than just buy toys to interest their girls in STEM subjects. (70) _____________. At school, girls should take part in projects that require teamwork and creative thinking.

【题目】A soap opera called “Tiger Mother and Cat Father” is popular in China now. The tiger mother is pretty strict with her daughter and the little girl is not allowed to watch TV or play computer games. On the other hand, she makes all efforts to buy the expensive house near the key school, in order to let her daughter have a better education. However, the cat father has an opposite view of how to raise their child. He gives her daughter more independence and doesn’t make many rules for her. Which one is better, Tiger Mother”or “Cat Father”?

In China, it seems that in each family, there is tiger mother and a cat father, even worse, some families have two tigers. Children can’t decide anything for themselves. What’s worse, Chinese mothers believe key school will bring a better future to their children. This soap opera fully shows us a common problem in China. And maybe it is the real reason why such kind of TV shows can get popular.

Whether the tiger mother or the cat father, respecting(尊重)children and growing together are the keys to family education. Confidence, kindness, honesty and independence are the most important qualities to develop a child, not the grades. Just like a poem said, “Educating children is like walking with a snail(蜗牛), and the steps are gentle and slow.”

【1】In the soap opera, the little girl isn’t allowed to_______.

A.eat vegetables B.get good grades

C.go to the key school D.watch TV or play computer games

2In the soap opera, the father is called “Cat Father” because______

A.he enjoys eating fish just like a cat

B.he gives her daughter more independence

C.he is afraid of his wife

D.he always stays up late just like a cat

3The underline word “view” mean“________”in Chinese in this passage.

A.风景 B.磁带 C.观点 D.观察

4We can infer(推断)from the last paragraph(段落)that the writer thinks it’s good to_______.

A.slow your steps and grow together with your children

B.take a walk with your children often

C.be strict with your children like “Tiger Mother”

D.buy an expensive house near the key school


Andy was born in China 17 years ago. In 2007, she went to the USA with her family. As a high school student, she has found many differences between Chinese and Americans.

About money Americans like to spend more than they have, so many of them are always in debt (欠债). But Chinese usually spend less than they have, so many of them always have money left in the bank.

The American kids themselves make their own money. Most Chinese kids always ask their parents for money.

About education Many American students have less homework to do while many Chinese students have much. Many American girls take part in sports, dancing and singing groups while many Chinese girls take part in study groups. Many American parents think there is no need to send their children to an expensive school. It’s different in China. Many Chinese parents would try their best to send their children to expensive schools though (虽然) their family isn’t rich enough.

About friends Most American parents let their sons or daughters make friends by themselves. They never ask them about their friends while Chinese parents are usually interested in knowing more about their children’s friends, and usually stop them from staying out too late with friends.

【1 between Chinese and Americans




Chinese usually have some money in the bank 2 they spend less money than they have.

Many Americans usually 3 money from the banks because they spend more than they have.

Chinese children get money from their 4.

Children usually make money by 5 .


Parents usually do their 6 to send their children to study in expensive schools.

Many parents think it isn’t necessary to send their children to an expensive school.

Chinese girls join in 7 groups.

Many American girls exercise, dance and 8 together.


Parents are usually 9 in knowing more about their children’s friends.

Most American parents 【10 pay attention to (关注) their children’s friends.

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