
Jessie felt her life so boring one summer day. She was tired of watching TV, she read all her books, and her friends were on vacation. She wanted something different to do. Suddenly, she saw the lawn mower(割草机)sitting in the yard.
“Mom," she shouted, ‘‘I think I will mow the lawn." Her mom ran into the yard and said,“Oh no, you don't. You're too young to mow the lawn."
“I'm fourteen years old and know how to do it," Jessie said. "Besides, it would help Dad out, and he won't have to worry about it over the weekend."
Mom thought for a while and then decided to let Jessie give it a try. After all, she was home and would keep an eye on her. Jessie already knew how to start the lawn mower from watching her dad. Jessie checked the gas(汽油)to make sure it was full, and put on her gardening gloves to protect her hands. Mom watched from the kitchen window. Jessie really does know how to mow the lawn. She was very careful around the flowers and trees. When she finished, she felt so good, but she was so hot. Mom brought her some ice tea and said, "You really did a great job. Dad will be very surprised."
Later that day, Dad came home and said to Jessie's mom, "You didn't have to mow the lawn. I was going to do it on Saturday. It looks great. Thanks."
"I didn't mow it. Jessie did."
"Wow, our little girl is growing up!" Dad told Jessie what a great job she had done.
"It was fun, and I will do it again next week," said Jessie.
The neighbor next door came by and asked Jessie if she wanted to mow his lawn and make some money. "Sure!" said Jessie. Jessie began mowing his lawn. Two other neighbors asked so, then another three. Jessie was now mowing lawns for them all and making some money. She was no longer bored! "I won't have time to spend my money," she laughed to herself.
【小题1】 In order to do something different, Jessie decide to _______.

A.read books B.travel
C.mow the lawn D.watch TV
【小题2】The phrase "keep an eye on" in the sentence。"After all, she was home and would keep an eye on her." means _______.
A.保护 B.注视 C.培养 D.瞄准
【小题3】Before Jessie mowed the lawn, she. _______.
A.read some instructions B.washed her hands
C.bought some gas D.put on her gloves
【小题4】The text mainly tells us that_______.
A.doing something helpful can make people happy
B.mowing the lawn is a good way to make money
C.neighbors should learn to help each other
D.children should help their parents at an early age


【小题2】细节理解题。问题:在这个句子中,短语"keep an eye on"的意思?联系原文:After all, she was home and would keep an eye on her.句意:毕竟,她在家,她用她的眼睛注视着。联系下文体现为注视之意。故选B
【小题3】细节理解题。问题:杰西在割草之前,她将要做什么?联系原文:Jessie checked the gas(汽油)to make sure it was full, and put on her gardening gloves to protect her hands. 句意:杰西检查了汽油确保它是満的,戴上了工作手套。明确选项是第四项。故选D


Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park is in the south of Scotland.
A collection of nearly 150 different animals from all over the world can be seen within the peaceful and natural setting. Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park is to provide a living shelter for small animals, to protect wildlife, to provide chances for the public to enjoy and learn about the area they live in. A main aim of the park is to protect endangered animals.
Facilities(设施) available to visitors mainly include restaurants, gift shops picnic areas, facilities for babies, facilities for disabled people free parking, etc.
There is a programme of improvement to condition for the animals, birds and visitors. Through the programme, the park plays an important part in the international effort to protect rare and endangered animals. Click here to see what improvement the park has to make.
As some of our animals are free in the park area, dogs and other pets are not allowed.
Open from 1st February to 30th October, 10:00 a.m to 6:00p.m.

£ 6.50
£ 4.50(4-15 years old)
£ 5.50
£ 20.00 (2 adults & 2 children)
By buying a ticket to visit the park, you can help us do so much more so HELP SUPPORT CONSERVATION!
You can help us continue our work by making a donation here >>> SUPPORT
Contact us:
E-mail: infor@gallowaywildlife.co.uk           Fax/Tel:01557 331645
【小题1】You can visit Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park ___________.
A.at 9:00a.m on 7th December
B.at 11:00a.m on 7th December
C.at 9:00a.m on 7th September
D.at 11:00a.m on 7th September
【小题2】How much should you at least pay if your family (five persons, including an elderly person, two adults and the ten-year-old twins) visit the park?
A.£24.50 B.£25.50 C.£26.50 D.£27.50
【小题3】Which is TRUE according to the passage?
A.There are endangered animals in the park.
B.There aren’t any picnic areas in the park.
C.You can’t take the babies to the park.
D.You can visit the park with your dogs.

