
【题目】 北宋科学家沈括在《梦溪笔谈》中记载:予奉使河北,遵太行而北,山崖之间,往往衔螺蚌壳及石子如鸟卵者,横亘石壁如带。此乃昔之海滨,今东距海已近千里。


1根据沈括的记载,以下说法正确的是( )

A. 古代的海螺是生活在陆地上的B. 太行山不久将从陆地变为海洋

C. 太行山曾发生过火山喷发活动D. 太行山是从古老海洋演变来的

2造成海陆变迁的主要原因是( )

A. 人类活动B. 火山爆发

C. 地壳的变动和海平面升降D. 地球的公转运动










【题目】第二节 根据短文内容回答问题。

Kevin loves to read mystery books. He likes to try to solve the mystery himself. He also likes solving problems. Kevin can usually solve any mystery or problem.

One day Kevin's mom was trying to find her glasses. Without her glasses, she could not drive. This was a problem because she was going to drive Kevin to his friend's house. It was also a mystery. Kevin really wanted to solve it.

"Where do you last remember seeing your glasses?" he asked his mom.

"I had them on while I was watching the news this morning," she said.

"Where were you watching the news?" asked Kevin.

His mom thought for a minute, and then she answered that she was in the living room.

She remembered sitting in her favorite chair and taking off her glasses when the news ended. She thought she put her glasses on the table, but they weren't there.

Kevin had his mom describe everything she remembered doing during the day. She mentioned watching the news, making breakfast, working in her home office and then gardening. It was after gardening that she started looking for her glasses.

After hearing about his mom's day, Kevin began to take action. He looked under her favorite chair, in the kitchen, in her office and around the garden. He didn't find her glasses.

Kevin doesn't give up easily, so he looked in each place again and he looked even harder. It was on his second go around of the kitchen that he opened the cabinets (储藏柜). He found his mom's glasses in the drawer (抽屉).

"Thank you, Kevin," said his mom. "I wouldn't be able to see anything without you."

1What was Kevin's mom trying to find?


2Where was Kevin's mom watching the news?


3What was the last thing Kevin's mom mentioned doing?


4Where did Kevin find the missing object, in the kitchen or in the garden?


5Did Kevin solve the mystery easily?


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