Each morning a rich man found a poor man sitting on a park bench. The poor man always _______ there, looked at the big _______ in which the rich man lived. One day the rich man got out of his car and said to the poor man, “Excuse me, but I just want to know _______ you sit here and look at my hotel _______. ” “Sir,”said the poor man, “I am a failure. I have no money, no family, and no home. I sleep on this bench, and every night I dream that one day I'll sleep in that holel. ”

The rich man said, “Tonight your dream will _______. I will pay for the _______ room in that hotel for you _______ a whole month. ”

A few days later, the rich man _______ the poor man's room to ask him if he was enjoying _______. To his __________, he found that the man had moved out of the hotel, back to his ____________. When the rich man asked why, the poor man said, “You see,____________ I'm down here sleeping on my bench,I dream I'm up there, in that big hotel. It's a ____________ dream. But when I was ____________ there, I dreamed I was back to this cold bench. It was a terible dream, and I get __________ any sleep at all. ”

1.A.sat B.stood C.slept D.jumped

2.A.car B.room C.hotel D.house

3.A.when B.how C.what D.why

4.A.yesterday morning B.every morning C.last night D.every night

5.A.come back B.come out C.come over D.come true

6.A.good B.well C.better D.best

7.A.for B.to C.with D.in

8.A.went passed B.broke into C.went past D.ran through

9.A.them B.itself C.him D.himself

10.A.joke B.happiness C.sadness D.surprise

11.A.house B.corner C.bench D.work

12.A.if B.when C.after D.as soon as

13.A.sad B.wonderful C.quick D.slow

14.A.out B.even C.up D.down

15.A.would B.wouldn't C.could D.couldn't

How do your kids go to school? Riding likes,walking. by car or bus? Which do you think is the best way for them to go to school?The following study may help yon get the best answers.

Children who ride their bikes to school are healthier than those who walk or travel by bus or car,according to a new British study, Researchers examined the results of physical tests and questionnaires given to 6,000 children aged between 10 and 16 over a two—year period.

Boys who walked to school were found to be 20 percent more likely(可能()to be fit than those who rode in buses or cars.while girls who walked were 30 percent more likely to be fit.Riding a bike increased boys likelihood(可能性)of being fit by 30 percent while girl is increased theirs sevenfold(七倍地 ).

Children who were driven to school had the lowest levels of physical fitness(健身).“Children need to be active and stay healthy”says study coauthor Christine Voss. “Encouraging them to walk or ride to school is one great chance to help achieve this .Of course,keeping sate is the first step."

1.The new study shows________.

A.walking to school is a good way to keep healthy

B.it's good for kids to ride bikes to school

C.riding bikes is e popular way to go to school

D.most kids like riding bikes to school

2.The underlined word may means“________in Chinese”

A.问卷 B.反馈 C.检测 D.结论

3.The third paragraph mainly tells us________.

A.girls are healthier than boys B.riding bikes can make kids healthy

C.riding bikes is better than walking D.riding bikes is a good way to keep healthy

4.Christine Voss told us________.

A.we should encourage kids to walk or ride to school B.all the kids had the opportunity to keep healthy

C.it's dangerous for kids to ride to school D.Not all kids are fit to ride to school

If you go into the forest with friends, stay with them. If you don’t, you may get lost. If you get lost, this is what you should do——sit down and stay where you are. Don't try to find your friends. Let them find you. You can help them find you by staying in one place. There is another way to help your friends or other people find you. You can shout or whistle(吹口哨)three times. Stop. Then shout or whistle three times again. Any signal(信号) given three times is a call for help.

Keep up shouting or whistling. Always three times together. When people hear you, they will give you two shouts or whistles. When a signal is given twice, it is an answer to call for help.

If you don’t think that you will get help before night comes, try to make a little house with branches(树枝). Make yourself a bed with leaves(树叶) and grass.

When you need some water, you have to leave your little branch house to look for it. Don’t just walk away. Pick off(摘下)small branches and drop(扔) them as you walk in order to go back again easily. When you are lost, the most important thing to do is to stay in one place.

1.If you________in the forest, you should shout as loudly as possible.

A.find your friends B.stay C.get lost

2.Which signal is a call for help?

A.Shouting here and there

B.Crying twice.

C.Shouting or whistling three times together.

3.When you hear two shouts or two whistles, you will know that________?

A.someone is afraid of an animal B.people will come to help you C.someone needs help

4.What do you have to do when you leave for water?

A.Leave branches as you walk in order to go back again easily.

B.Pick off branches to build another house.

C.Use branches to make a bed.

5.The main idea of the passage is________ .

A.how to travel in the forest B.what you should do if you want to get some water

C.what you should do if you get lost in the forest

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