【题目】你的好朋友要参加比赛,你会对他说:( )
A.Good luck to you!
B.You are the winner.
【题目】你的好朋友要出国了, 你该怎样为他送上你的祝福:( )
A.Best wishes to you!
B.Happy birthday!
C.Good luck!
【题目】如果你不同意别人的观点,你应该说:( )
A.I don’t think so.
B.I don’t say it.
C.I know.
【题目】你到商场里,售货员会对你说:( )
A.What do you want?
B.Can I help you?
C.How much is it?
【题目】当你有困难,想寻求帮助时,你应该说:( )
A.Can I help you?
B.Who can help me?
C.I can help you.
【题目】连词成句:role she model is a for me (. )
【题目】连词成句:long I to a Qingdao time flew ago (. )
【题目】连词成句:in spent two I the about hours supermarket (. )
【题目】连词成句:proud very mother my of me was (. )
【题目】连词成句:I to to go someday Beijing want (. )