
【题目】Have you ever offered a helping hand to those who are in trouble?

One day, two____were walking along the road to school when they saw an old woman carrying a large basket of pears. They thought the woman looked very____They went up to her and said, “Are you going to town? If you are, we will help carry your basket.”

“Thank you,”____the woman. “You are very kind. You see I’m weak and ill.” Then she told them that she was now going to market to____the pears which grew on the only tree in her little garden.

“We are all going to the____,” said the boys. “Let us carry the basket.” And they took hold of it, one each side. They walked____with the heavy basket, but happily.

The other day, I saw a little girl stop and____a piece of banana peel (), which she threw into the dustbin (垃圾桶). “I wish_____would throw that on the sidewalk,” said she. “Someone may step on it and fall.”

Perhaps some may say that these are not____things. That is right. But such a little thing shows that you have a thoughtful mind and a kind heart. We must not wait for the____to do great things. We must begin with little things of love.

1】【1A. boys B. girls C. men D. women

2】【2A. bored B. tired C. pleased D. surprised

3】【3A. asked B. told C. replied D. spoke

4】【4A. bring B. buy C. take D. sell

5】【5A. town B. hotel C. garden D. school

6】【6A. weakly B. quickly C. slowly D. quietly

7】【7A. take out B. cut off C. put down D. pick up

8】【8A. nobody B. everybody C. somebody D. anybody

9】【9A. little B. good C. great D. bad

10】【10A. pay B. time C. advice D. love













1】【1A考查名词及语境的理解。句意:两个男孩正沿着路走向学校。A. boys男孩, B. girls女孩, C. men男人, D. women女人。根据“We are all going to the ___ ,” said the boys.可知故选A

2】【2B考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:他们想妇女看起来很累。A. bored乏味的,B. tired累的, C. pleased高兴的, D. surprised惊讶的。根据when they saw an old woman carrying a large basket of pears.和上下文可知故选B

3】【3C考查动词及语境的理解。句意:妇人回答道。A. asked问, B. told告诉, C. replied回答, D. spoke发言。根据“You are very kind. You see I’m weak and ill.”和上下文可知故选C.

4】【4D考查动词及语境的理解。句意:她要去集市卖梨。A. bring带来,B. buy买,C. take拿走, D. sell卖出。根据上下文和语境可知故选D.

5】【5A考查名词及语境的理解。句意:我们都要去镇上。A. town城镇, B. hotel旅馆, C. garden花园, D. school学校。据上下文和语境故选A

6】【6C考查副词及语境的理解。句意:扛着沉重的篮子他们走得慢,但开心。A. weakly虚弱地, B. quickly快地, C. slowly 慢地, D. quietly安静地。据with the heavy basket和语境故选C

7】【7D考查动词短语及语境的理解。句意:我看到一个小女孩停下来捡起一片香蕉皮。A. take out拿出,B. cut off 切掉, C. put down放下,D. pick up捡起。根据which she threw into the dustbin (垃圾桶).和上下文可知故选D.

8】【8A考查代词及语境的理解。句意:我希望没有人会扔那个在人行道上。A. nobody没有人,B. everybody每个人, C. somebody某个人, D. anybody任何人。根据上下文和语境故选A.

9】【9C考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:这些不是大事。A. little小的, B. good好的,C. great重大的, D. bad坏的。根据But such a little thing shows that you have a thoughtful mind and a kind heart.可知,故选C.

10】【10B考查名词及语境的理解。A. pay花费,B. time时间,C. advice 建议, D. love爱。根据上下文可知,该句句意:我们一定不要等着做大事的时间。故正确答案为B.


【题目】Many teenagers feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends.They believe that their families don’t know them as well as their friends do.In large families,it is quite often for brothers and sisters to fight each other and then they can only go to their friends for some ideas.It is very important for teenagers to have one good friend or a group of friends.

Even when they are not with their friends,they usually spend a lot of time talking with each other on the phone.This communication is very important in children’s growing up,because friends can discuss something.These things are difficult to say to their family members.However,parents often try to choose their children’s friends for them.Some parents may even stop their children from meeting their good friends.Have you ever thought of the following questions?

Who choose your friends?Do you choose your friends or your friends choose you?Have you got a good friend your parents don’t like?Your answers are welcome.

1Many teenagers think that their can understand them better.

A. sisters B. brothers C. friends D. parents

2 is very important to teenagers.

A. Making friends B. Meeting friends

C. Playing with friends D. Fighting with friends

3Teenagers usually like to

A. go to their brothers and sisters for help

B. communicate with their parents

C. make friends with their parents

D. discuss something with their friends

4The sentence“Your answers are welcome”means “ ”,

A. Your answers are right

B. You should give us all the right answers

C. We’d like to have your ideas about the questions

D. You are welcome to understand your friends

5Which of the following is the writer’s attitude(态度)?

A. Parents should choose friends for their children.

B. Parents should understand their children better.

C. Parents should welcome all their children’s friends.

D. Children should choose anything they like.

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