【题目】got 5G you phone Have mobile a (?) (连词成句)
1. 科学 ______ (提示:ceneics)2. 博物馆 ______ (提示:meusmu)
1. I want to go there on Saturday.
2. He went to an insect museum last weekend.
【题目】Bill often ___________(go; goes) to Mulan Grassland (木兰草原). He likes ___________(rides; riding) a horse there.
【题目】_______ the door. ( )
A. Open B. Turn on C. sit on
【题目】老师上课时要讲解黑板上的题目,他(她)可以对同学们说:_______( )
A.Come in, please.B.Look at the blackboard, please.
C.Sit down, please.
居 包
笔顺规则:左上包围和右上包围的字先( )后( )。
① 内 ② 外
【题目】We went to the ____.( )
【题目】你在家时,不小心将花瓶打碎了,你可以对妈妈说:_______ ( )
A.Yes, Mum.B.OK, Mum.C.I’m sorry, Mum.
(_____) 1. A. museum B. head C. arm
(_____) 2. A. saw B. had C. visit