
During my travels through the mountains of Greece I was only ever scared once, it was dusk and as I walked. I came across six large wolves that were feeding on the body of a dead animal. I had heard many stories about wolves as a child and it was this animal that I feared more than any other. The wolves before me were huge, at least 6 feet long and covered with thick grey fur.

As I went near, the wolves left the blood-covered snow that surrounded the body and started walking towards me, one after another. They stopped about 20 meters from me and stared. The lead wolf raised his head into the air and took in a deep breath, as if he was smelling me. The animals looked both beautiful and frightening, but I knew I couldn't show them my fear. As I drew nearer, the lead wolf raised his head once more but this time let out a long, loud cry. The awful cry rang out across the silent valley. I had never heard a more frightening sound. I was almost certain it was a sign to be death.

Every moment I expected to see the pack of wolves’ dash at me. I knew my only hope was to pretend I had no fear. I walked past the line of wolves, like a general moving among his soldiers. They cried out loud again. But when they saw that their cry did not cause me to change my direction or make me run they feared to come after me, so they let me pass and returned to the dead animal.

If I had turned back or tried to run away when they marched out to meet me, I am certain the whole pack would have attacked me in a moment. But my show of false courage intimidated them and kept them back.

1.Why didn't the wolves attack the man?

A.They were no longer hungry when they saw him.

B.The man was already known to the wolves.

C.They were too far away to catch the man.

D.The man showed no fear as he passed by.

2.The underlined word 'intimidated' means .

A.encouraged B.scared C.doubted D.hurt

3.What is the author's purpose in writing this story?

A.To show that mountains can be dangerous places.

B.To discuss the habits of mountain wolves.

C.To stress the need for courage when in danger.

D.To make people aware of the danger of wolves.

4.Which of these is right according to the passage?

A.The wolves were friendly to the writer.

B.The writer knew wolves were dangerous in childhood.

C.The lead wolf asked the other wolves to stand in line.

D.The writer wasn't afraid of the wolves at all.

5.The best title of the passage could be .

A.In Face of Fear B.My Trip to Greece

C.My Mountain Travels D.A Man without Fear


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