
For years scientists have been arguing about whether nature or nurture (后天) decides what people will be like. Is it nature— what people are (41) with— that decides what they will be like? (42) is it nurture —what(43) to people when they are born —that decides what they will be like?
Scientists have been studying twins to (44) if they can find the answer, because twins start out with the (45) DNA. Sometimes twins don’t live together at birth and grow up in different (46) and different places— so the nature is the same for both, but the nurture is different.
When scientists (47) these twins in their later life, they some times find some surprising (48).
Jim Springer and Jim Lewis were adopted(收养)by two different families at birth. They first met each other again thirty-nine years (49) and discovered they had a lot in (50). Both had been (51) twice. Their first wives were both named Linda and their second wives were both named Betty!
Each twin had a son — one called his son James Alan and the (52) called his son James Alan, too. Their children each had a dog called “Toy”. They even arrived at their first (53) in the same color of car.
So far twin (54) seem to show that both nature and nurture are important. What we have from birth, and how and where we live help to build (55) we are.


小题1:考查词组;be born with天生的,和nature一致。选A。
小题1:考查词组:thirty-nine years later39年后。选B
小题1:考查词组:have a lot common,有很多相似处。选A
小题1:从后面的句子:Their first wives 可知是be married结婚。选B
小题1:考查形容词:和one对应用the other。选C
Do you want to be the most popular person in the class? You don’t need to change your character; you just need to improve your personality (人格). In fact, people trust and love the most popular people because they stay normal but still have something that makes them different from the rest of us. Here are some pieces of advice about becoming the most popular person in the class.
◆If you want others to like and respect (尊重) you, you have to start by liking and accepting yourself. Do not change yourself in order to please others.
◆Be helpful to everyone and do it happily. Being nice to people is almost like helping them, because by being nice you make others happy.
◆Be active and have a positive view towards life. Develop confidence in yourself.
◆Stay clean and wear fresh clothes. Do not try to follow fashion to please others.
◆Big words and power cannot bring you respect. You have to get it by being honest. It also helps your personal growth. You must be a person that can be trusted to get respect.
小题1:If you want to become the most popular person, you should __________.
A.improve your personalityB.trust and please others
C.change your characterD.make yourself different from others
小题2:According to the article, __________ can bring you respect.
A.following fashionB.using big words
C.being honest and helpfulD.saying hello to others every day
小题3:The underlined sentence shows that __________.
A.you should be polite when you help othersB.you should make yourself happy[
C.we can help others only by being happyD.you should always be nice to others
We’ve talked about snails (蜗牛) and their slow move. But much of the time snails don’t move at all. They are in their shells (壳) —sleeping.
Hot sun will dry out a snail’s body. So at the least sign of hot sun, a snail draws its body into his shell. A snail will die in a heavy rain. So when it rains, a snail does the same thing, too. A snail can sleep for as long as it needs to. It spends all the winter months in its shell, asleep.
In the spring the snail wakes up. Its body, about three inches long, comes out from the shell. When hungry, the snail looks for food. Its eyes, at the end of the top feelers (触角), are very weak. But its sense (感觉) of smell is very strong. It helps the snail to find food and the new greens.
A snail’s mouth is no bigger than the point of a pin (大头针). Yet it has 256,000 teeth! The teeth are very small, and you can’t see them. If you put a snail in a hard paper box, it will eat its way out! And if a snail wears out its teeth, it will grow new ones.
小题1: A snail _________.
A.moves more slowly at nightB.has thousands of feet
C.doesn’t move at all  D.sleeps much of the time
小题2: In the sentence “A snail draws its body into its shell”, the word “draw” means _____.
A.to make with a pencilB.to pushC.to pullD.to move away
小题3: From the story, we know _________.
A.a snail’s shell is very thinB.a snail can’t see well
C.a snail’s nose is quite short D.a snail’s body changes in different seasons
小题4: A snail goes to sleep when _____.
A.it feels hungry B.it is put into a paper boxC.spring is coming D.it rains heavily
小题5:Which of the following is wrong?
A.In winter the snail doesn’t eat or move.B.A snail doesn’t like living under the sun
C.The snail’s teeth can’t be worn out.D.The snail’s nose helps to find food.
Nowadays, computer games are becoming more and more popular in many cities and towns. A lot of small shops along busy streets have been made into small game houses in order to get more money. These places are always crowded with people, especially young boys.
In the computer game houses, people spend a lot of money competing (较量) with the machines. It's hard for one to win the computer, but one can make progress after trying again and again. People have a kind of gambling psychology(赌博心理) when they play computer games.The more they lose, the more they want to win. When class is over, the school boys run to the nearby computer game houses.Little by little! (渐渐地), they forget all about their lessons and fall far behind others. Some of them can get enough money from their parents. But some of them are not lucky enough to get the money. They begin to take away other students' money and become thieves.
小题1:Who always go to the computer game houses?
A.Young girlsB.Young childrenC.Young studentsD.Young boys.
小题2:People made small shops into small game houses in order to ______.
A.make computer games more popularB.get more money
C.help people to learn computer betterD.make people happy
小题3:What must be brought to play games in the game homes?
A. Tickets.   B Paper    C. Cards.   D. Money.
小题4:What will happen to the boys if they keep going to the game houses?
A.They will win a lot of money.
B.They will make a lot of good friends there.
C.They will fail in their study and even break laws.
D.They will live a happy life in the future.
小题5:What is the passage mainly about?
A.Game houses have a bad effect on young boys.
B.More and more small shops have been made into game houses.
C.Young boys spend a lot of money playing computer games.
D.People play games better after trying again and again.
Emma and Hannah are 13–year–old school girls from Minnesota,USA.They are good at making new thing s and both of them are also good at sales.They are selling charms(小装饰物) made out of bottle caps.
The girls came up with the idea last summer when they saw charms were popular with kids.
They talked with their parents about the idea.Since then they have sold enough charms to buy a bike for Hannah.
The girls collect bottle caps and then clean them.They find some interesting pictures on the Internet or on paper,and then glue them onto the inside of the caps.There are different kinds of pictures,“Peace signs are popular with girls,and single–letter charms are popular with boys whose names start with those letters,”Emma and Hannah said.
Now,charms can be found everywhere at Dakota Hills Middle School in Eagan.“Students put charms on purses,backpacks ,and their lunchboxes,”said Emma.Emma and Hannah also have a shop on the Internet.They hope they can sell their charms to more kids.They’re thinking about selling their charms at the Eagan Market Festival next summer.
Their business is not only for getting money.At their Valentine’s sale,20%of the income( 收入) went to charity.
小题1:What are Emma and Hannah?
A.They’re waiters.B.They’re sellers.
C.They’re students.D.They’re charm makers.
小题2:When did the girls begin to sell the charms?
A.About a year ago.B.About two months ago.
C.Nearly fifty days ago.D.Nearly five weeks ago.
小题3:Which of the following may NOT be on the charms?
小题4:What do Emma and Hannah hope to do now?
A.They hope to become rich people.      B.They hope to give money to charity.
C.They hope to sell more charms.        C.They hope to sell charms in every school.
小题5:Which of th following is TRUE?
A.The two girls love their parents and money.
B.Boys like charms with signs.
C.They won’t sell charms next smmer.
D.The charms are popular with students.

