

Once a great boxer (拳击手) called Tom Brown went to a restaurant (餐馆) f 1 supper. He took out his coat and h 2 it at the door. He was afraid that s 3 would take it. So he took a piece of paper and wrote on it:“The great boxer, Tom Brown, has l 4 his coat here. He will come back in a m 5 .”He put his coat w 6 the paper together and then went to have supper. When he came back , his coat was not here. He o 7 found another piece of paper on i 8 place. It r 9 :“A great runner has taken your coat away and he will not c 10 back any more.”

1.f________    2.h________

3.s________    4.l________

5.m________    6.w________

7.o________    8.i________

9.r________    10.c________


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