

  Mr Baker liked singing very much and he always liked to sing for others. But he was bad at it. Once he went to a party at a friend's house: There were some other people there, too.

  After a good m 1 , his friend went to him and said,“You like singing. Please sing us a s 2 .”

  Mr Baker was very happy, and began to sing a song about Spain. This was an old song and people knew it well. The people listened to it for a few a 3 and then one of them began to cry . She was a small woman w 4 dark hair and dark eyes.

  One of the other people went to her, put his hand on her b 5 and said ,“Please don't cry. Are you Spanish (西班牙人)?”

  N 6 answer came. The woman didn't stop c 7 .

  “The song m 8 you think of your hometown, d 9 it?”

  “No,”was the answer,“I'm not Spanish, and my hometown is right here. I'm a singer, and I love m 10 !”

1.m________  2.s________

3.s________  4.w________

5.b________  6.N________

7.c________  8.m________

9.d________  10.m________


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