

You may not know how his magic tricks work . But that’s why they are so much fun ! American magician(魔术师) David Copperfield is coming back to China. He’s going to show everyone, young and old, ___1______ cool, new magic tricks.

Copperfield is one of the world’s most famous ___2______. Copperfield’s shows begin in Beijing on April 20. He will also give shows in Changsha , Hangzhou , Nanjing and Shanghai __3________ April and May . There will be 38___4______ in all .

Copperfield began studying magic when he was a child . At the ___5______ of 12 , he was the youngest person to be in the Society of American Magicians (全美魔术家协会).

And now , he is famous all over the world . In 1983, he made the Statue of Liberty in New York go away ___6______ a few minutes . In 1986, he walked through the Great Wall in Beijing!

His shows are not just magic. He also dances ____7_____does lots of interesting things to make his fans happy . He even asks his fans to help ____8_____ do trick!

One of Copperfield’s body greatest tricks is flying . At his shows in China, he is going to make some fans fly around! How does he make people fly? No one knows .That’s his secret.

In ___9______ trick, an electric saw(电锯) will cut Copperfield’s body in halt._____10_______ after the trick, he’s OK. Copperfield will also teach magic tricks to some disable(残疾) children in Chinese hospitals.

1.                A.much          B.a little          C.a bit of   D.a lot of


2.                A.magicians       B.workers        C.teachers  D.doctors


3.                A.on            B.in             C.of   D.at


4.                A.books          B.shows          C.picture   D.cars


5.                A.time           B.year           C.age  D.class


6.                A.for            B.with           C.by   D.at


7.                A.but            B.or             C.and  D.so


8.                A.his            B.he             C.he’s    D.him


9.                A.other          B.others          C.another  D.the other


10.               A.But            B.So             C.Because   D.Or
















1.A. much 许多,用于修饰不可数名词       B. a little一点儿,用于修饰不可数名词       C. a bit of 一点 修饰可数名词     D. a lot of 许多,可修饰可数名词 根据句意:他将给每个人,老人,年轻人,表演很多非常酷的,新式魔术。故选D

2.A. magicians魔术师    B. workers工人      C. teachers 老师     D. doctors医生 根据句意:Copperfield是世界最著名的魔术师之一。故选A

3.A. on ,用于具体的时日和一个特定的时间前   B. in ,用于某年,某月或者泛指的上午下午之前   C. of 的  D. at用于具体的时刻之前 根据句意:他将在4月或者5月在南京,长沙,上海,杭州表演魔术。故选B

4.A. books书     B. shows演出    C. picture 图片  D. cars汽车 根据句意:总共会有很多演出。故选B

5.根据句意:在他12岁的时候。At the age of 12在12岁的时候 故选C





10.A. But但是  B. So所以   C. Because因为   D. Or或者 根据后文意思可知,这里是表转折。故选A






  An angry woman sat in the station office. “The railway should pay me $12,”she said to Harry, the man who sold the ticket. “My ticket was for May 22nd, and there was (1) train from Jersey that night. My daughter and I had to (2) in a hotel. It (3) me $12.”

  Harry was (4)  . He remembered selling the woman a return ticket. (5) he checked the Jersey timetable for May 22nd, he knew she was right. However, had he made such a careless mistake? Wondering (6) to do, he smiled at the woman's child. “Did you have a nice (7) in Jersey?” he said to her.“Yes,” she answered shyly. “The seashore was lovely. And I can swim, too !”

  “That's fine,” said Harry. “My little girl can't swim at all. Of course, she's only three...”

  “I'm four,” the child said (8) .“I'll soon be four and a half.”

  Harry turned to the mother. “I remember your ticket, madam,” he said. (9) you didn't buy one ticket (10) your daughter, did you?”

  “Well,” the woman looked at her child, “I (11) she hasn't started school yet. She is only four.” “A four-year-old child (12) pay for a ticket, madam. A child's return ticket (13) Jersey costs $13.50. So (14) we pay your hotel hill, you will owe $ 1.50. The law is the law, since the mistake was mine...“ Saying (15) , the woman stood up, took the child's hand and left the station office.


[  ]

A. no
B. a
C. some
D. the


[  ]

A. eat
B. live
C. stay
D. rest


[  ]

A. paid
B. spent
C. took
D. cost


[  ]

A. worried
B. tired
C. frightened
D. pleased


[  ]

A. When
B. Before
C. After
D. While


[  ]

A. where
B. when
C. how
D. what


[  ]

A. present
B. rest
C. party
D. holiday


[  ]

A. loudly
B. politely
C. sadly
D. proudly


[  ]

A. And
B. But
C. So
D. Or


[  ]

A. with
B. to
C. for
D. from


[  ]

A. mean
B. ask
C. guess
D. decide


[  ]

A. can
B. must
C. may
D. need


[  ]

A. from
B. for
C. in
D. to


[  ]

A. when
B. if
C. as
D. because


[  ]

A. a lot
B. something
C. nothing
D. everything
Once there was a rich man in a village. He never gave anything to help   42 . The villagers didn’t like him. One day he said to them, “I know you don’t like me. I will give everything I have    43  you when I die. Then everyone will be happy.”
But nobody   44  him. The rich man couldn’t understand why they didn’t believe him. One day he went for a walk by a lake. Under a big tree he happened to hear a pig and a cow   45.   The pig   46  to the cow, “Why everyone likes you and nobody likes me? After I die. I provide people with pork, ham, etc. I give three or four things to them. But you give    47  one thing—milk. Why do people like you all the time and not me?”
The cow said, “Look, I give them milk while I’m   48 . They see that I’m generous(慷慨的) with what I have. But you don’t give them anything before you die. You give them ham, pork and so on only after you’re dead. People don’t believe in the   49 ; they believe in the present. If you give something   50 you are living, people will like you. It is quite simple.”
From that moment on, the rich man did his  51  to help the poor.
A.otherB.othersC.the otherD.another
A.believesB.believe C.believes inD.believed
A.sangB.told C.askedD.said
A.more thanB.onlyC.less thanD.but
【小题7】lives        B. live           C. lived          D. alive
A.while B.where C.whatD.how

