
In the exhibition, all of us felt _________ to see so many _________ things.

A.surprised; amazed                      B.surprising; amazing

C.surprising; amazed                      D.surprised; amazing





试题分析:surprised吃惊的,指人;amazed吃惊的,指人; surprising令人吃惊的,指物;amazing令人吃惊的,指物。句意:在展览中,看到如此多的令人吃惊的东西,我们所有人都感到很震惊。结合语境可知前文指人,下文指物,故选D。





U.S.A. Weather Report of May 13

City               Weather             

DETROIT            Clouds early  

Maybe a shower, and then skies clear up.

High: 73° Low: 43°

Tomorrow: sunny to partly cloudy.

High: 66° Low: 45°

BOSTON             Staying cool 

More clouds than yesterday. Cool east wind.

High: 65° Low: 51°

Tomorrow: showers in the afternoon; then clearing.

High: 69° Low: 47°

LOS ANGELES        Not bad 

Some morning clouds; then a sunny afternoon.

High: 78° Low: 61°

Tomorrow: warmer.

High: 81° Low: 65°

PHILADELPHI        A Mainly sunny

A few clouds; then showers tonight.

High: 75° Low: 57°

Tomorrow: clouds early; then heavy rain.

High: 76° Low: 52°

WASHINGTON D.C.    Sunny intervals(间隔)

Some clouds, and heavy rain tonight.

High: 77° Low: 60°

Tomorrow: cloudy to partly sunny.

High: 77° Low: 54°


1.Which city was sunny to partly cloudy on May 14?


C. DETROIT.                   D. BOSTON.

2.When did BOSTON have showers?

A.On the afternoon of May 13.               B.On the morning of May 13.

C.On the afternoon of May 14.               D.On the morning of May 14.

3.Which’s TRUE about the weather in LOS ANGELES?

A. It was cooler than WASHINGTON D.C. on May 13.

B. It was warmer on May 14 than on May 13.

C. It was cloudy on the afternoon of May 13.

D. It was sunny on the morning of May 13.

4.Which picture represents the weather on the night of May 13 in PHILADELPHIA?


5.What did most people probably do in PHILADELPHIA on May 13 at night?

A.Enjoyed looking at the moon.              B.Went for a walk.

C.Did sports outside.                      D.Stayed at home.


Do you know that colorful fruits and vegetables are good for your health? Their natural colors help protect your body from disease. Think about the colors of the food: the red of tomatoes, the orange of carrots, the green of kiwi fruit(猕猴桃), and the purple of grapes.

You can enjoy eating fruits and vegetables of all colors: green, yellow, orange, red, blue, purple and white. Each color has something unique(独一无二的) and important for good health. They work together to protect your body.

Scientists have surprisingly discovered the benefits of colorful fruits and vegetables. The list below shows the benefits of some colors in fruits and vegetables.

Red gives you a healthy heart. It can reduce the risk of heart disease. Red helps prevent cancer. It helps improve your memory, too.

Yellow and orange give you a healthy immune system(免疫系统). They are also good for your eyes. They help prevent blindness in the old.

White can keep cholesterol(胆固醇) at a lower level.

Green helps prevent cancer. It is good for your eyes. It also gives you strong bones and teeth.

Blue and purple help protect your memory as you grow old. They also help fight cancer and heart disease.

So when you buy or eat fruits and vegetables, remember: the more colors, the better!

1.______different colors of fruits and vegetables are mentioned in the passage.

A.Four             B.Five              C.Six               D.Seven

2.The underlined word “benefits” in the passage means “_______”.

A.益处             B.危害             C.营养             D.后果

3.Daniel has poor eyesight. _____ fruits and vegetables are good for him.

A.Red, yellow and orange

B.White, green and blue

C.Yellow, green and orange

D.Blue, red and white

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Keeping cholesterol at a lower level is good for your health.

B.The more colorful fruit and vegetables you eat, the better it will be for your health.

C.Red fruits and vegetables will cause heart diseases.

D.Blue, purple and red fruits and vegetables are good for your memory.



“Low *carbon” becomes the most popular words these days because more and more people pay attention to our environment. Not only China but all other    1   concentrate on the topic of “low carbon”. Low carbon life    2    a kind of lifestyle in which people do their best to use less energy. The purpose of the lifestyle is to push us to    3    the environment.

Because of the fast increase of population and human *desire, the human living environment, health and safety are    4    worse and worse. So we can say, the lifestyle is becoming the killer of the earth and human beings. Therefore, low carbon life is needed by man’s own health. So we should develop good    5    in our daily life. For example, when we go shopping, we’d better use    6    plastic bags. We should eat more    7    and less meat. As for clothing, we’d better buy the necessary clothes and not buy clothes with animal *leather. As for housing, when building a    8   , we must use green material; buy the lights that need less energy and remember to    9    the lights when not needed; put rubbish into different kinds and recycle the useful things, like bottles and paper. As for transportation, we can    10    if you go to the places near your house. For short trips, we can ride a bike instead of driving a car. Try to use public transportations. As for working, companies should    11    clerks to use e-mail, MSN and other ways instead of using paper. We use paper only when necessary. For using    12    : If you don’t use computer in a short time, you can change the computer into its “sleep”.

Besides, we should try    13    best to tell the people around us the importance of the low carbon lifestyle. And we can also ask them to    14    us to take the low carbon life, in this way, not only can we make our city better,    15    also it’s good for ourselves.

In all, it weighs greatly for all of us to put the low carbon lifestyle into practice.

1.                A.countries       B.cities           C.towns    D.villages


2.                A.helps          B.means          C.lives D.thinks


3.                A.keep           B.pollute         C.protect   D.make


4.                A.doing          B.trying          C.discovering    D.becoming


5.                A.lists            B.shops          C.decisions D.habits


6.                A.more          B.less            C.fewer    D.many


7.                A.tea            B.vegetables      C.meat     D.food


8.                A.house          B.bridge          C.store D.market


9.                A.turn off         B.turn on         C.put off   D.put on


10.               A.walk           B.rush           C.run   D.drive


11.               A.make          B.let            C.see   D.encourage


12.               A.machine        B.light           C.bed  D.computer


13.               A.ours           B.we            C.our   D.us


14.               A.stop           B.tell            C.join  D.hear


15.               A.so             B.but            C.and  D.though



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