
In today’s fast paced,high stress world people are working longer hours than ever, and often exhaust themselves at day’s end in front of the television to relax enough to begin again in the morning. However, television watching, for most people, does not really lower stress. Studies show that TV viewing more than an hour or so actually creates stress and, especially in women, may lead to the blues. Most individuals are unaware that doing some exercise after work makes them more energetic since it increases energy levels.
Wise use of free time does not mean getting an advanced degree, although the mental encouragement gained through education is unbeatable in keeping your mind active. Learning new things nearly always adds a spark to your daily life, especially if it is a favorite topic, such as sport, fashion, or art. Also, look through your bookstore or library to find books on your interests. Try to replace a half hour TV watching with reading.X
It is reported that in the United States recently, many individuals have as few as two good friends. Long work hours and car commute  act to separate people from each other. This separation is deadly. Find ways to meet people at the end of the day and on weekends. Often this call be best done by combining activities, such as by joining a walking group to get both exercise and companionship. Taking a class will lift your spirits and allow you to meet others with similar interests. Hobbies are great for reducing stress and provide another opportunity for social interaction.
Using your free time to aid your health may include these elements and many more, such as going to concerts and spending time with family. Overall, the key is to spend less free time being passive. The best ways to use free time are to be mentally and physically active, spend some time outdoors, and interact with other people on a regular basis.
小题1:What can we learn from the passage?
A.Watching television may cause women to feel depressed.
B.Finding interests and hobbies in common means taking a class.
C.Going to concerts is the best way to make you mentally active.
D.Getting an advanced degree in education always lights up your life.
小题2:What does the underlined word “commute” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.The arrangement to work every day.
B.The journey to work every day.
C.The communication between people.
D.The separation between people.
小题3:Which would be the best title for the passage?
A.Live a Happy and Healthy Life.
B.Relax Yourself in Various Ways.
C.Spend Your Free Time Wisely.
D.Interact With Others Outdoors.


小题1:细节理解题。问题:通过短文我们能了解到什么?结合原文:Studies show that TV viewing more than an hour or so actually creates stress and, especially in women.句意:研究表明,看电视超过一个小时左右实际上造成了压力,尤其是女性。从中可知第一项符合。故选:A
小题2:细节理解题。问题:第三段划线词的意思?原句:Long work hours and car commute  act to separate people from each other.句意:工作时间长和汽车通勤行为使人们相互分开。从另一个角度说明人们在工作中时间长而变得脱离了人群。故选:B
I saw an accident on my way to the college three days ago.
I was waiting for the bus at the but stop. When the bus came, I got on the bus and sat on the window side. The bus started to move. After about five minutes, the bus stopped to wait for the signal(信号灯). I looked outside and saw an old man crossing the road. There were not many people on the road. A boy was riding a motorbike very fast form my side. It seemed that he did not see the signal. When the boy took notice of the old man, he tried to slow down his motorbike but there was no time. He collided with the old man very badly. The old man was thrown far away The boy also fell down. His head hit the road but it was saved because of his helmet(头盔). Both of them lay in the pool of blood. Many people gathered(聚集) around them and gave their ideas. I got afraid because I saw the whole accident. Then a woman stopped and called the ambulance( 救护车 ). It came quickly and rushed them to hospital.
The next day I read the newspaper. The old man died in the ambulance but the boy was saved in time. This was the most terrible accident I saw ever in my life.
小题1:Where did the writer see the accident?
A.In the college.B.On the way home.
C.At the bus stop.D.On the way to the college.
小题2:What was the old man doing when the accident happened?
A.He was crossing the road.
B.He was getting on the bus.
C.he was waiting for the signal.
D.He was talking with the writer.
小题3:What does the underlined word “collide” mean in Chinese?
小题4:What can we learn from the passage?
A.The bus stopped because it was broken.
B.The accident happened three days ago.
C.The writer helped them call the ambulance.
D.Both the old man and the boy died in the accident.
