Cruise Ship

Our company is important to tourism because it provides fun trips worldwide. When ships arrive, we get them cleaned and make sure they are ready for new passengers. Want to have a try?

Come and see Ms. Lori Lee for more information.

Delivery Company

If you know the area around the city quite well and enjoy traveling around, come and help us. Our cars provide a fast service for online orders. You will sometimes have to help the driver lift heavy boxes. Are you interested?

Visit us at No.25 East Street and talk to Ms. Jones Stevens.

City Museum

While you don't have to know about local history, we do expect you to put your Internet skills to good use! Find out interesting facts about the objects on show, which you can then pass on to kids and their parents as you guide them around the building.

If you are interested, call the manager Mr. Jack Green(012-4753219).

Primary School

We encourage secondary school students to work in our classes, reading to the youngest children and helping older ones with math problems. If you are good at sport, why not help to teach our junior basketball team what you know?

Call Mr. Kevin Smith(012-3456328) for more information.

Our website: http://www. riversideprimary. com


1.If you enjoy traveling around, where can you go for a part-time job?

A.Cruise Ship. B.Primary School.

C.Delivery Company. D.City Museum.

2.Who will help you know more about the job at City Museum?

A.Ms. Lori Lee. B.Mr. Jack Green.

C.Mr. Kevin Smith. D.Ms. Jones Stevens.

3.You can________on the ship to lift heavy boxes with online orders

C.get the ship ready for new passengers tourists around the ship

4.Who is fit for the job at City Museum?

A.Jenny who knows well about local history.

B.Lisa who has good Internet skills.

C.David who knows the city quite well.

D.Tom who is good at playing volleyball.

5.Where is the text most probably from?

A.A shopping poster.  B.A science report,

C.A newspaper.  D.A guidebook.

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