
Homework exams and most importantly, test scores--- the things you have to worry about seem endless. You are sure not alone. In China, many students are stressed out because of too much homework. But there might be good news for some of them.

On Oct 28th, the Education Department of Zhejiang Province polished a draft(提纲) on cutting students’ homework to ask about public opinions and it had became a hot topic. It gives primary school pupils the right to leave their homework unfinished after 9pm, and junior high school students after 10pm, with parents’ permission.

Children in Zhejiang will like the draft. However, it has mat strong objections(反对) from parents. Although parents don’t want their children under too much pressure with homework, many disagree to cut homework down.

There is a reason for the objections:gaokao, the “all-important” national entrance exam. If schools reduce homework, “the parents, who want their children to get higher scores, must provide them with more after-school trainings,” said a primary school teacher in Hangzhou.

The aim of this draft, an official in Zhejiang explained, is to help to treat students differently and make sure they get enough sleep.

Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at the National Institute of Education Sciences, also doubted if the guidelines would be carried on. “They are not suitable in the recent social environment.” He said to People’s Daily.

“Even if schools make changes, it is difficult to change the way that students study for scores.” He suggests that it would make better sense to make the system of college admission more flexible, and in many other countries, the performance of students is judged by professional institution rather than government.

1.What does underlined “many” in para.3 refer to?

A.Children who will welcome the move.

B.Parents who are against the move.

C.Teachers who don’t want their students to be under some stress.

D.The officials who are worried about the move.

2.What is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The draft is not welcomed by many parents in Zhejiang.

B.Maybe parents will send their children to more after-school training.

C.The aim of the draft is to make sure students can have enough time to exercise.

D.Students should be treated differently.

3.What does Chu Zhaohui mainly want to tell us?

A.Students will have more chance to take part in the activities they like because of the draft.

B.The system of college admission should be changed as the school has made changes.

C.Students should spend more time doing homework if we change the system of college admissions.

D.The performance of students should be judged by their school.

4.What is the best title of this passage?

A.Can students have the right to do whatever they like?

B.Can parents pay less attention to their kids?

C.Can schools have the chance to choose students?

D.Can students spend less time doing homework?


As a child, I truly feared the dark, I was also afraid of getting lost and not being liked by others. These fears were very real and caused me some _________ moments.

Sometimes the things in my room looked and sounded strange, which made me feel afraid. My mother always kept a small nightlight on for me ,so there was _________ total darkness inside. But a street light or passing car lights made clothes hanging over a chair become the shape _________ a wild animal. Out of the corner of my window, I saw the curtains seem to move although there was no __________.A tiny sound would seem a hundred times __________ than that in the daytime, My heart would beat fast. All I could do was to ________ still in bed so that the “enemy” would not discover me.

Another of my childhood fears was that I would get lost, especially on my way home from school. Every morning I ________ the school bus near my home. That was no problem. After school, all the buses were lined up along the street ,but I was afraid that I would get on the ___________one and be taken to some other strange places. On school trips to a park, I wouldn’t let the leaders out of my sight.

One of the processes of growing up is being able to overcome _________ fears. As we grow up, we’ll understand the things that scared us when we were children. And we can deal with our problems in our life _________we understand them. The more things we understand during our lifetime, the braver we will be.

1.A.happy B.dangerous C.relaxing D.uncomfortable

2.A.sometimes B.usually C.always D.never

3.A.of B.in C.for D.against

4.A.sunlight B.rain C.wind D.snow

5.A.lower B.louder C.heavier D.lighter

6.A.behave B.lay C.spread D.lie

7.A.got off B.got on C.got down D.got up

8.A.fast B.slow C.wrong D.direct

9.A.my B.his C.our D.their

10.A.though B.after C.until D.before


We live in a world full of different kinds of people.We want to get along well with others.We also want to be liked by others.The following ways will make others like you.

Do This and You'll Be Welcome Anywhere

Become really interested in other people.A show of interest must be true.It must bring good results to the person showing the interest,and to the person receiving the attention.It is a two?way street—both of you get an advantage.

A Simple Way to Make a Good First Impression(印象)

Smile as often as possible.Your smile is a sign of kindness.When someone feels stressed from his or her teachers or parents,your smile is like the sun breaking through the clouds;your smile can help him or her realize that there is still joy in the world.

If You Don't Do This,You Are Getting into Trouble

Remember a person's name.A person's name is the sweetest and the most important sound in any language.The name makes the person different from others;it makes him or her special among all the others.If you remember a person's name,the relationship between both of you will become much closer.

An Easy Way to Become a Good Talker

Listen to others carefully,first.Ask questions that other persons will like to answer.Encourage them to talk about themselves and their achievements.What you need to do is just to listen,because people are much more interested in themselves.


We live in a world filled with different kinds of people.Here are some ways to improve your 1. with others.Firstly,you will succeed in getting more attention when you show real interest in others.Secondly,2. shows your kindness.So try to smile as often as possible.3.,we should remember a person's name as early as possible because the name is a symbol of each person.Knowing a person's name can make both of you much 4..Finally,a good talker must be a careful 5. first.If you can encourage others to share their experiences with you,your conversation can go smoothly.Wherever you go,you will be welcome when you learn these useful skills.

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