


A. 由东向西

B. 由南向北

C. 由西向东

D. 由北向南

2属于词句描绘地景观的是( )

A. 曾囯藩故居

B. 毛泽东故居

C. 橘子洲

D. 岳阳楼










【题目】There once lived a rich businessman who had a lazy son. The businessman wanted his son to realize the value of labour.

One day, he told his son, "Today, I want you to earn something. If you fail, you won't have your meal tonight."

The boy didn't want to find a job, so he asked his mother for help. She gave him a gold coin. In the evening, when the father asked his son what he had earned, the son showed him the gold coin. The father then asked him to throw it into the well (水井). The son did as he was told.

The father guessed that the gold coin was from the boy's mother. The next day, he sent his wife to her parents' home and asked his son to earn something. Since no one helped him, the son had to go to the market to look for a job. A shopkeeper told him that he would pay him a coin if he carried heavy tools for him. The son accepted. As he returned home and gave the coin to his father, he was asked to throw it into the well. The boy cried, "Dad! My body is aching. I'm tired. How are you asking me to throw my hard-earned coin into a well?"

The businessman smiled. He told his son that one feels pain only when the fruits of labour are wasted. The son realized the value of hard work. He promised not to be lazy any more.

1Who helped the son when he was asked to earn something for the first time?

A. His father. B. His mother. C. His sister. D. The shopkeeper.

2Why did the father ask the boy to throw his coin into the well?

A. To fill the well.

B. To check if the coin is real.

C. To keep the coin for the boy.

D. To check if the boy had earned the coin by himself.

3How did the son feel when his father asked him to throw the coin into the well again?

A. Surprised. B. Sad. C. Excited. D. Relaxed.

4The story is mainly about

A. a wise mother B. a gold coin C. the fruits of labour D. a lazy boy

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