
     Teenagers always spend hours in texting (发短信) , communicating on Facebook (脸谱网) and playing video games. Some parents worry about their kids very much. But many of kids spend time sitting in front of TV too.      This comes an interesting question: Is Facebook really worse for teenagers than a TV series (电视连续剧) ?

   Douglas Gentile,a child psychologist (心理学家) and professor at Iowa State University,says texting,Facebook and video games are not bad. They are not better or worse than watching TV,although they do have different problems,such as cyberbullying (网络暴 力) .

  But research shows that the more time kids spend in front of screens一TV or the Internet一the worse they did at school.

    Patti Rowlson,a mother of two,says this is still a topic of discussion in her house. She and her husband really don't know how to limit their kids when to watch TV or search the Internet.

     Professor Gentile said, “If sitting in front of the screen takes the place of doing their homework for too long,that will be bad. ”

1. What does Douglas Gentile do?

   A. A teacher teaching kids.

   B. A psychologist studying kids.

   C. A researcher working for teachers.

   D. A reporter working in a TV station.

2. Who thinks spending too much time in front of the screen is bad?

   A. Patti Rowlson's husband. B. Patti Rowlson.

   C. Professor Gentile. D. All of them.

3. What does the underlined word “limit” mean in Chinese?

   A. 限制   B. 表扬

   C. 评价   D. 辨别

4. Which is TRUE about Patti Rowlson?

   A. She has two mothers.

   B. Her kids often watch TV or search the Internet.

   C. She is a professor in a university.

   D. She and her husband often argue about their kids.

5. The passage is talking about .

   A. family life

   B. parents’ wish

   C. teenagers’ health

   D. teenagers’ time in front of the screen

1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. D

导读电视与电脑两者对孩子的影响孰轻孰重是大家一直热 议的话题,但是把过多的时间花费在两者上面势必对孩子的 学习造成影响。


1. B细节理解题。由第三段“Douglas Gentile,a child psychologist”可知,他是一位儿童心理学家。故B项A psychologist studying kids 与原文信息一致。

2. C细节理解题。由最后一段“If sitting in front of the screen takes the place of doing their homework for too long,that will be bad. ”可知,Gentile 教授明确表态不 支持青少年在屏幕前花掉太多的时间。

3. A词义猜测题。理解上下句可知,Patti Rowlson不知道如何限制他们。

4. B推理判断题。由倒数第二段可知,他们的孩子经常上网和看电视。因此B项是正确的。

5. D主旨大意题。文章开头句提到“Teenagers always spend hours,in.",本文也多次提到 sitting in front of the screen。综合理解全文可知,本文主要谈论的是青少年 的上网和看电视问题。

spend hours in 花费时间在 communicate 交流

worry about 担心 take the place of 代替


But research shows that the more time kids spend in front of screens一TV or the Internet一 the worse they did at school. 但研究表明,孩子们花在电视或电脑屏幕前的时间越多,他 们在学校做得越糟。

这是一个含有宾语从句的复合句。宾语从句为“the + 比较级,the +比较级”结构,意为“越•…•,就越……”。


    Antarctica (南极洲) is Earth's southernmost and coldest continent. It is home to lovely penguins. Penguins are birds in black and white. They look funny when they are walking. But unlike most birds,penguins are not able to fly in the air. Penguins spend as much as 75% of their time underwater,looking for food.

  A Russian man first found Antarctica in 1820. Later humans went there to explore. They wanted to know more about the beautiful land. They found there is ice and snow all through the year. The air is very clear and clean. It is very interesting that in summer the sun still shines even at nights.

  However,Antarctica is a very cold place and the coldest temperature was once - 89. 2^. If you put a basin of water in the open air,it will become ice in a few seconds. So there are few people living there.

   Although the weather is bad,many scientists show great interest in Antarctica. Every summer,they go to Antarctica. They usually look for resources under the ice and study climate changes carefully there.

1. Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 1 ?

