China's Manned Space Program?
The first stageThe second stageThe third stageFuture plans
Time: October 15, 2003
Main events: Chinese astronaunt Yang Liwei was sent up into space. He went around the earth 14 times in his one_day flight.
China became the third country to succeed in manned space flight.
Time: October 12, 2005
Spaceship: Shenzhou Ⅵ
Main events: Chinese astronauts Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng were both sent up into space.On October 17, the two Chinese space heroes safely returned to the earth.
Time: September 25, 2008
Spaceship: Shenzhou VII
Main events: Chinese astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming and Jing Haipeng were all sent up into space. China became the third country to succeed in space walk. On Setember 27, the three Chinese space heroes safely returned to the earth.
1.          China will send up
Tiangong I and Shenzhou VII, IX & X between 2010 and 2012
2. China will make a manned moon landing at a proper(适当的) time around 2017.
2.          China plans to set up a
permanent (永久的) space lab, and build its engineering system in 2020.
【小题1】Before China, how many countries had already sent their spacemen into space??
A. Only one.           B. Two.                 C. Three.         
【小题2】Which spaceship has China succeeded in achieving first space walk?
A. Shengzhou V      B. Shengzhou VI      C. Shengzhou VII
【小题3】So far, how many spacemen has travelled to space in China?
A. 3              B. 5              C. 6
【小题4】Chinese astronauts will possibly walk on the moon around                .?
A. 2010              B. 2017                  C. 2020            

Two Chinese spacecrafts successfully completed China’s first space docking early November 3, 2011, which has taken the country a step closer to building its own space station.
Nearly two days after its launch, the unmanned spacecraft Shenzhou VIII docked with the space lab module Tiangong I more than 343 km above the earth surface. Shenzhou VIII and Tiangong I took apart after flying together for 12 days. On the 14th of November, the two spacecrafts finished the second docking. Then Shenzhou VIII parted from Tiangong I again and returned to the earth safely on the 17th. Tiangong I is still traveling around the earth in the space, waiting for the arrival of Shenzhou IX and X and so on in the near future.
That marked another great leap for China’s space program and made China the third country in the world, after the United States and Russia, to master the space docking technique (空间对接技术).
The world’s first space docking was achieved in 1966, when the manned U.S, spacecraft Gemini 8 (双子星8号) docked with an unmanned Agena Target Vehicle (阿金纳目标飞行器). Space docking is necessary to explore space beyond Earth’s orbit. “The capability increases China’s ability to act independently in space, as well as its ability to work together with others,” said Gregory Kulacki, a U.S. space scientist and senior analyst.
“With the success of its first space docking, China is now equipped with the basic technology and ability required for the construction of a space station,” said Zhou Jianping, chief designer of China’s manned space program.” The country is on its way to building a permanent manned space station around 2020.”
【小题1】What did the success of the first space docking mean to China?

A.China has caught up with the United States in the space exploration field.
B.China took a step closer to building its own space station.
C.China became the first country to master the space docking technique.
D.China has the ability to build a permanent manned space station right now.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “That” in the third paragraph refer to?
A.Shenzhou VIII.
B.Tiangong I
C.The Space Station
D.The success of China’s first space docking
【小题3】What can we learn from the passage? 
A.Tiangong I will fly in the space for 12 days.
B.The first space docking of the world was achieved in 1966, by Russians.
C.Without space docking technique people can’t explore space beyond Earth’s orbit.
D.The U.S.A helped China achieve the first space docking.
【小题4】What’s the best title of this passage?
A.The first space docking of China.
B.The history of space docking.
C.The first space docking of the world.
D.The space docking technique






Shenzhou V



Yang Liwei

China became the third country to succeed in sending up the manned spaceship into space.

Shenzhou VI



Fei Junlong  Nie Haisheng


Shenzhou VII



Zhai Zhigang

Liu Boming

Jing Haipeng

Three Chinese astronauts were sent into the space together. Zhai Zhigang went out of the spaceship and walked in space for the first time.

Shenzhou VIII



No astronaut

Shenzhou VIII connected itself to Tiangong I successfully.

Shenzhou IX



Jing Haipeng

Liu Wang

Liu Yang

Astronauts connected Shenzhou IX to Tiangong I successfully by controlling them by hand. Liu Yang became the first woman astronaut who came into the space in China.



1.______ country (countries) had sent their astronauts into space before China.

A.One             B.Two              C.Three            D.Four

2.______ was sent into the space twice among these astronauts.

A.Yang Liwei         B.Fei Junlong        C.Nie Haisheng       D.Jing Haipeng

3.______ walked in the space for the first time in China.

A.Yang Li Wei        B.Zhai Zhigang        C.Liu Boming        D.Liu Yang

4._______ has the same number of astronauts as Shenzhou IX.

A.Shenzhou V        B.Shenzhou VI        C.Shenzhou VII       D.Shenzhou VIII

5.Liu Yang ________ in China.

A.became the first woman astronaut who came into the space the first astronaut who came into the space

C.walked in the space for the first time

D.connected Shenzhou VIII to Tiangong I successfully


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