
Two more American universities, Adelphi University in New York, and Louisiana State University, have begun accepting scores from China’s national college entrance exam, or gaokao, in order to attract more Chinese students.

This means Chinese students no longer need to take the SAT, ACT or TOEFL. However, Chinese students must find ways to show their English skills. If they want to take part in Adelphi's international program and Louisiana State University’s global program, they must first finish eight weeks of English-language lessons, starting in October. After passing the exam, they can start their first year at one of the universities.

Since 2015, US universities have more accepted gaokao scores as part of the application(申请) process for Chinese students, but they still need either a basic English test score or to pass an interview.

“Chinese students at the university have achieved better grades than their US classmates, and that’s why we prefer students from China,” Shawn O’Riley, leader of the College said. “We have around 300 Chinese students and plan to increase the number. We also offer scholarship, from $5,000 to $15,000 depending on their gaokao score.”

Todd Ellwein, the director of Louisiana State University’s global program, said students who get high scores in the gaokao are not only the best students in China but also the world. The gaokao is a good way of choosing good students, and a high score in the exam means good basic knowledge, patience and a strong ability to deal with high pressure and compete with others.

Shi Yan, from Chivast Education International, said many universities in Hong Kong, Europe, Australia and Canada, have already made the gaokao an admission criterion(录取标准), too.

1.When do the English-language lessons in these two universities begin?

A.In October. B.In November. C.In September.

2.Why do some US universities like Chinese students better?

A.Because they are usually smarter in the universities.

B.Because their grades are better than the US classmates’.

C.Because they find ways to show their English skills.

3.What does the underlined word “scholarship” mean in Chinese?

A.学者 B.学业 C.奖学金

4.According to the passage, a high score means a lot EXCEPT ________.

A.high pressure B.good basic knowledge C.much patience

5.The purpose of the passage is________.

A.to introduce China’s national college entrance exam, gaokao

B.to encourage more young people to enter American universities

C.to tell people the growing popularity of gaokao around the world


Mount Qomolangma, also known as Mt.Everest, is the world’s highest mountain. In 1960, three Chinese climbers reached the top of Qomolangma from the north side, which______ as the most challenging side of the mountain. They were the first Chinese team to ______ climb Mount Qomolangma’s north side. Fifteen years later, another Chinese expedition team climbed the ______ side again. The movie The Climbers features the two generations of Chinese mountaineers ______ climbed to the top Mount Qomolangma from the dangerous north side in 1960 and 1975.

We can learn ______ more behind the amazing moments in the movie. Wu Jing, one of the leading______ in the movie, said he experienced a bad cold and altitude sickness(高原反应) during filming in Qinghai, but he said that it was important to have ______ experience. “It is important to understand ______ difficult it was for these mountaineers and how they valued the honor to climb the highest mountain,” added Wu. In the movie, there are many moments when people feel like ______. The movie has hit the screens in cinemas across China, North America and the United Kingdom. Many people resonate(共鸣) with The Climbers ______ each one of us is actually a climber in life.

1.A.knows B.is known C.known D.know

2.A.succeed B.successful C.successfully D.success

3.A.east B.south C.west D.north

4.A.which B.who C.where D.whose

5.A.something B.nothing C.anything D.everything

6.A.drivers B.actors C.teachers D.cooks

7.A.such an B.so C.such a D./

8.A.how B.what C.why D.when

9.A.crying B.to cry C.cry D.cries

10.A.but B.so C.and D.because

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