   A. Antarctica is the biggest of all the continents.

   B. Antarctica is cold,but penguins like to live there.

   C. Penguins like to find food on land.

   D. 75% of the land in Antarctica is covered with ice.

2. If a penguin is 11 years old,he has spent about 3 years .

   A. in the air   B. underwater

   C. underground   D. on land

3. The underlined word “explore ” here means”

   A. to travel to or around an area to learn about it

   B. to go and find someone

   C. to buy something from a place

   D. to go to a cold place to hike

4. According to Paragraph 3 ,there are few people living in Antarctica because of .

   A. the penguins   B. the water

   C. the cold weather   D. the bad air

5. Although the weather is bad in Antarctica,scientists still go there to .

   A. know more about it   B. catch the penguins  

    C. get the ice   D. change theclimate 


1. Dishes at American dinner tables are very different from those in Chinese dinner tables,especially in seasoning (调味) .

2. Dishes and ingredients (佐料) are taken from all over China,so it is impossible to say this is how it is always Chinese style.

3. In China,very few homes actually have an oven (炉,灶) .

4. Perhaps the biggest difference is the use of a recipe (食谱) . But the recipe is important so that the taste is always different.

5. You have to learn to cook if you often have big family dinners on weekends or on holidays.

A. The main difference on the Chinese dinner table is chopsticks (模子) instead of knife and fork. In fact,that's only the culture difference.

B. In America,we will use an oven to bake (烘焙) many things. You must have an oven if you wish to make bread,pizza,baked potatoes,cakes,cookies or pies. The oven is also used to roast (烤) many different kinds of meat.

C. Do you want to be a good cook? Let's know which dish you wish to learn,and how to make a good dinner. You can go for it at interact6

@ enhero. net.

D. In America,people eat fried potatoes and meat seasoned with salt and black pepper (黑胡椒) . In China,just pour (倒) in some oil,throw in your vegetables and then season with salt,chicken powder (鸡精) and soy sauce (酱油) .

E. People eat different kinds of food in different countries. They eat in different ways and different time,too. It's very helpful to know something about the American meals.

F. America has people from every country,so it has styles from all over the world. It is hard to pick just one dish and say that is how you cook like an American.

G. Very few American homes have recipe books while most Chinese kitchens have them. Some recipes are handed down through the family.

    Jenny was a five-year-old girl. One day she saw a pearl(珍珠) necklace (项链) priced at $2.50. She liked that necklace very much,and her mother said, “Well,I'll buy you the necklace,and you can do chores (家务) to pay for the necklace. Okay?” Jenny agreed.

   How Jenny loved those pearls. She wore them everywhere.

    One night Jenny's father asked her ,“Jenny,do you love me?”

    “Oh yes,Daddy,you know I love you, ” the little girl said.

   “Well,then,give me your pearls. ” father joked (开玩笑) but said seriously (严肃地) ,“I love the pearls,too."

    “Oh!Daddy,not my pearls!” Jenny said. “But you can have Rosy,my favorite doll. Or you can have Ribbons,my toy horse. ”

   The next morning,the little girl put the necklace in her father's hand. “ Here you are,Daddy." she said, “Here is the pearl you like. ”

    Dad took the pearl,and his eyes filled with tears. That afternoon,Jenny's father went back home very early,he pulled out of his pocket a blue box. Inside of the box was a real,beautiful pearl necklace.

“Jenny,here is the pearl necklace you like. I love you. ”

1. Jenny's mother bought her a pearl necklace.

   A. expensive   B. cheap but real

   C. cheap but beautiful   D. real and beautiful

2. How did Jenny get money to buy the necklace?

   A. By doing a part-time job at school.

   B. By doing chores at home.

   C. By asking his daddy for money.

   D. By selling her toys.

3. It took Jenny to think about sending her daddy her favorite pearls.

   A. a day   B. a night

   C. a few days   D. a week

4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

   A. Jenny loved her pearl necklace very much.

   B. Rosy and Ribbons were Jenny's good friends.

   C. Father felt very happy when he got his daughter's necklace.

   D. Jenny's new pearl necklace cost her father much money.

5. What is the best title for the passage?

   A. A Father's Love

   B. Jenny's Dream

   C. Doing chores for Pearls

   D. A Precious (珍贵的) Necklace

     It is surprising many everyday English that Americans use today come from the card game of poker.