Time is very important in our lives. But it never had any importance in my life until I  1  a watch from my father that made me responsible(有责任). It  2  me the importance of time in my life.
I got this gift on a grey-sky day. I had to go to the  3  at 9:00 a.m. to pick up(接)my uncle Ali and take him to my father’s house. However, I forgot it  4  I was playing with my friends. Later on that day, around 11:00 a.m., I  5  my uncle, but I was late for him. He had got out of the plane and  6  a taxi to my father’s house.
I 7  my father’s house at 2:00 p.m. at the same day . My father looked at me angrily. I said “hi” to him and my  8  uncle. My father asked me to sit  9  him and handed me this watch which was a gift from  10 . It weighed 8 oz(盎司)and all of it was made of silver(银). Then he said, “Essa, did you have fun  11  your friends today? What you did was not very nice and you should be sorry for your  12 .” I felt sorry and told my father that I wouldn’t do it again. Then he said, “This watch will be a reminder(提醒物) for you. I hope today you have learned something  13 .”
I learned a lesson from my father: to respect(尊重) time and  14  be late. The watch is important to me, not because of its  15 , but because of the lesson that I learned from it.

A.boughtB.receivedC.borrowed D.broke
A.learnedB.foundC.sent D.told
A.airportB.schoolC.hospital D.station
A.when B.because C.if D.though
A.sawB.forgotC.remembered D.took
A.hadB.drivenC.invited D.taken
A.visited  B.remindedC.reached D.left
A.surprised B.tiredC.nervous D.lonely
A.next toB.around C.behind D.away from
A.usB.himC.them D.you
A.ofB.forC.with D.about
A.words B.actionsC.play D.fun
A.important B.interestingC.expensiveD.wonderful
A.never B.usuallyC.sometimes D.often
A.look B.priceC.sizeD.weight



Dear Laura,

I just heard you tell an old story of gift giving and unselfish love in your program. You don’t know whether it is true that such unselfish love would happen in today’s world. Well, I’m here to give you   36  .

I wanted to do something very   37   for my fifteen-year-old son, who has always been the perfect child. He worked all summer to earn enough money to buy a used motorcycle. Then, he spent hours and hours on it   38   it looked almost new. I was so proud of him that I bought him the shiniest helmet(头盔)and a riding outfit(全套装备).

I could   39   wait for him to open up his gift. In fact, I couldn’t sleep the night before. Upon awakening, I went to the kitchen to   40   the coffee, tea, and morning dishes. In the living room was a beautiful keyboard with a   41  :” To my wonderful mother, all my love, your son.”

I was so surprised. It had been a long-standing joke in our family that I wanted a piano so that I could   42   lessons. “Learn to play the piano, and I’ll get you one” was my husband’s   promise.

I stood there shocked(震惊的), crying a river, asking myself how my son could  43  this expensive gift.

Of course, the house awoke, and my son was very pleased with my reaction(反应). Many kisses were exchanged, and I immediately wanted him to   44   my gift.

As he saw the helmet and outfit, the look on his face was not exactly what I was expecting. Then I   45   that he had sold the motorcycle to get me the keyboard.

Of course I was the proudest mother ever on that day, and my feet never hit the ground for a month.

So I wanted you to know, that kind of love is   46   present and lives even in the ever-changing world of me, me, me!

I thought you’d love to   47   this story.



1.A. hope           B. advice           C. spirit               D. courage

2.  A. strange              B. similar              C. special              D. private

3.  A. after            B. before           C. unless           D. until

4.A. perhaps            B. really           C. almost           D. hardly

5.  A. start                B. cook             C. set                  D. serve

6.  A. sign                 B. notice           C. word             D. note

7.A. give               B. take                 C. draw             D. teach

8.A. present            B. find                 C. afford           D. order

9.A. tear               B. open             C. check            D. receive

10.A. realized              B. remembered      C. imagined             D. supposed

11. A. only             B. still                C. ever                 D. even

12. A. send             B. publish              C. share            D. write





Once there was a rich man in a village. He never gave anything to help   42  . The villagers didn’t like him. One day he said to them, “I know you don’t like me. I will give everything I have     43   you when I die. Then everyone will be happy.”

But nobody   44   him. The rich man couldn’t understand why they didn’t believe him. One day he went for a walk by a lake. Under a big tree he happened to hear a pig and a cow   45.    The pig   46   to the cow, “Why everyone likes you and nobody likes me? After I die. I provide people with pork, ham, etc. I give three or four things to them. But you give    47   one thing—milk. Why do people like you all the time and not me?”

The cow said, “Look, I give them milk while I’m   48  . They see that I’m generous(慷慨的) with what I have. But you don’t give them anything before you die. You give them ham, pork and so on only after you’re dead. People don’t believe in the   49  ; they believe in the present. If you give something   50  you are living, people will like you. It is quite simple.”

From that moment on, the rich man did his  51   to help the poor.

1.A. other             B. others         C. the other       D. another

2.A. for               B. with           C. to              D. after

3.A. believes          B. believe        C. believes in     D. believed

4.A. fighting          B. talking        C. shouting        D. joking

5.A. sang              B. told           C. asked           D. said

6.A. more than         B. only           C. less than       D. but

7. lives               B. live           C. lived           D. alive

8.A. future            B. past           C. present         D. now

9.A. while             B. where          C. what            D. how

10.A. good      B. better  C. best D. well


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