     John is a bookseller. He doesn't like paying for anything. One day he leaves a box of books on 
his foot. "Go to the doctor." says his wife. "No," he says, "I'll wait till the doctor comes into the shop 
next time. Then I'll ask him about my foot. If I go to see him, I'll have to pay for him."
     The next day the doctor comes into the shop and buys some books. When John is getting them 
ready, he tells the doctor about his foot. The doctor looks at it, "Yes," says the doctor, "You must
 put the foot in hot water every night." "Thank you," says the bookseller, "And now sir, here are your
 books." "How much?" says the doctor, "Two pounds," answers John. "Good," says the doctor, "I 
shall not have to pay you anything." "Why?" asks John in surprise, "I tell you about your foot. I want
 two pounds for that. Goodbye."
1. John is a       .      
A. worker    
B. doctor    
C. book maker    
D. bookseller
2. The bookseller's wife tells him to       .   
A. wait for the doctor coming
B. go to the doctor
C. be careful when he does things
D. ask the doctor to come
3. The doctor comes into the shop to       .         
A. buy some books
B. look at John's foot
C. pay John some money
D. look at medicine books
4. When does the bookseller tell the doctor about his foot?
A. When the doctor comes into the shop.
B. When he is getting the books ready.
C. After he hands the books to the doctor.
D. After the doctor has books in his hand.
     Mike's father is ill. His mother must look after him at home. So she says to her son, "Go to the
hospital, and ask a doctor to come here, Mike."
    "OK,"says the boy. "But where is the hospital?"
    "In the town." Answers his mother.
    Then Mike leaves (离开) his house. He gets to a fork. He doesn't know if he must turn to the left
or right. He stands there. Just then a farmer drives a car and come.
    "How far is the town from here?" asks Mike.
    "Not very far. It's only about ten minutes' walk." answers the farmer.
    "May I go with you?"
    "Thank you very much." Mike is happy and gets in the car.
    Several minutes later, the car doesn't get to the town. Mike asks again: "How far is it from here?"
    "Well, sorry young boy, the car is going in the opposite (相反的) direction (方向)."
A. 认真阅读,判断下列句子是否正确,用“T”和“F”表示:
(     )1. Mike's father is in the hospital.
(     )2. The hospital is in the town.
(     )3. The farmer drives Mike to the hospital.
(     )4. Mike's mother must look after his father at home.
(     )5. Mike stops at the fork.
B. 选择正确的答案:
6. Mike must ask a doctor to come because ____.
A. his father is busy
B. his mother must look after his father
C. he often goes there
7. ____, so he stops at the fork.
A. Mike wants to have a rest
B. Mike doesn't know how to get to the town
C. Mike wants to wait for a car
8. Mike is happy because ____.
A. the farmer takes him to the town
B. he can drive a car
C. his father feels better now
9. What's the meaning of"fork"in this passage?   
A. 叉子
B. 岔路口
C. 十字路口
10. Mike can't go to the town soon because ____.
A. the car is broken
B. the car goes very fast
C. the car is going in the opposite direction
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