
I was a girl born with a problem in my spine(脊柱). Moving was a big problem for me. But because of my teachers and my friends, my school life was great.
My friends and I sat together. When we were free, we often played games. We often had lunch together. If I didn’t go to school that day, my friends would help me with my notes(笔记)
All my teachers were nice. My English teacher was very tall. When she entered the classroom, we would all be quiet and open our books. She would sit down and listen to me speaking English. My English improved a lot because of her help.
It was the same with my maths teacher, my science teacher and my P.E. teacher. My teachers were very nice and very sweet. They would always help me when I had a problem. They also gave me important project work and I felt happy when I finished it quickly and correctly.
I really want to show my thanks to all my wonderful teachers and friends. Without them, my school life would not have been so happy.
【小题1】What would the girl’s friends do if she didn’t go to school?
【小题2】How did the girl feel when she finished her project work quickly and correctly?
【小题3】How many teachers does the girl mention (提到) in the passage? Who are they?
【小题4】 What was the girl’s problem?
【小题5】What does the writer write this passage for?

【小题1】They would help with her notes
【小题1】She felt happy.
【小题1】Four. They are her English teacher, her maths teacher, her science teacher and her P.E. teacher.
【小题1】She couldn’t move easily/ Moving was her big problem.
【小题1】Because she wants to show her thanks to all her wonderful teachers and friends.解析:


How did the Golden Gate Bridge get its name ?

     As we all know , the Golden Gate Bridge 金门大桥in San Francisco , the USA ,which took only 52 months to be designed and built and was opened in 1937, is probably the most beautiful bridge in the world . Since it was opened , it has been perhaps the best-loved sight of San Francisco. But whoever goes to see the bridge can see the bridge is red instead of golden . Do you want to know the reason why is called  the Golden Gate Bridge?

     In fact the bridge isn’t named for its color .It is named for the Golden Gate. What is the Golden Gate? A gate is either an opening or the thing that closes the opening . the Golden Gate is an opening in the land . Water from the sea comes through this opening into San Francisco Bay 旧金山海湾And the bridge goes over the opening . And do you know why it is called the Golden Gate? Here is a story about it .

     Many years ago ,men from some European countries came to California to look for gold . Many of them came by ship . When they came into the bay through the opening , they thought it was a gate to gold , so they named it the Golden Gate.

1.How long did it take to design and build the Golden Gate Bridge?___________________.

2.What is the Golden Gate Bridge? ___________________________________.

3.What is the Golden Gate Bridge named for ?________________________________.

4.What did the Europeans come to California to look for long ago ?


5.What did the passage mainly talk about ?___________________________________.


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