
【题目】下列行为对空气质量没有影响的是(  )




1First of all, I am___________(happy) with its __________(battery). They last for one week at most. so I have to change them often.

2I regret _____________ (buy) a robot like this.

3I was so___________(forget) that I didn't lock the door last night.

4I was so weak that I couldn't even go up and down the____________ (stair).

5If you want to go out, my robot will help you find your coat you are always _________ (sure) where you could find your clothes.

6It seems that in general the robot _________ (satisfy) Mr Jiang's needs.

7My robot has already __________(stop) working __________(complete).

8Of course, you can have your money back if you would not accept our new _______ (produce).

9The robot _________ (catch) a virus and no longer worked _________ (proper).

10They will do whatever they _________ (ask) to.

11Two weeks ago, I bought a robot from your shop. However. I am not __(satisfy) with it at all.

12When Mr Jiang got up in the morning, breakfast was made. his business suit was_______ (smooth) ironed, and his lunch box was already __________ (prepare).

13When Mr Jiang got home, he would find his flat in a complete mess : food was laid on the bed: milk___ (store) in the rubbish bin- coins, bills and his private papers ________ (spread) all over the floor.

14Which do you like___________ (well). Western food or Chinese food?

15You can't _________ (possible) do the work all by yourself!

16Daniel____________ (spread) out his arms to welcome me.

17It's generous of you_______________ (share)your umbrella with me.

18The house belongs to Simon. but he ____________ (not live) here any more.

19You should think _________ (care) before you take action.

20You've never been to Beijing? I____________ (think) you had been there at least three times!


1"I'm late because there was too much traffic," she said, out of _________ (breathe).

2I want to be a ___________ (music) like Tan Dun when I grow up.

3Tan Dun is best__________ (know) for__________ (win) an Oscar for his music in the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

4As I took the brush away, I _________ (drop) some paint onto the paper. Looking at the mark, I decided ___________ (blow) it.

5Born in 1958 in _________ (centre) Hunan, China, Tan Dun grew up near the Liuyang River.

6Each time a medal __________ (present) to a __________ (win) at Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, the award music was played.

7Tan Dun has __________ (success) brought Chinese and Western music together.

8Tan Dun's___________ (music) talent was___________ (amaze).

9Instead, Tan makes over 50 sounds from water by _________(control) the speed of water flow.

10Jazz was first ___________ (create) by African ____________ (America).

11Mrs Smith encouraged me______(keep) ________(try) and make more wonderful pictures.

12The music for the Beijing Olympics uses ___________ (tradition) Chinese music and the sounds of an ancient Chinese bell. though it is in a _____________ (west) style.

13The music was written by Tan Dun. a world-famous __________ (compose).

14The opera was wonderful. It ___________ (last) for one and a half hours.

15They have a ___________ (last) value.

16They think I have a real gift for ___________ (paint).

17Why do people think __________ (high) of Tan's music?

18Hurry up! The concert ________________ (be) on for ten minutes.

19I don't want to go to the cinema because I _____________ (see) the film already.

20If it ___________ (not rain) tomorrow, we will have a day out.

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