     For example,you hear them say like ace (王牌) in the hole. In poker and most card games,the ace is the highest and most useful card. It is often a winning card. In one kind of poker game,a player does not show this card to the other players. The players bet money each time they get another card. No one knows until the end of the game. Often,the ace in the hole wins the game.

     Another everyday English,dealing off the bottom,now means “be not honest” in business. And when someone tells you that the cards are bad for you,maybe you really have a chance to win.

     In a poker game you do not want to let your opponents (对手) know if your cards are good or bad. So having a poker face is important. A poker face never shows either good or bad feelings.

      You can do a better job if you hold your cards close to your vest. You hold your cards close to you so no one can see what you have. In everyday speech,holding your cards close to your vest means not letting others know what you are doing or thinking. You are keeping your plans secret.

1. In card games,an ace is usually card.

   A. the most useful   B. the biggest

   C. the oldest   D. the most beautiful

2. If somebody says that you are dealing off the bottom,he may.

   A. like you   B. want to talk with you

   C. be angry with you   D. be very happy

3. In everyday speech,holding your cards close to your vest tells you

   A. to put your clothes on the cards

   B. to tell your friends your feelings

   C. not to make others know your secret

   D. not to tell others your address

4. What can we learn from the passage?

   A. You will probably succeed if you have an ace in the hole.

   B. Everybody will like you if you deal off the bottom.

   C. A poker face never shows bad feelings except good ones.

   D. The person who has a poker face will win the game at last.

5. What is the best title for the passage?

   A. An Ace in the Hole

   B. Dealing Off the Bottom

   C. A Poker Face

   D. Expressions from the Poker Game

   Maria Yuryevna Sharapova  ( bom on April 19 ,1987) is a former World No. 1Russian professional tennis player. Sharapova has won 22 WTA singles titles (冠军) ,3 WTA doubles titles and 3 Grand Slam singles titles. She was also runner-up (亚军) at the 2007 Australian Open. She has also won the year-ending Sony Ericsson Championships in 2004. The Women's Tennis Association has ranked (排名) her      World No. in singles four times. She got this ranking for the fourth time again on May 19 ,2008.     She became the World No. 1for the first time on Aug 22,2005. She is now ranked World No. 14.

   Sharapova made her professional breakthrough (突 破) in 2004 when,at the age of 17 ,she beat      Serena Williams and won her first singles title. She entered the top ten of the WTA Rankings with this win. In 2005,Sharapova held the number one ranking for a short time. She won her second major at the 2006 US Open. 

   Sharapova's 2007 season saw her ranking fall out of thetop 5 for the first time in two years,because she got injured. She won her third Grand Slam at the 2008 Australian Open. After winning the number one ranking again in May 2008,Sharapova's shoulder (肩膀) problems made her out of the game for nearly ten months. Sharapova returned in May 2009 and was ranked No. 126 in the world.    Since her comeback (返 回) ,Sharapova has won 3 singles titles and her ranking went to World No. 12.

1 . How many titles has Sharapova won by now?

   A. 22.   B. 3.   C. 25.   D. 28.

2. When did Sharapova win her first singles title?

   A. In 2004.   B. On Aug 22, 2005.

   C. In 2007.   D. On May 19, 2008.

3. How old is Sharapova when she became the World No. 1 for the first time?

   A. She was 14.    B. She was 17.

   C. She was 18.    D. She was

4. What did Sharapova do from May 2008 to March 2009?

   A. She beat Serena Williams.

   B. She fell out of top five in ranking.

   C. She was away from the game and dealt with her injury.

   D. She has won three singles titles.

5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Sharapova?

   A. She first got her World No. 1 ranking in 2004.

   B. She is ranked World No. 14 now.

   C. She fell out of top 5 in ranking for the first time in 2007.

   D. She was once ranked No. 126 in 2009.

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