A wise man used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach every morning.
One day, when he was walking along the shore(海岸), he saw a young man moving like a
dancer. He smiled to himself at the thought that someone would dance on the beach. So he began to walk faster to catch up.
As he got closer, he saw that the young man wasn’t dancing, but instead he was reaching down to the shore, picking up something and very gently throwing it into the ocean.
He called out, “Good morning! What are you doing?” The young man stopped, looked up and replied, “Throwing starfish in the ocean.” “I guess I should have asked, why are you throwing starfish in the ocean?”
“The sun is up and the tide(潮汐)is going out. And if I don’t throw them in, they’ll die.”
“But, young man, don’t you realize that there are miles and miles of beach and starfish all along it. You can’t possibly make a difference!”
The young man listened politely. Then he bent down, picked another starfish, and threw it into the sea, and said, “It made a difference for that one.”
There is something very special in each and every one of us. We have all been gifted(赋予)
with the ability to make a difference.
We must each find our starfish. And if we throw starfish wisely and well, the world will be better.
【小题1】What was the wise man used to doing every morning?

A.Taking a walk on the shore.
B.Watching the young man dance.
C.Meeting up with the young man.
D.Helping the young man pick up starfish.
【小题2】Why did the young man throw the starfish into the ocean?
A.To have fun.
B.To study starfish.
C.To feed some fish.
D.To save starfish.
【小题3】What can we learn from the story?
A.Each of us should learn to protect starfish.
B.People living on the shore always try to save starfish.
C.Each of us has the ability to make an important effect on something.
D.People can come up with some good ideas when walking on the shore.

When you watch TV and play video games you make global(全球的) warming worse! It may seem hard to believe, but when electricity is made, so are greenhouse gases(温室气体). This means that every time you use electricity you help make global warming worse!

  Cars are also making global warming worse. They burn fossil fuels(化石燃料) in their engines, and send lots of greenhouse gases into the air.

 Global warming may be a big problem, but we can all help stop it. People can try to drive their cars less. Or even get ones that run on sunlight! You can also help. Let’s try one of these top ideas:

(1) Try to use less electricity. Turn off lights, your television, and your computer when you’ve stopped using them. To make electricity, fossil fuels are burned in big factories. But burning fossil fuels also makes greenhouse gases. You should also try to watch less TV.

 (2) Plant trees. Not only is it a fun thing to do, but it is also a great way to lower the number of greenhouse gases in the air. Trees take carbon dioxide out of the air when they grow.

(3) Don’t throw away your rubbish, try to recycle it. If rubbish is not recycled, it is put in the ground. There it rots(腐烂) and makes a greenhouse gas called methane(甲烷).So try to recycle cans, bottles, plastic bags and newspapers. It’ll make you feel great! And it’ll help the Earth.

1.If we _____, we may make global warming worse.

A. use less electricity                                         B. drive a car on sunlight

C. plant trees                                               D. throw away rubbish

2. ______ will make global warming worse.

A. Methane            B. Cans               C. Newspapers                      D. Bottles

3.Using less electricity does good to global warming because_______.

A. the less electricity is used, the more greenhouse gases are produced

B. the more electricity is used, the more greenhouse gases are produced

C. more electricity is used, less greenhouse gases are produced

D. less electricity is used, more greenhouse gases are produced

4.Which is the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. Driving cars on sunlight helps to stop global warming.

B. When cars burn fossil fuels, they produce greenhouse gases.

C. When trees grow, they send carbon dioxide into the air.

D. By planting more trees, we can lower the number of greenhouse gases in the air.


A wise man used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach every morning.

One day, when he was walking along the shore(海岸), he saw a young man moving like a

dancer. He smiled to himself at the thought that someone would dance on the beach. So he began to walk faster to catch up.

As he got closer, he saw that the young man wasn’t dancing, but instead he was reaching down to the shore, picking up something and very gently throwing it into the ocean.

He called out, “Good morning! What are you doing?” The young man stopped, looked up and replied, “Throwing starfish in the ocean.” “I guess I should have asked, why are you throwing starfish in the ocean?”

“The sun is up and the tide(潮汐)is going out. And if I don’t throw them in, they’ll die.”

“But, young man, don’t you realize that there are miles and miles of beach and starfish all along it. You can’t possibly make a difference!”

The young man listened politely. Then he bent down, picked another starfish, and threw it into the sea, and said, “It made a difference for that one.”

There is something very special in each and every one of us. We have all been gifted(赋予)

with the ability to make a difference.

We must each find our starfish. And if we throw starfish wisely and well, the world will be better.

1.What was the wise man used to doing every morning?

A.Taking a walk on the shore.

B.Watching the young man dance.

C.Meeting up with the young man.

D.Helping the young man pick up starfish.

2.Why did the young man throw the starfish into the ocean?

A.To have fun.

B.To study starfish.

C.To feed some fish.

D.To save starfish.

3.What can we learn from the story?

A.Each of us should learn to protect starfish.

B.People living on the shore always try to save starfish.

C.Each of us has the ability to make an important effect on something.

D.People can come up with some good ideas when walking on the shore.


There are many ways for us to reduce(减少) waste. For   16  , we can reduce paper and plastic bags. We can also recycle newspapers, glass, and cans(易拉罐) to make new things. Here are some useful ways to   17   waste.

Write on   18   sides of paper

Many people write on only one side of their paper. Why not stop wasting the other side? Some students only use half the pages of their   19   before getting new ones. Try to use up all the paper. People often give cards on birthdays or festivals. How about trying to   20   e-cards instead?

Don't throw away your old batteries.

Maybe you do not know that old batteries make the earth   21  . This is because they have poisonous parts in them. So, don't throw away batteries.   22   them together. Try to use rechargeable(充电的) batteries for your games and CD players.

Give off all your unwanted clothes

There are many poor families in China. You may ask your mother to   23   your unwanted clothes. Then you can pass them on to those poor children. You will feel

  24   that you are helping someone else. Also, you can understand   25   your friends or relatives(亲戚) want them before throwing them away.

1.A. reason            B. example         C. use             D. people

2.A. produce           B. protect         C. reduce          D. pollute

3.A. every             B. both            C. all             D. one

4. A. exercises        B. schoolbags      C. notebooks       D. papers

5.A. send              B. buy             C. receive         D. waste

6.A. dry               B. rich            C. clean           D. dirty

7.A. Throw             B. Keep            C. Try             D. Lose

8.A. like              B. sell            C. throw           D. collect

9.A. angry             B. tired           C. moved           D. happy

10.A. that B. if   C. though   D. what


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