One Friday Mrs. King asked her class to write a story after class. “Use your imagination!” she cried, “You can write your story about anything.” Kenny looked worried. “A story?” he thought, “What could I possible have to write about? I don’t know any stories.” The bell rang and all the kids went home.
The next day, Kenny sat at his desk at home, thinking and thinking. The warm sun was shining through the windows, making him drowsy. And soon he fell fast asleep. As he slept, Kenny began to dream about fantastic things.
First he dreamed that he was a world-famous doctor, saving whole cities and curing diseases. Then he dreamed that he was in a UFO. He was talking to strange but friendly space creatures. Then he dreamed that he had become as small as a mouse by a bad scientist. He had to find a way to stop the plot(阴谋)of the mad scientist!
Kenny dreamed wonderful and exciting things until his little brother woke him up. “What were you dreaming about?” he asked. Kenny told his brother the wonderful dreams. His brother enjoyed the stories. Suddenly, Kenny knew that he had his kinds of stories in his imagination.
【小题1】 What did the teacher ask the students to do as homework?

A.To act as a doctor B.To read some stories
C.To help family members D.To write a story
【小题2】How many dreams did Kenny have?
A.One B.Two
C.Three D.Four
【小题3】 What was Kenny in his first dream?
A.A great doctor B.A mad scientist
C.A visitor on a spaceship D.A good student
【小题4】The underlined word “drowsy” means_______.
A.unhappy B.sleepy
C.upset D.awake
【小题5】 The best title for this passage is _______.
A.A strange dream B.Mrs. King’s class
C.Writing a story with imagination D.An evil scientist

Do you ever find yourself getting really unhappy for almost no reason? Or suddenly feeling down without knowing why? Going from sadness to anger to joy in a matter of minutes can make many teens feel as though they're losing control. But why is the feeling so common among teens?
Maybe you're starting a new school and not able to see old friends as much. Getting good grades or wanting to be better in sports or other activities can be a concern (关注)for many teens. Being accepted by friends is important. Teens also may notice, for the first time, a sense of distance from parents and family. You may feel you want to be on your own and make your own decisions, but it can also seem a bit lonely at times.
Another important cause for mood swings is biology. When puberty begins, the body starts producing hormones(荷尔蒙). These hormones cause physical changes in the body. But in some people, they also seem to cause emotional(情绪的)changes.
Here are some things you can do that might make those bad moods a bit easier to deal with.
Recognize you're not alone. Although not every teen experiences mood changes to the same degree, they are common.
Talk to people you trust. Friends can help each other by realizing that they're not alone in their feelings. Talking to parents is important, too. Parents can share their own experiences dealing with bad moods. Teachers are often good resources and a doctor can help to answer questions about development.
Get enough sleep. Though it can be hard to find enough time, getting enough rest is very important. Being tired can lead to more sadness.
Create. Taking part in some kinds of activities, like building something out of wood, or starting an art or music piece. Writing can help you organize and express your thoughts and feelings. Get your thoughts on paper. Do the same thing with paint, music, or other art forms. Put your feelings into your artwork.
【小题1】When puberty begins, many teens feel__________.

【小题2】The underlined word “puberty” in the passage probably means “       
【小题3】 _______may not make some teens be in bad moods.
A.Study pressure
B.Getting good grades
C.The sense of distance from parents
D.Missing old friends
【小题4】It’s easier to deal with your mood changes by ___________.
①realizing they are common
②explaining your feelings to people you trust
③playing computer games
④being creative
⑤breaking school rules
⑥getting enough sleep
【小题5】The passage is mainly for ________.

If you had a chance to prepare dinner for your mother, would you choose to make it right now or some day in the future? Watch the video Paradise (天堂) Dinner by Liu Xiaoyu, a junior at[Hebei Institute of Communications, and you will find a right answer.
Recently the six-minute film Paradise Dinner won a great success on the Internet. It told the story of a son who made a big lunch for his mother, but he can only send the dinner to paradise, because his mother has been dead.
"If you do not show your filial piety to your mother right now, you might never have the opportunity in the future, because your mother is growing older and older day by day-this is the main theme of my film, " said the 21-year-old Liu.
Liu conceived(构想)  the story for Paradise Dinner over his 2010 summer vacation.
One day during that holiday,  Liu found his parents were not young any more.  " So I decided to write a story for Paradise Dinner to call for all people, especially young people, to show more filial piety to their parents," he said.
With the help of his teachers and his schoolmates, he found actors, Zhang who played the mother and Yuan Zhen who played the son. At last he finished the film.
Many Web users said they liked the film very much and most of them cried like Liu's parents when they watched it.
【小题1】 From the passage, we know Liu Xiaoyu _____.

