
Every school has its own rules. In some schools in America, students __1__ chew gum(口香糖).
Some schools in Britain don’t let their __2__ have strange hairstyles. However, one __3__ is very popular around the world: students __4__ to wear uniforms on schooldays, but many students don’t like to wear the school uniforms. They think the uniforms are the ugliest __5__ in the world, but schools don’t let their students wear __6__ own clothes at school. Some students draw cartoons or some famous singers on their __7__. They think it is very __8__ that everyone wears the same clothes. What do you think ___9__ it? Do you __10__ your school uniform?
A.can’tB.have toC.canD.don’t have to
A.school bagsB.booksC.uniformsD.desks
A.likeB.makeC.washD.put on


小题9:what do you think of …?是固定句型,表示“你认为…怎么样?”所以本题选A。
小题10:根据题干,本句的意思是“你喜欢你的校服吗?”故用like。Make”制作“,wash“洗”,put on“穿上’.所以本题选A。
The elephant is the biggest four-legged animal in the world. It’s also, perhaps, the gentlest ,   1 not always.
Elephants are like us in some ways. They   2  for a long time—fifty or sixty years. They can  3  things very well. They never forget great sadness or happiness. A female elephant   4 , her daughters and her granddaughters are sad for many months. They stay with the dead   5 . Then they carry a bit of it away with them. They never forget a  6 friend.
Elephants are like us, but they’re also  7 .They live in families; families or females. There will be a few young males-a few “baby boy”. But they will soon be   8 away by their mothers or sisters. An elephant family   9  only its daughters, mothers and grandmothers and its great grandmothers.
The females stay together for fifty, sixty or a hundred years.The older animals   10 the young ones. The mothers teach their daughters and set a good example.And   11  happens to male elephant? Well, the young males stay with their mothers for a time. Then they must   12 the family. The females just send them away. A bull elephant does not often have a friend ,He lives  13 ,away from the family, and away from other bulls.
Sometimes the females call a bull. He can   14 _them then, and they stay for a time. But soon his “wives” and “sisters” send him away again. The females have a very   15   
family life. What do the bulls think about it? We don’t know.
A.rememberB.practiceC.talk D.change
A.is hurtB.is caughtC.losesD.dies
A.look atB.carry outC.look afterD.take away
Listening test is one of the important parts of the English exam. Here are some tips for you .
Before you start to listen ,you need to relax. Don't be nervous. And try to read the questions .These questions usually help you understand the dialogue or the passage.
Then listen carefully to the first sentence. It usually tells you the main idea of the passage. When you 're listening ,try to do some thinking and take some notes ,suck as:
? What happened?
? When ,where, and how?
? What does the speaker want to tell us?
In this way, you may understand the passage better.
Please rememeber not to think about one or two words for a long time. When you hear some words you don't know, don't spend too much time on them. Very often, you'll find out what they mean later when you go on with the listening.
小题1:This passage mainly talks about          .
A. tips on listening    B. tips on speaking      C. tips on reading
小题2:It's better for you to keep           when you start to have a listening test.
A. excited           B relaxed            C. nervous
小题3:We should listen to the first sentence carefully, because it usually tells us        
A. the answer to the question
B. where to write the answers  
C. the main idea of the passage
小题4:When you're listening, it's important for you to          .
A. remember every word        
B. take some notes 
C. Think about one word for a long time
小题5:The           usually help(s) us understand the passage better.
A. questions            B. first sentence         C. notes
Is learning a foreign language ever easy? Yes. If you are five and move to another country, you will quickly pick up the language. But what about for the rest of us who are no longer five, and need to be polite when traveling for business or for pleasure? I think that answer is also yes. Language learning can be easy if you don’t want or need to learn too much.
The key to successful language learning in my mind is not to set the goal too high. It is rather like running. Even if you run twice a week, you don’t necessarily want to be able to run a marathon (马拉松). You might just want to keep a level of fitness. I think the same can be true for language learning.
Let’s get back to the goal. If you decide to learn ten words in a foreign language before visiting the country, you know that you will be sure to do this. However, if you decide to talk to people with great fluency (流利), unless you are quite a talented person, you will probably fail and give up in half-way.
It is also far easier to start learning a foreign language than to finish. In other words, the better you are, the slower it can be to improve, because you will not be able to move further because of grammar, making sentences, learning less common words, etc. If you are only trying to learn a few foreign words and sentences, you will enjoy faster progress, have more fun, and won’t have to spend too much time.
The idea of learning only a few hundred words in a language, and then stopping, isn’t the usual way to language learning, but it can be a very meaningful and enjoyable activity.
小题1:In the writer’s opinion, it is easy for adults to learn English if _______.
