      Look! This is my room. There is a big bed in it. Under the bed there is a basketball. On the wall there is a
kite. This is my desk. There are many books on it. Near the desk, there is a closet. I put my beautiful clothes in
it. What's behind the door? Oh, it's Mimi, my naughty cat. I like it very much.
(     ) 1. There is a small bed in my room.
(     ) 2. Under the bed there is a cat.
(     ) 3. The closet is in front of the desk.
(     ) 4. I have a kite in my room.
(     ) 5. I like my cat.
      Hello, my name is Jenny. I'll show my village for you. I like my village. It is very beautiful. There are many
trees and flowers in my village. There is a mountain near my village. We usually play there. There are many
houses in my village. There is a river in my village. The water is clean. The sky is blue. The air is fresh. This is
my village. Do you like my village?
1. Are there any trees and flowers in her village?
2. Are there tall buildings in the village?
3. Is there a river in her village?
4. Is the air fresh?
5. Where do they play?
John: Look! This is my picture.
Mary: It's beautiful! Is it a nature park?
John: Yes, it is. There is lake in the park. There are many rivers and bridges.
Mary: Is there a forest in the park?
John: No, there isn't.
Mary: Are there any flowers?
John: Yes, there are. You can see many flowers on the grass.
Mary: Oh, yes. Then we can't run on the grass.
      It's a nature 1____________. There is a 2____________ in it. There are many 3____________ and
4____________. But there isn't a 5____________. You can see many flower 6____________ 7____________
8____________. So we can't run 9____________ 10____________ grass.
      On Sunday morning, Danny wants to play with Li Ming and Jenny. They want to go to a park. They play 
basketball. In the afternoon, Jenny likes to play with her doll. Li Ming likes to read a book. What does Danny 
want to do? In the evening, Danny likes to play on the computer.
1. They want to go to ___________.
[     ]
A. school          
B. a park          
C. a gym 
2. Li Ming likes to ____________.        
[     ]
A. fly kites         
B. read a book     
C. play on the computer
3. Today is ___________.
[     ]
A. Sunday          
B. Monday         
C. Friday
4. In the __________, Jenny likes to play with her doll.
[     ]
A. morning        
B. afteroon         
C. evening
Read and answer. 读短文,回答问题。
        Long long ago, a dog, a monkey and a cat lived in the forest. One day, the dog asked the cat, " Do you 
think I'm stronger than you? " The cat answered, " No, I'm much stronger than you." So they asked the monkey
to judge it. The monkey said, "Do you see the pear tree over there on the other side of the river? Now get me 
those pears, or I can't tell you who is stronger." The dog swam across the river in a hurry. He got to the tree but
failed to climb it. The cat laughed at the dog by the river side.  But he couldn't swim. So the dog let the cat sit on
his  back and they both went across. The cat climbed to the top of the pear tree and they came back with the 
pears. The monkey said, "Do you see now? Neither of you would be truly stronger without the other's help! "
1. Who is the judge in this passage?                                                        
2. Can the cat swim?                                          
3. How did the dog go across the river?                                                       
4. Who picked the pears of the tree?                                                 
5. Did the dog win?                                                   
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