小题5:Which is the best title(标题)for the passage?
A.A Nice Woman
B.A Terrible Accident I saw
C.How to Help People
D.What to Do When You Meet an Accident
When you get up in the morning, do you find it hard to choose what clothes to wear? If so, you probably need help to make the bigger choices in your life, like what to do when you’re older. “Brave New Girls”, by American author Jean Gadeberg, will help you make such choices. It says you must be a brave new girl. A brave new girl is one who is confident, healthy and happy. A brave new girl can realize her dreams. To be brave, you need to make a decision for yourself. Other people may tell you what to do, but you should not listen to them. You must only do what you want. If you always wear clothes like your favourite TV star, you must stop doing so. Instead, become your own star and wear the clothes you want. You have to like your body, it says. If you don’t, you will not take good care of it and won’t stay healthy. The book also says that girls must start becoming more confident. If you are confident, you’ll succeed in life. A good way to become confident is to realize that you are as clever as boys. In fact you are. Just look at their grades! Only then can you realize your dreams and become who you want to be.
小题1:What quality should a brave new girl have?
A.ConfidentB.HealthyC.HappyD.A, B and C
小题2:“Brave New Girls” is a ______.
小题3:Suppose(假如) you are a brave new girl, which answer is wrong?
A.Make a decision for yourself
B.Wear clothes like your favourite TV star
C.Like your body
D.Realize that you are as clever as boys.
小题4:What’s the meaning of the word “grade” in this passage?
小题5:What’s the best title of the passage?
A.To be braveB.A good book
C.To be a brave new girlD.Realize dreams
John Smith was a good math student at a high school. He loved his computer. He came home early every day. Then he worked with it till midnight. But John was not a good English student, not good at all. He got an F in his English class. One day after school, John joined his computer to the computer in his high school office. The school office computer had the grades of all the students: the math grades, the science grades, the grades in arts and music, and grades in English. He found his English grade. An F! John changed his English grade from F to A. John’s parents looked at his report card. They were very happy. “An A in English!” said John’s Dad. “You are a very clever boy, John. ”
John is a hacker. Hackers know how to take information from other computers and put new information in. Using a modem, their computers are connected to other computers secretly. School headmasters and teachers are worried about hackers. So are the police, for some people even take money from bank computer account(帐户)and put it into their own ones. And they never have to leave home to do it! They are called hackers.
小题1:John changed his English grade with the computer in ______.
A.the classroomB.the school office
C.a bank near his houseD.his own house
小题2:When John’s parents saw the report, they were happy because ______.
A.John was good at math
B.John loved computers
C.John could join one computer to another
D.they thought John was not poor in English any longer.
小题3:Who are worried about hackers in the story?
A.John’s parents
B.School headmasters, teachers and the police.
C.The police.
D.School headmasters and teachers.
小题4:What should the hackers know well, do you think, after you read this story?
A.InformationB.Bank computer accounts
小题5:The last paragraph is about _______.
When you are feeling unhappy or forget how great you are,these are six ways to make you feel good about yourself.
1)Look in the mirror and say to yourself,“I am a special person and there's no one  in the world like me.I can do anything!” It may not sound so good,but it really works !
2)Do something nice for someone.Helping others always makes you feel good.
3)Smile! Be friendly to people you meet.Look for the good things in your friends and family.
4)Learn something new! Have you always wanted to decorate your own room or learn how to swim? Go for it! New challenges(挑战)are fun and give you a sense of accomplishment (成就感)when you have finished.
5)Read and start a diary.Turn off the TV and let your imagination(想象)fly! Write down your thoughts,dreams or anything you want! Writing always helps to express your feelings.
6)Stay with your family.We all need our family time.Talk with your Mum or Dad or maybe even your cousin.
小题1:You may see this passage in ____________.
A.a science bookB.a story bookC.a magazine D.school rules
小题2:According to the passage , new challenges ______when you finish them.
A.are funB.make you feel confident
C.are dreamsD.both A and B
小题3:Which of the following should you say “NO” to when you are unhappy?
