
【题目】The story is told about two old people named Davide and Rosy Jackson. Both of them had very bad memory. For example, Rosy would forget to cook dinner, or Davide would show up for work on Sunday, thinking it was Monday. One winter they were to take a long plane trip. When they arrived at the airport, there were ten minutes left. In that situation anyone would get onto the plane right away, But Mr and Mrs Jackson did not do so. They went to buy some flight insurance (保险)first. After they put a two-pound note into a machine, their insurance policy came out. “Who would get the money if the plane crashed (坠毁), I wonder? ” asked Rosy. “My mother,of course.” Her husband replied, “we’ll post the policy to her, now quickly, give me a stamp, will you?” he said. “The plane is going to take off in another minutes.” Davide put the stamp on the envelope, dropped it into the postbox, and suddenly let out a cry. What do you suppose happened to him? He had posted their plane tickets to his mother!


1Rosy was Davide’s sister.

2This passage tells us that Davide and Rosy were very forgetful.

3After dropping a two-pound note into a machine they got an envelope.

4Davide meant to post his mother the flight insurance.

5Mr. Jackson made a mistake because his memory was poor and he posted the tickets in a great hurry.








1根据短文中“Who would get the money if the plane crashed (坠毁), I wonder? ” asked Rosy. “My mother,of course.” Her husband replied可知,RosyDavide是夫妻。这句话说RosyDavide的姐妹是错误的。

2根据短文的开头The story is told about two old people named David and Rosy Jackson. Both of them had very bad memory可知,这篇短文讲述的是两个健忘的老人DavideRosy的故事,由此可知这句话是正确的。这句话中的forgetful跟原文had very bad memory是同义的。

3根据短文中After they put a two-pound note into a machine, their insurance policy came out.可知,当他们往机器里放了两英镑之后,他们的保险单就出来了,不是信封,故这句话是错误的。

4根据短文中“My mother, of course.” Her husband replied, “we’ll post the policy to her可知,Davide想把保险单邮寄给他的妈妈。由此可知这句话是正确的。

5根据短文中Davide put the stamp on the envelope, dropped it into the postbox, and suddenly let out a cry. What do you suppose happened to him? He had posted their plane tickets to his mother!可知,由于Davide记忆力不好,他把机票邮寄给了他的妈妈,由此可知这句话是对的。


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