A.they are especially talented people
B.they don’t want or need to learn too much
C.they have to spend a lot of time on it
D.they have a chance to go abroad
小题2:The writer believes that if you want to be good at a foreign language, you will probably _______.
A.forget your own goals
B.become a talented language learner
C.get tired of learning it
D.reach your learning goal
小题3:The best title of this passage would be _______.
A.Easy Language Learning B.Hard Language Learning
C.Fluency in a Foreign Language D.A way of Language Learning
When you watch TV and play video games you make global(全球的) warming worse! It may seem hard to believe, but when electricity is made, so are greenhouse gases(温室气体). This means that every time you use electricity you help make global warming worse!
Cars are also making global warming worse. They burn fossil fuels(化石燃料) in their engines, and send lots of greenhouse gases into the air.
Global warming may be a big problem, but we can all help stop it. People can try to drive their cars less. Or even get ones that run on sunlight! You can also help. Let’s try one of these top ideas:
(1) Try to use less electricity. Turn off lights, your television, and your computer when you’ve stopped using them. To make electricity, fossil fuels are burned in big factories. But burning fossil fuels also makes greenhouse gases. You should also try to watch less TV.
(2) Plant trees. Not only is it a fun thing to do, but it is also a great way to lower the number of greenhouse gases in the air. Trees take carbon dioxide out of the air when they grow.
(3) Don’t throw away your rubbish, try to recycle it. If rubbish is not recycled, it is put in the ground. There it rots(腐烂) and makes a greenhouse gas called methane(甲烷).So try to recycle cans, bottles, plastic bags and newspapers. It’ll make you feel great! And it’ll help the Earth.
小题1:If we _____, we may make global warming worse.
A.use less electricityB.drive a car on sunlight
C.plant treesD.throw away rubbish
小题2:We may use more electricity by______.
A.turning off lightsB.shutting down computers
C.turning up CD playersD.turning off TV
小题3:______ will make global warming worse.
小题4:Using less electricity does good to global warming because_______.
A.the less electricity is used, the more greenhouse gases are produced
B.the more electricity is used, the more greenhouse gases are produced
C.more electricity is used, less greenhouse gases are produced
D.less electricity is used, more greenhouse gases are produced
小题5:Which is the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.Driving cars on sunlight helps to stop global warming.
B.When cars burn fossil fuels, they produce greenhouse gases.
C.When trees grow, they send carbon dioxide into the air.
D.By planting more trees, we can lower the number of greenhouse gases in the air.
“Jason, honey? Can you answer the door?”
“I am busy, mom!” Jason shouted back at his mother. He had spent three hours so far working to this point in the game. He couldn’t stop now.
Ding-Dong!Mom′s footsteps approached the front door.
“Jason, it’s your friend Todd.” Mom called from the doorway.
Todd, his best friend, stepped into the room. “ Jason!I need a partner for playing basketball. ”He sounded excited.
Jason snorted. “No way, Todd. I′m playing a game here.”
Jason gave his friend a dirty look, and his character in the game almost got killed while he looked away, “ I almost died because of you!”
Todd looked at Jason′s mother. Jason’s mother looked back at him. They both looked at Jason. “Why don′t you play basketball with your friend?” Jason’s mother suggested.
“Tomorrow, maybe…” There were more levels to beat tomorrow, though, Maybe he had played tomorrow. He’d have to see what mood he was in. He thought he heard footsteps walking away, but he was too busy beating the next level to care.
An hour later, Jason’s father came home. It was dinner time after his father washed up and sat down. Jason didn′t even hear his name being called to the table. He didn′t hear his father walk at behind him and ask him to turn the game off, either.
When the screen suddenly went black and his father’s angry face loomed in front of him, Jason finally heard. “No more game for a month.” Jason′s father shouted at him. “You don’t play basketball, you don′t come to dinner, and you don′t do your chores. We′ll make you do something else before you play any more.”
Jason nodded slowly. He knew better than to argue with his father, and when he thought about it, he had been playing quite a bit. It was fun, but he was letting down his friends, his family, and himself by paying too much.
He′d try harder in the future.
小题1:What did Todd ask Jason to do?
A.Help him cook dinnerB.Beat more levels for him.
C.Repair the computer for himD.play basketball with him.
小题2:Why did Jason finally stop playing the game?
A.He won the game.B.His mother got dinner ready.
C.His father turned off the computer.D.He decided to play basketball outside.
小题3:What did Jason learn in the end?
A.He thought that his father was too strict with him.
B.He found that playing computer games was quite interesting.
C.He realized it was an unhealthy habit to play games without dinner.
D.He couldn’t spend all day playing games, because he had other duties.
小题4:Which of the following is the best title of this passage?
A.Inside the gameB.Games or Supper.
C.Jason′s Angry FatherD.Use of the Computer.

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