

【1】We should help him to get out of the trouble. (改为否定句)

We should ______ help him to get out of the trouble.

2My sister should get a partt ime job. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________ your sister ________?

3You should eat something. (改为否定句)

You ________ eat ________.

4The doctor should take the girl's temperature at once. (改为一般疑问句)

________the doctor ________the girl's temperature at once?

5She learned English by herself. (改为复数句子)

________ learned English by __________.



【2】What should; do

【3】shouldn't; anything

【4】Should; take

【5】They; themselves



【2】划线部分为所做的事情,所以应该提问做什么,用what提问,故填What should; do






Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

This is an old English saying (谚语). It means that we should go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning. If we do, we shall be healthy. We shall also be rich and clever.

Is this true? Perhaps it is. The body must have enough sleep. Children of your age need ten hours’ sleep every night. If you go to bed late, you can’t have enough sleep. Then you can’t think carefully and your homework will be wrong. You will not be wise and you may not become wealthy!

Some people go to bed late at night and get up late in the morning. This is not good for them. We should sleep at night when it is dark. The dark helps us sleep well. When the daylight comes, we should get up. This is the time for exercise. If the body is not used, it will become weak. Exercise keeps it strong.

Exercise helps the blood (血液) to move around inside the body. Blood takes nutrition (营养) to all parts of our bodies. The brains (大脑) in our heads also need blood. We think with our brains. If we keep our bodies healthy, and take exercise, we can think better!

Our bodies also need air to breathe (呼吸). Without air we will die. Get up early in the morning and we can have plenty of clean, fresh air. That will keep us healthy and happy.


21.The old English saying tells us _______.

A.how to make more money

B.when we should get up

C.it is important to go to bed and get up early

D.to stay up late

22.A child needs at least _______ hours’ sleep every night.





23.If you want to make your body strong, you should _______.

A.exercise often

B.have enough sleep

C.go to bed early

D. get up early

24._______ provides nutrition for our brains.



C. Exercise

D. Sleep

25.Which of the following statements is Not true?

A.Enough sleep makes you think carefully.

B.The more sleep you have, the cleverer you are.

C.Dark is good for sleeping.

D.People will die without air.

【题目】When Mary was seven, her family moved to a new town. She usually went to school by bus, for it was not near her house.

One morning , their family clock stopped and when they got up, it was too late for Mary to catch the school bus. Her mother said she would drive Mary to school on her way to the office.

But how can you find the way, Mum ?” Mary asked . You have only been to my school once.

Yes, her mother answered . But you’ve been there by school bus seven times , you know the way. Oh, yes. said Mary.

They started out and Mary asked her mother to turn one way or another on their way to school, so she made her mother drive round most of the town before they got there. When they arrived , her mother found it was not really very far from their house.

Why did you make me go such a long way?” her mother asked her . Well, Mum.” answered Mary . I know only this way . The bus always goes like this, so the other children can take it to school.

1Mary usually went to school. __________________.

A.by can B.by bike

C.on foot D.by school bus.

2One morning Mary got up late because _____________.

A.her mother forgot to wake her up

B.the family clock stopped

C.She was not feeling well

D.She wanted to sleep more.

3Mary ___________to her school.

A.knew only one way

B.didn’t know the way

C.knew the shortest way

D.knew many ways

4Mary made her mother go a long way because ______________.

A.she wanted to stay with her mother longer

B.the school bus always went that way

C.she didn’t want to get to school to early

D.she want to take other children to school.

5From this story we know that __________.

A.Mary was a kind –hearted girl.

B.Mary’s mother had never been to the school.

C.the school wasn’t very far from Mary’s house

D.Mary enjoyed going to school in her mother’s car

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