

Rob Howes wanted to spend a day on the beach. He ____ his daughter Nicky and her two friends, Helen Slade and Karina Cooper. They all went to Ocean Beach in New Zealand, where Howes was a lifeguard.

The group swam and bodysurfed. Then they saw something____. Suddenly, “There are these fins,” said Howes.

The ____ saw seven dolphins moving towards them. The dolphins seemed worried. They ____the water with their tails. They kept moving in a circle around the swimmers. Then one large dolphin swam towards Howes and Helen. Next, it dived(潜水) down underwater. That’s when Howes saw something grey moving in the____.

A great white shark ____ underwater. It wasn’t far from the people. The shark headed straight towards Nicky and Karina. Now the shark was not slow. It moved ____! So the dolphins used their tails to swim even faster. Each one splashed its tail even more. Then Howes knew ____ the dolphins did so. The dolphins didn’t want to ____ him and the girls. These sea mammals(哺乳动物)wanted to keep them safe.

The dolphins stayed close to the group ____the shark left. When Howes and the kids were safe, the dolphins swam away.

“You want to say thank you and shake their flippers,” Howes said. This isn’t a fishy tale! These dolphins are heroes.

1A. brought B. missed C. returned D. searched

2A. broken B. common C. strange D. polluted

3A. trainers B. coaches C. fishermen D. swimmers

4A. held B. hit C. cleaned D. provided

5A. pool B. air C. island D. water

6A. waited B. washed C. grew D. served

7A. beautifully B. fast C. heavily D. away

8A. where B. what C. why D. whether

9A. play B. trust C. harm D. protect

10A. until B. because C. if D. since













这是一篇记叙文。作为救生员的Rob Howes有一天带着女儿和女儿的两个朋友去游泳和冲浪。突然七只海豚朝着他们游来,并把他们包围起来。它们是来伤害他们的吗?

1考查动词辨析。句意:他把他的女儿和女儿的两个朋友带到了他工作的海滩。A. brought 带来; B. missed 思念,错过; C. returned 返回; D. searched搜查;根据下一句They all went to Ocean Beach in New Zealand, where Howes was a lifeguard.可知,Howes是大洋海滩的救生员,他把他的女儿和女儿的两个朋友带到了他工作的海滩;故选A

2考查形容词辨析。句意:他们看见了奇怪的东西。A. broken 破的; B. common 普通的; C. strange 奇怪的; D. polluted污染的;根据There are these fins,” said Howes.对于在海滩游泳和冲浪的人来说,看到鱼鳍是奇怪的;故选C

3考查名词辨析。句意:游泳者看见了7个海豚朝他们过来。A. trainers 训练者; B. coaches 教练; C. fishermen 渔民; D. swimmers游泳者;根据上段The group swam and bodysurfed.可知游泳者,突然他们看到了海豚;故选D

4考查动词辨析。句意:这些海豚似乎很焦虑,用尾巴击打着水面。hold握住;hit击打;clean清洁,打扫;provide提供;根据with their tails.可知是用尾巴拍水;故选B

5考查名词辨析。句意:Howes发现水里有灰色的东西在动。A. pool 游泳池; B. air 天空; C. island 小岛; D. water水;根据it dived(潜水) down underwater.这时Howes才知道海豚潜下水的目的是让他明白有一条大鲨鱼在水下;故选D项。

6考查动词辨析。句意:水底下有一条大白鲨在等着袭击人。A. waited 等待; B. washed 洗; C. grew 种植; D. served端上;根据上文看见有一条大鲨鱼在水下,可知鲨鱼在等着;故选A

7考查副词辨析。句意:它移动的很快。A. beautifully 美丽地; B. fast 快地; C. heavily 重地; D. away离开;根据上句Now the shark was not slow.可知,鲨鱼游得非常快;故选B

8考查引导词。句意:Howes知道海豚为什么那么做了。A. where 哪里; B. what 什么; C. why为什么; D. whether是否;根据 Howes看到海豚用它们的尾巴更加快速地游泳并不断地甩尾巴,当他知道水下有鲨鱼后他明白了海豚为什么这样做;故选C

9考查动词辨析。句意:海豚这样做不是想伤害他们。A. play 玩; B. trust 相信; C. harm 伤害; D. protect保护;根据These sea mammals(哺乳动物)wanted to keep them safe.可知是不想伤害他们;故选C

10考查连词。句意:海豚一直待在离这群人很近的地方保护着他们,直到鲨鱼离开。A. until 直到; B. because 因为; C. if 如果; D. since 自从;根据The dolphins stayed close to the groupthe shark left.之间的关系,可知是直到,stay为延续性动词,until连用,表示一直待到……”,故选A


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