
  Jerry went to a barber's shop and had his hair cut,but when he came out,he was not happy with the result.When his friend Jack saw him,he said in surprise,"What has happened to your hair,Jerry?"
  Jerry said,"I tried a new barber's shop today,because I wasn't quite pleased with my old one.But this one seems even worse."
  Jack agreed."Yes.I think you are right.Jerry.Now I'll tell you what to do when you go into a barber's shop next time:look at all the barbers'hair,find out whose hair looks the worst,and then go straight to him."
"Why shall I go to him?But that would be foolish!"
"Oh.no.it wouldn't."answered Jack."Who cut that man's hair?Just think it over.He couldn't cut it himself,could he?Another of the barbers cut it.So you know he can't be the worst barber."
36.When Jerry went out of the barber's shop.He was not happy becauseB.
A.nobody had cut his hair
B.the barber hadn't cut his hair well
C.he was satisfied with his old barber
D.the barber had cut his hair carefully
37.Jerry said that he had tried a new barber's shop that day.He meantD
A.the barber's shop was a new one
B.that was the only barber's shop in his town
C.Jerry often were to this barber's shop
D.Jerry had not been to that barber's shop before
38.After Jerry had his hair cut,he thoughtC
A.the new barber's shop was the best one
B.the old barber's shop wasn't so good as the new one
C.the new barber's shop was worse than tile old one
D.the old barber's shop was the worst one
39.Jack told Jerry to find out which barber's hair looked the worst and then go straight to him becauseD
A.he was certainly the best barber         B.he was free all the time
C.he was the worst barber                  D.he wasn't the worst barber
40.From the story we know thatB.
A.it's foolish to have one's hair cut at a barber's shop
B.barbers cut each other's hair
C.barbers never have their hair cut
D.a barber always cuts his hair by himself.

分析 杰里去理发店剪头发,但是当他出来时,他不满意结果.当他的朋友杰克看见了他,他惊讶的问,"你的头发发生了什么事?"

解答 36.B  细节理解题.根据"when he came out,he was not happy with the result.this one seems even worse."(当他从理发店中走出来时,他并不满意.甚至觉得这次更差).可知这次的理发结果更糟.故选B.
37.D  句意理解题.根据"I tried a new barber's shop today,"(杰里尝试了一个新的理发店")可知杰里从来没有去过这一个理发店.故选D.
38.C.细节理解题.根据"I wasn't quite pleased with my old one.But this one seems even worse."(我不满意原来的理发店.但这一个似乎更糟).可知杰里认为这一个更糟.故选C.
39.D.细节理解题.根据"He couldn't cut it himself,"(他不可能给自己理发).可知发型最差的理发师不可能是最差的理发师.故选D.
40.B.细节理解题.根据"He couldn't cut it himself,"(理发师是不会给自己理发的).故选B.

点评 这是一篇逸闻趣事类阅读材料,题目大部分是关于细节性理解题,我们应首先快速阅读全文,抓住中心主旨,在速读过程中,应尽可能多地捕获信息材料;然后,细读题材的题目,各个击破.切记不要根据自己的想象来回答问题.


One day,all feelings were on vacation on an island,and each was having   1a  good time.Suddenly,there's a warning of a strong storm,so all rushed to their boats.Yet,Love didn't wish to run away quickly.But as the clouds darkened,Love realized it was time   2to leave  But there were no boats to use.Love looked around with hope.
  Just then Richness was passing by.Love asked,"Richness,can you take me with you?"Richness answered,"No,I can't.There's a lot of gold in my boat.There's no place here  3for  you.
   Sorrow passed by after a while.Again,Love asked for help.But it was   4useless."No,I can't take you with me.I am so sad.I want to be by   5myself."
  When Happiness passed by a few   6minutes   later,Love again asked for help.But Happiness was so happy that it couldn't care about anyone else.
  Love was growing hopeless.Just then somebody   7shouted,"Come,Love,I will take you with me."Love didn't know who was so kind,but jumped onto the boat   8happily.
  After getting off the boat,Love met Knowledge.Love asked,"Knowledge,do you know who was so kind to give me a lift   9when   no one else wished to help?"
  Knowledge smiled,"That was Time."
"Time?"asked Love."But why did Time help me?"Knowledge smiled and answered,"Because only Time is able to understand   10how   valuable Love is."

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