
Christmas was coming and my ten-year-old Alice told her father and me that she wanted a new bike.  Her bike was too   1  , and it needed repairing as well.

As Christmas   2 ,  her dream for a bike seemed to disappear, we thought, for she didn't say it again. We were busy  3  some beautiful story books, a doll house, a holiday dress and toys. Then to our surprise, on December 24, she said she really wanted a bike more than   4 .

Now we didn't know   5  to do. It was just too late. We were busy with Christmas dinner and packing  6  presents, parents' presents, a brother's present and friends' presents till midnight. So there was   7  time to take to buy the "right hike" for our little girl. Thinking we were parents who would make their child unhappy, we felt sorry and   8 .

Suddenly my husband had an idea. "What about making a little bike with clay (黏土) and writing a note that she could trade in (交换) the model bike for a real one?" So he spent the next five hours carefully __9__ with clay to make a small bike.

  10  Christmas morning, we were so excited for Alice to open the little box with the beautiful red and white clay bike and the note. She opened and read the   11  loudly. She looked at me and said, "So, does this mean I can trade in this bike for a real  12 _?" Smiling, I said, "Yes!" Alice had tears in her eyes when she replied, "I would  13  trade in this beautiful bike Daddy made me. I __14 _ keep it than get a real bike. This is the best Christmas present   15  I have ever got in my life!"

1.                A.new           B.old            C.beautiful  D.modern


2.                A.came nearer     B.was over        C.went by  D.passed


3.                A.buy            B.bought         C.to buy    D.buying


4.                A.something else   B.anything else     C.else something D.else anything


5.                A.what           B.how           C.why D.where


6.                A.children        B.children's       C.boy  D.girls


7.                A.enough         B.no             C.much D.still a little


8.                A.happy          B.excited         C.sad  D.angry


9.                A.works          B.worked         C.working  D.to work


10.               A.In             B.On            C.At    D.For


11.               A.book          B.story           C.note  D.newspaper


12.               A.one           B.ones           C.some D.any


13.               A.usually         B.certainly        C.never D.of course


14.               A.am going to     B.would like to     C.had better D.would rather


15.               A.who           B.those          C.what  D.that























3.考察短语be busy doing忙着做某事,故选D,我们忙着买一些……。






9.spend用于sb spend...on sth或者sb spend...in doing sth(in可以省略),spend的主语必须是人,可以指花费时间、也可以指花费金钱;故选C。

10.介词辨析。在表示时间时,in表示在一个时间范围;at表示在具体时刻;on表示在具体某一天.for后面接一段时间。联系下文Christmas morning,可知此处指的是在具体的某一天,故选B。


12.词义辨析。A. 泛指任何同名不同物的一个;B. 多个;C. 一些;D. 任何一个。结合语境可知此处指的是任何一辆自行车,故选A。


14.动词辨析。A. 打算,将要;B.愿意,想要;C. 最好;D. 宁愿。结合语境可知此处指的是,我宁愿要它而不是一辆真的自行车。故选D。

15.考察定语从句。先行词the best Christmas present 为下文定语从句的逻辑宾语,指物,故引导词用that,选D。





When my son, Mark, was in the third grade, he saved all his pocket money for over three months to buy holiday presents. The third Saturday in December Mark said he had made his list and had twenty dollars in his pocket.
I drove him to a nearby supermarket. Mark picked up a hand basket and went in while I waited and watched in the car. It took Mark over 45 minutes to choose his presents. Finally he came to the checkout counter (交款处) and reached into his pocket ... Mark stood there holding his basket, tears falling down his face.
Then a surprising thing happened. A woman came up to Mark and took him in her arms. “You would help me a lot if you let me pay for you,” said the woman. “It would be the most wonderful gift you could give me. I only ask one day you will pass it on. When you grow up, I would like you to find someone you can help. When you help others, I know you will feel as good about it as I do now.”
Mark took the money, dried his tears and ran back to the checkout counter as fast as he could. That year we all enjoyed our gifts almost as much as Mark enjoyed giving them to us.
I would like to say “thank you” to that very kind woman, and tell her that four years later, Mark went house to house collecting blankets and clothes for the homeless people in the fire. And I want to promise her that Mark will never forget to keep passing it on.
【小题1】When did the story probably happen?

A.On Christmas Day.B.Before Christmas Day.
C.On New Year’s Day.D.After New Year’s Day.
【小题2】When they got to the supermarket, Mark went in ________.
A.by himselfB.with the writer
C.with the womanD.with his friends
【小题3】In paragraph 2, what may happen when Mark put his hand into the pocket?
A.His gifts were stolenB.His basket was broken.
C.He lost his money.D.He lost his way.
【小题4】In the last paragraph, what does the underlined word “it” refer to?
A.Collecting blankets and clothes for homeless people.B.Helping others.
C.Enjoying giftsD.Saying thank you.
【小题5】What’s the best title for this passage?
A.A broken pocketB.A kind woman
C.A happy familyD.A wonderful gift

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