A.You should always look for the good things of others.
B.Stay alone at home as much as possible.
C.Learn something new and go for it!
D.Keep a diary to express your feelings.
小题4:The best title(标题)for the passage is_______.
A.Do Your Best
B.Six Ways to Feel Good about Yourself
C.It's Never too Late to Learn
D.Always Smile to Your Life
A father was sitting at his desk and looking at his bills when his young son rushed in and said, “Dad, because today is your birthday and you’re 40 years old, I’m going to give you 40 kisses, one for each year!” When the boy started kissing, the father shouted, “Oh, Andrew, don’t do it now. I’m too busy!”
The boy soon became silent as tears fell down from his big blue eyes. Feeling sorry, the father said, “You can finish the kisses later .”
The boy said nothing but quietly walked away. That evening the father said, “Come and finish the kisses now, Andrew!” But the boy didn’t.
Unfortunately, a few days later, the boy had an accident and died. His sad father wrote,“If only I could tell him how sorry I am for my thoughtless words, and how much my heart is hurting.”
Love is a two-way street. We must warmly accept any loving act, or others will take it as a “No” and it may leave a scar(伤痕). If we don’t receive love, our life will lose its true meaning.
Any loving act must be warmly accepted, or it will be taken as rejection and can leave a scar. If we are too busy to give and receive love, we are too silly! Nothing is more important than accepting love from those who are and dear to us.
小题1:On his father’s birthday, the boy wanted to      .
A.help his father write the bills.
B.give kisses to his father.
C.buy a gift for his father.
D.talk with his father.
小题2:The boy felt      when his father refused him.
A.sad B.puzzledC.excitedD.happy
小题3:A few days later, the boy     .
A.went back to school.
B.was hurt in an accident
C.was killed in an accident
D.was angry with his father
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Andrew’s father was busy looking at his bills on his birthday.
B.Andrew was killed in an accident on his father’s birthday.
C.Andrew’s father asked him to give him the kisses later.
D.Andrew’s father felt sorry after the accident happened.
小题5:We can know from the passage that       .
A.love keeps one busy all the time.
B.love can make people happy and unhappy.
C.it is important to love people around us
D.we should learn to give and receive love
A jobless man wanted very much to be an “office boy” at Microsoft. The manager interviewed him and then watched him cleaning the floor as a test. “You have passed the test.” he said. “Give me your e-mail address and I'll send you the form(表格) to fill in and the date when you may start.” The man replied. “But I don't have a computer, neither an e-mail.” “I'm sorry,” said the manager. “If you don't have an e-mail, that means you are not living. And anyone who isn't living cannot have the job.”
The man left with no hope at all. He didn't know what to do with only $10 in his pocket. He thought and thought. Then he went to the supermarket and bought 10 kilos of tomatoes. He sold the tomatoes from door to door. In less than two hours, he had 20 dollars. He did this again and again for three times, and started to go early every day, and returned home late. At last, he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles(运货车队).Five years later, the man was one of the biggest food retailers (零售商) in the US.
One day, one of his friends asked him for his e-mail. He said, “I haven't got one.” His friend couldn't believe his ears. “Can you imagine what you could have been if you had an e-mail?”The man thought for a while and replied, “Yes, I'd be an office boy at Microsoft!”
小题1: What did the man do for the test?
A.He sent e-mails.B.He did the cleaning
C.He sold computers.D.He filled in forms.
小题2:The man didn't get the job because he        .
A.disliked such a jobB.didn't pass the test
C.didn't have an e-mailD.knew nothing about computers
小题3:The man        after he left Microsoft.
A.went home directlyB.asked for food from door to door
C.thought up an idea to make moneyD.bought a computer and got an e-mail
小题4:What does the story want to tell us?
A.Computers are very important in our daily life.
B.Everyone can make a lot of money with only $10.
C.The manager didn't like the man.
D.Nothing in the world is impossible if we work hard.

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