There are four parts in IELTS: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Listening is very important. Are you confident? Have you made good preparation? The book IELTS Listening is helpful for your preparation for IELTS.

Car and Driver is the world’s most popular automotive magazine. It provides information and entertainment for people who like cars. It offers the best vehicle tests in the business. The magazine also covers the latest developments in car technology.

Once you own the book, you will become a good speaker. Susan Weinschenk’s excellent ideas on how to make a perfect speech are very helpful to you. With the help of the book, you will be confident to know how to give your speech. Also, you will learn how to attract your audience during the speech.

The book offers healthy and delicious food. These dishes can all be completed in less than half an hour, and in many cases, in just a few minutes. Sisson and Meier show you how to delight your family or guests every time with quick, delicious meals using local materials, meats, healthy fats (yes, and real butter) and common herbs and spices.
小题1:Which of the following will help to improve your speech? 
A.IELTS Listening .B.Car and Driver.
C.Quick & Easy Meals.D.Designing Effective Speech Interfaces.
小题2: Who will probably be interested in Quick & Easy Meals?
A.Car fans.B.English speakers.
小题3:How many of the four short passages are introductions of magazines?
The good things about computer games
They’re fun!
They can improve hand-eye coordination. That means you can think and do things more quickly.
You feel good when you can move up levels and see how well you’re doing.
Most games make you think about what you’re going to do, and they can help you improve the ability (能力) of solving problems.
You can play games on the Internet with people from all over the world.
Anyone can play computer games, even if they aren’t very good at sports, have a disability, or find it hard to talk to others.
The bad things about computer games
Kids may start hitting others in their lives just as they do in games because they may think it’s OK to hit others, or to talk to people, including their parents and teachers, impolitely.
If kids play games for a long time, they may not go out and exercise. They may start eating snacks while they play games and they will become too fat. Doctors are worried about kids that play too many computer games.
Playing games is a big problem for some people. They will play or think about games when they have time. This means they may stop talking with others and become really boring people.
小题1:How many good things about computer games does the writer mention?
A.Three.B.Six.C.Seven. D.Nine.
小题2:What does the underlined word “coordination” mean in Chinese?
小题3:If you play computer games all the time, you may become a(n) ______ person.
A.healthy, impolite and boringB.healthy, polite and boring
C.unhealthy, polite and boringD.unhealthy, impolite and boring
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true according to this passage?
A.Most games are good for your ability of solving problems.
B.You can’t play games with strangers on the Internet.
C.Playing too many computer games may make you fat.
D.Playing games can also cause many problems.
小题5:The passage is mainly about       .
A.the two sides of computer games
B.how to improve your computer games skills
C.playing computer games with others
D.some interesting things about computer games

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