
1. — What c_________ is your sweater? 
    — It's blue.
2. Kongfu Panda is an i_________ film. We all like it.
3. Now boys and girls, look at the dialogue and ask and answer in p_________.
4. I like the white coat, and I don't like the b_________ one.
5. My aunt's son is my c_________.
1. color 2. interesting 3. pairs 4. black/blue 5. cousin

暑期英语学习交流中心将举行感恩活动, 要求用英语介绍你的至亲, 恩师,好友或学校。请你根据以下内容要点, 介绍你可亲可爱的妈妈。
内容及要点:1、年龄, 外貌(自由发挥,)。
2、个性品质(参考词汇: kind, friendly, wise, patient(耐心的),
honest, chatter唠叨about every little thing,   get on well with)
3、互   动(参考句型: ①I help my mom to…②she won’t get angry if I…
③ she is happy if I…)
(参考词汇: do housework, fail in a exam,
make a mistake, encourage…)
4、感情表达(参考句型: ①I love… and I give her …
②she works so hard that I …
要求:                (参考词汇:wash feet; flower; a hug(拥抱)
4、文中不要提及你真实的校名和人名。开头, 结尾己给出, 不计入总词汇。
My mom is                               
I love my mom and I’m sure she is the best mom in the word.
My mom is about X years old. She is tall with white hair. She is a housewife. She is really a nice and kind mother.

暑期英语学习交流中心将举行感恩活动, 要求用英语介绍你的至亲, 恩师,好友或学校。请你根据以下内容要点, 介绍你可亲可爱的妈妈。

内容及要点:1、年龄, 外貌(自由发挥,)。

2、个性品质(参考词汇: kind, friendly, wise, patient(耐心的),

 honest, chatter唠叨about every little thing,   get on well with)

3、互    动(参考句型: ①I help my mom to…②she won’t get angry if I…

③ she is happy if I…)

(参考词汇: do housework, fail in a exam,

make a mistake, encourage…)

4、感情表达(参考句型: ①I love… and I give her …

 ②she works so hard that I …

要求:                 (参考词汇:wash feet; flower; a hug(拥抱)




4、文中不要提及你真实的校名和人名。开头, 结尾己给出, 不计入总词汇。

My mom is                               



I love my mom and I’m sure she is the best mom in the word.

My mom is about X years old. She is tall with white hair. She is a housewife. She is really a nice and kind mother.


1. 年龄,外貌(自由发挥)。
         2. 个性品质(参考词汇:kind, friendly, wise, patient(耐心的),honest, chatter唠叨about every little thing,   get on well with)
         3. 互动(参考句型: ①I help my mom to…②she won't get angry if I…③ she is happy if I…)
(参考词汇:do housework, fail in a exam, make a mistake, encourage…)
          4. 感情表达(参考句型:①I love… and I give her …②she works so hard that I …
          (参考词汇:wash feet; flower; a hug(拥抱)
         1. 文章必须涵盖所有内容要点,参考词汇可以选择运用。
         2. 此题具有开放性,考生可以围绕提示的语言要点适当发挥,力求言之成句。
         3. 力求阐述内容要点,词数80词左右。
         4. 文中不要提及你真实的校名和人名。开头、结尾己给出,不计入总词汇。
          My mom is                                                                                                                                   
       I love my mom and I'm sure she is the best mom in the word.

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