A.made a big dinner for his mother
B.made a short video on the Intemet
C.has graduated from a university
D.sent a dinner to paradise himself
【小题2】What have you known about Liu Xiaoyu's mother?
A.She didn't know the film.
B.She didn't feel moved.
C.She couldn't help crying when she saw the film.
D.She acted the mother in the film.
【小题3】 The underlined words "filial piety" probably mean ___in Chinese.
【小题4】The fifth paragraph mainly tells us___.
A.when Liu Xiaoyu wrote the story
B.Liu Xiaoyu's parents were old
C.why Liu Xiaoyu wrote the story
D.why our parents should love their children
【小题5】 The writer wrote this article to___.
A.encourage p.eople to care more about their parents
B.introduce a short video
C.think highly of the talent of Liu Xiaoyu
D.show the kind heart of most people

It was a winter morning, just a couple of weeks before Christmas 2005. While most people were warming up their cars, Trevor, my husband, had to get up early to ride his bike four kilometers away from home to work. On arrival, he parked his bike outside the back door as he usually does. After putting in 10 hours of work, he returned to find his bike gone.
The bike, a black Kona 18 speed, was our only transport. Trevor used it to get to work, putting in 60-hour weeks to support his young family. And the bike was also used to get groceries(食品杂货),saving us from having to walk long distances from where we live.
I was so sad that someone would steal our bike that I wrote to the newspaper and told them our story. Shortly after that, several people in our city offered to help. One wonderful stranger even bought a bike, then called my husband to pick it up. Once again my husband had a way to get to and from his job. It really is an honor that a complete stranger(陌生人) would go out of their way for someone they have never met before.
People say that a smile can be passed from one person to another, but acts of kindness from strangers are even more so. This experience has had a spreading effect in our lives because it made our confidence in humanity(人性)stronger as a whole. And it has also influenced us to be more mindful(在意的) of ways we can share with others. No matter how big or how small, an act of kindness shows that someone cares. And the results can be continuing for ever.
【小题1】Why was the bike so important to the couple?

A.They used it for work and daily life.
B.It was borrowed from their friend.
C.It was a nice Kona18 speed.
D.The man's job was bike racing.
【小题2】We can learn from the text that ________.
A.the couple worked60 hours a week.B.people were busy before Christmas
C.the stranger brought only the bike.D.life was hard for the young family.
【小题3】How did people get to know the couple's problem?
A.From radio broadcasts. B.From a newspaper.
C.From TV news. D.From a stranger.
【小题4】What do the couple learn from their experience?
A.Strangers are usually of little help.
B.One should take care of their bike.
C.News reports make people famous.
D.An act of kindness can mean a lot.

Sometimes, even the best friends have fights. They disagree with each other and begin to argue. Sometimes, they even stop talking to each other for a long time.
What can we do for them? Find another good friend who knows both of them very well and ask him or her to do something for them. Here are some useful ways:
☆Tell your feelings clearly but don’t criticize(批评) either of them. Begin with “I feel…instead of” You always…
☆Ask questions to make sure that you understand them.
☆Repeat their ideas so that you can understand them.
☆Never put anyone down. Saying things like “You are stupid(愚蠢的).” may make communication difficult.
☆Try to find a good solution that makes the two friends happy. Never tell who is right and who is wrong. Instead. help them to find their own “win-win” solution. A “win—win” solution makes each of them to feel good. In this way, they will be good friends again.
【小题1】When two friends have problems, they may        .
A、have fights         
B、disagree with each other and argue
C、A and B
【小题2】Which of the following is the best words to say to the friends who had a fight?
A、I feel…            
B、You always…        
C、You are impolite.
【小题3】What should the person do while talking with the two friends?
A、Stop their sentences in time.
B、Repeat his/ her own ideas to make them understand.
C、Listen to them carefully and ask some questions.
【小题4】What does the underlined phrase “put anyone down” mean in Chinese?
【小题5】How do you understand a “win-win” solution?
A、It is a way that helps make new friends.
B、It is a way that makes both of them pleased.
C、It is a way that tells who is right and who is wrong.

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