Communication(交流) is important for strong family relationships. However, if you don’t truly listen to others, it can be difficult to communicate. Working on your listening skills can help you understand each other better and form stronger bonds.

Stay in the present When listening to a family member, do not think about anything else. Put your phone away and give the speaker your full attention. It’s important to try to stay in the present to make your family member feel heard and valued. Pay attention to what is being said. Make understanding the speaker’s thoughts the most important thing at the moment.

Use body language If you want the family member to feel valued, make sure to show that you are listening. You can do it by using body language. Nod as the speaker talks. Smile when it is suitable. Keep eye contact.

Do not cut in Cutting in can prevent you from communicating effectively. No matter how excited you feel about a subject, do not start talking until the family member has finished. Always allow a few seconds of silence after the speaker finishes talking before offering your reply. This allows you to make sure the speaker has finished, and gives the speaker a chance to fully express himself.

Ask questions Part of listening is understanding. If there is anything in the conversation you don’t understand, please ask after the family member finishes. This shows you are truly listening to him and value his thoughts.

Ask questions that encourage open discussions. For example, “What do you think of the situation?” Don’t ask “why” questions, which might not make the speaker feel comfortable.

Follow these tips, listen actively to your family to help communication run smoothly so that you can build strong family relationships.

Title: How to be a good 1. to your family


Working on your listening skills helps you have better 2. and form stronger family relationships.

3. for improving listening skills

Stay in the present

When listening to your family member, do not think about 4. things. It is the most important thing to understand the speaker.

Use body language

5. as the speaker talks, smiling when it’s suitable and keeping eye contact can show that you are listening.

Do not cut in

6. until the family member has finished talking.

A few 7. of silence is needed to allow the speaker to fully express himself.


Never ask “why” questions, which might make the speaker feel 9..


Listen actively to your family and 10. strong family relationships.

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